
Life course and inequalities papers:

Mikucka, M., Arránz Becker, O., & Wolf, C. (2021). Revisiting marital health protection: Intraindividual health dynamics around transition to legal marriage. Journal of Marriage and Family, 83(5), 1439-1459.

Mikucka, M. (2020). Old-Age trajectories of life satisfaction: do singlehood and childlessness hurt more when people get older?. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie - Revue Suisse de Sociologie - Swiss Journal of Sociology, 46(3), 397-424.

Mikucka, M., & Rizzi, E. (2020). The parenthood and happiness link: testing predictions from five theories. European Journal of Population, 36(2), 337-361.

Loter, K., Arránz Becker, O., Mikucka, M., & Wolf, C. (2019). Mental health dynamics around marital dissolution: moderating effects of parenthood and children's age. Zeitschrift für Familienforschung, 31(2), 155-179.

Becker, O. A., Mikucka, M., & Wolf, C. (2019). Introduction to the Special Issue “Families, health, and well-being”. Journal of Family Research, 31(2), 131-137.

Mikucka, M. (2016). How to Measure Employment Status and Occupation in Analyses of Survey Data?. Problemy Zarządzania, 14(2 (60)), 40-60.

Mikucka, M. (2016). How does parenthood affect life satisfaction in Russia?. Advances in Life Course Research, 30, 16-29.

Mikucka, M., & Rizzi, E. (2016). Does it take a village to raise a child? The buffering effect of relationships with relatives for parental life satisfaction. Demographic Research, 34, 943-994.

Mikucka M. (2016). The transition to insecurity. Employment dynamics and its sociodemographic differentiation. in: Kazimierz M. Slomczynski & Irina Tomescu-Dubrow (eds.) Dynamics of Social Structure: Poland’s Transformative Years, 1988-2013. IFiS Publishers, Polish Academy of Sciences.

Mikucka M. (2016). How do we age? The health of elderly men and women. in: Kazimierz M. Slomczynski & Ilona Wysmulek (eds.) Social Inequality and Life Course: Poland’s Transformative Years, 1988-2013. IFiS Publishers, Polish Academy of Sciences.

Mikucka M. (2016). Overweight and obesity across the social structure. in: Kazimierz M. Slomczynski & Ilona Wysmulek (eds.) Social Inequality and Life Course: Poland’s Transformative Years, 1988-2013. IFiS Publishers, Polish Academy of Sciences.

Mikucka, M. (2016). The life satisfaction advantage of being married and gender specialization. Journal of Marriage and Family, 78(3), 759-779.

Mikucka, M. (2014). Does individualistic culture lower the well-being of the unemployed? Evidence from Europe. Journal of Happiness Studies, 15(3), 673-691.

Mikucka M. (2013). Well-being lessons on employment. in: Francesco Sarracino (ed.) The Happiness Compass: theories, actions and perspectives for well-being. Nova Publishing.

Mikucka, M. (2013). Przykład statystycznej analizy danych zastanych. Szcze¸scie gospodyn domowych, kobiet bezrobotnych i emerytek w Europie. [An example of statistical analysis of secondary data. The happiness of homemakers, unemployed and retired women in Europe.] in: Marta Makowska (ed.) Analiza Danych Zastanych. Przewodnik dla studentów. [Analysis of Secondary Data. Guidebook for Students.] Warsaw: Scholar.

Mikucka, M. (2012). The transition to insecurity: Employment dynamics and its sociodemographic differentiation. International journal of sociology, 42(4), 71-99.

Mikucka, M. (2009). Division of household labor between spouses: how do central and Eastern Europe differ from the west?. International Journal of Sociology, 39(1), 76-94.

Mikucka, M. (2008). Variation in women's employment across European countries: The impact of child care policy solutions. International Journal of Sociology, 38(1), 12-37.

Social relationships papers:

Mikucka M., Schnor C., Reese A. (2022). Personal Distance Norms and the Mental Burden of Covid-19 Pandemic among Older Adults in 14 European Countries Document de Travail 30. Center for Demographic Research, Louvain-la-Neuve.

Social capital papers:

Mikucka, M., Sarracino, F., & Dubrow, J. K. (2017). When does economic growth improve life satisfaction? Multilevel analysis of the roles of social trust and income inequality in 46 countries, 1981–2012. World Development, 93, 447-459. (Video abstract)

Sarracino, F., & Mikucka, M. (2017). Social capital in Europe from 1990 to 2012: Trends and convergence. Social Indicators Research, 131(1), 407-432.

Bartolini, S., Mikucka, M., & Sarracino, F. (2017). Money, trust and happiness in transition countries: evidence from time series. Social indicators research, 130(1), 87-106.

Sarracino, F. , & Mikucka, M. (eds). (2014). Beyond Money. Social roots of health and wellbeing. Nova Publishing

Mikucka, M., & Sarracino F. (2014). Trends of social capital in 30 European countries, 1990-2008. in: Francesco Sarracino, Małgorzata Mikucka (eds.) Beyond Money. Social roots of health and well-being. Nova Publishing.

Methodological papers:

Sarracino, F., Riillo, C. A., & Mikucka, M. (2017). Comparability of web and telephone survey modes for the measurement of subjective well-being. Survey Research Methods 11(2), 141-169.

Sarracino, F., & Mikucka, M. (2017). Bias and efficiency loss in regression estimates due to duplicated observations: a Monte Carlo simulation. Survey Research Methods 11(1), 17-44.

Mikucka, M., & Valentova, M. (2013). Employed or inactive? Cross-national differences in coding parental leave beneficiaries in European Labour Force Survey data. Survey Research Methods 7 (3), 169-179.

Valentova, M., & Mikucka, M. (2012). The ILO concept measuring parental leave across countries. in: Jürgen H.P. Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik and Uwe Warner (eds.) Demographic Standards for Surveys and Polls in Germany and Poland – National and European Dimension. GESIS Series Volume 10. Köln: GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences.