Curriculum Vitae

Makoto Naruse (Ph. D)

成瀬 誠、博士(工学)


1990–1994: The University of Tokyo

- College of Arts and Sciences (Science-I) (1990-1992).

- Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics, School of Engineering (1992-1994). Bachelor-Engineering. 


1994–1996: The University of Tokyo

- Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics, Graduate School of Engineering. Investigator: M. Ishikawa.

- Master-Engineering (1996).

1996–1999: The University of Tokyo

- Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics, Graduate School of Engineering. Investigator: M. Ishikawa.

- Ph.D degree (Engineering) (1999).

1990–1994: 東京大学


1994–1996: 東京大学大学院

工学系研究科・計数工学専攻 修士課程

指導教官:石川正俊 助教授 

1994–1996: 東京大学大学院

工学系研究科・計数工学専攻 博士課程

指導教官:石川正俊 助教授

 Work Experience


FY2020-FY2021: 情報理工学系研究科 システム情報学専攻・専攻長

FY2019-FY2020: 工学部計数工学科 システム情報工学コース・コース幹事

FY2021: 工学部計数工学科 ・学科長

FY2022: 情報理工学系研究科・副研究科長


See publications page.

Prizes & Honors

Prizes of Co-authored papers

Prizes for Co-projects

Academic communities contribution

Funded project (competitive research funding)

Funded project (competitive research funding in his affiliation)

