

Mario Montagud (@mario_montagud) received his BsC, MsC and PhD (Cum Laude, Extraordinary Award) degrees in Telecommunication from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). During his PhD degree and after completing it, he did 3 research stays (accumulating 18 months) at CWI (The National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in the Netherlands). He also has experience as a postdoc researcher at UPV. In 2018, Mario became Part-Time Professor (Prof. Asociado) at the University of Valencia (UV, Computer Science Dpt.) and also joined i2CAT Foundation (Barcelona), becoming the Research Leader of its Media & Internet Area. In that year, Mario was granted with a Juan de la Cierva – Incorp. fellowship at UV. During 2019-2021, Mario has been the PI of a collaboration agreement (transfer contract) between i2CAT and UV. In September 2019, Mario was granted a “Beca Leonardo - Investigadores y Creadores Culturales”, by the Fundación BBVA (<5% success rate). In 2020, he was granted a regional research project for emerging groups, as PI. In September 2021, Mario comes back to i2CAT, becoming the Research Director of its Media & Internet Area. In November 2021, he is granted with a Ramón y Cajal fellowship at UV, to start in Q3 2022, and with a national project in the UNICO-5G I+D (RD 1040/2021) call (budget 1.15million €), as PI.

He is (co-)author of over 100 scientific publications, many of them in high-impact journals and conferences, including a research book, being the main author of many of them. He is also co-author of 2 teaching books, and of 8 articles about teaching innovation. He has contributed to standardization within different organizations (IETF, ETSI, W3C, ITU and ISO). He has participated in many research projects at the local, regional, national, and international levels, with leadership roles in many of them (PI of 5 projects, Work Package leader of 2 H2020 projects, PI of participating entity of 1 H2020 project, Task Leader of 2 H2020 projects). Currently, he is involved in 2 EU H2020 projects, 1 EU ENI CBC project, 1 COST ACTION (being Management Committee Member), 1 regional project (being tech coordinator), 3 national Excellence Networks and 1 national project (as PI). In all cited international activities, he has collaborated / interacted with many relevant scientific, academic and industrial entities and experts. Indeed, he has published articles with co-authors from 20 entities, including 13 non-Spanish ones. His topics of interest initially included Computer Networks, Synchronization and Quality of Service (QoS). After his PhD, they were expanded to Interactive and Immersive Media (e.g., Virtual Reality), Accessibility, Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Quality of Experience (QoE), with a particular focus on how next-generation media technologies can improve our society. Many of the contributions from his research activities have been adopted by other research groups, and even companies (e.g., Anglatècnic, TV3, Mediapro/Visyon…).

He has co-supervised 12 BsC and 4 MsC theses, getting many of them the highest mark and awards and led to PhD grants. He is currently co-supervising 5 PhD theses, 4 of them funded by competitive programs. He serves as the Research Director of the Media Dpt. at I2CAT, co-supervising students at the different levels and researchers in both entities. He has served as Evaluation Committee member of 9 PhD theses defenses, has given 2 seminars at PhD Programs and many science dissemination talks. He has served with international leadership and representative roles in science dissemination for two interest groups of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), and served as co-organizing committee of the 3 most relevant conferences in his areas of interest (ACM IMX, MMSys, Multimedia), receiving ACM recognition awards for his services in 2021. He serves as project evaluator for AENOR. He holds the accreditation to Prof. Contratado Doctor, accumulates nearly 500h of teaching, and has applied for the I3 accreditation.

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