My primary research interest concern the utilization and viewing the big picture of organization decision-making process when implementing organizational strategic performance management.

Specifically, I pursue to develop organizational performance diagnostics framework to detect, track and predict changes, by Data Analytics (DA) process as descriptive: alerts for past scenarios that occur at failure, predictive: alerts for present that occur before failure and prescriptive: alerts for future that trend on a possible failure towards achieving their targeting goals.

The impact of digital innovations, Knowledge Management (KM), virtual analytics and Big Data Analytics (BDA) are areas of my research. My research projects include exploring the contradictory pressures and features of holistic view in an organization that creates data value.

With expertise in the areas of decision making process and technology management, that brings the perspective of strategic change to the challenges of adopting and using new technology and business processes. My research agenda has been guided by the following research ideas:

  • Big Data Analytics (BDA)-enabled business transformation

  • Knowledge Management (KM) and knowledge sharing

  • Digital Data Analytics and Dash-boarding

  • Supply Chain Management