Reading List on Large Language Models (LLM) and Generative AI

Masoud Makrehchi

In the previous post, I discussed my perspective on staying relevant in the era of Language Models (LLMs). Now, I’d like to share my reading list on LLMs. Please note that I haven’t read all of these papers yet, and the grouping may be inaccurate, with some overlap between groups. Nevertheless, I plan to gradually post my summaries on Medium. If you have read any of the following papers and have already summarized them, I would greatly appreciate it if you could send me the links to add to this list. Please be aware that the papers are not ordered based on any specific criterion.

How to read and review papers (Especially in AI, ML and NLP domains)

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Embedding and Language Modeling

Attention Mechanism and Transformers

Generative AI and Language Models

Introduction to LLMs

Fundamentals of LLMs and Foundation Models

What are LLMs?

In-context learning

Pre-Training, Fine-Tuning and Instruction-Tuning

Prompt Engineering

Evaluating LLMs

Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback

Limitations and Risks of LLMs and the Mitigation Strategies


Red-Teaming LLM and Adversarial Attacks

Reasoning with LLMs

Data Generation using LLMs and LLM-Crowd-Sourcing

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

Applications of LLMs

Shortcut learning in LLMs

LLM and Toxicity

Applications in Legal Domain

Applications in Software Engineering and Coding



LLM applications in biomedical, healthcare and pharma

Graphs + LLMs

Knowledge Graphs + LLMs

Intent Classification

Scaling LLMs, Compute Cost and SLMs

Generative AI: Plagiarism and Education

LLM (Machine) Unlearning

Responsible AI, LLM ethics and AI regulation

LLM Agents


LMM: Large Multimodal Models

What is next?


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