Trechinae reprints

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Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae documents: LEFHE laboratory controlled.

Others documents: W.A.S. controled.

Yunotrechus diannanensis n. gen., n. sp., the first troglobitic trechine (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from a tropical area of China, M. Tian and S. Huang 2014 - Yunotrechus diannanensis n. gen., n. sp., the first troglobitic trechine (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from a tropical area of China, M. Tian and S. Huang 2014

Xuedytes bellus Tian and Huang 2017 - Xuedytes bellus Tian & Huang, gen. et sp. n. is described from a limestone cave in Du’an Karst of Guangxi, a kingdom of cavernicolous trechine beetles in southern China. From a morphological point of view, Xuedytes Tian & Huang, gen. n. seems to be the most extremely cave-adapted trechines in the world. Superficially, it looks much like Giraffaphaenops Deuve, 2002 in general body shape, in particular the structure of the prothorax, but simultaneously it is similar to Dongodytes (s. str.) Deuve, 1993, based on elytral characters, including chaetotaxy. Hence the new genus seems to represent a lineage intermediate between Giraffaphaenops and Dongodytes (s. str.).

Un nuovo Trechisibus della Bolivia (Coleoptera, Carabidae), Trezzi 2005 - Un nuovo Trechisibus della Bolivia (Coleoptera, Carabidae), Trezzi 2005

Un nuovo Duvalius ipogeo della Sicilia nord-orientale (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae) - Duvalius patronitii, Magrini et al. 2019 - Un nuovo Duvalius ipogeo della Sicilia nord-orientale (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae) - Duvalius patronitii, Magrini et al. 2019

Un nuovo Duvalius endogeo della Sicilia del 'gruppo siculus' Duvalius ioannis, Magrini and Al 2016 - Un nuovo Duvalius endogeo della Sicilia del 'gruppo siculus' Duvalius ioannis, Magrini and Al 2016

Un nuovo Cnides Motschulsky, 1862 della Bolivia (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Trezzi & Guzzetti 2017 - Un nuovo Cnides Motschulsky, 1862 della Bolivia (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Trezzi & Guzzetti 2017

Un nuova Duvalius della Sicilla (Coleoptera, Carabidae), P. Magrini and Al. 2007 - Un nuova Duvalius della Sicilla (Coleoptera, Carabidae), P. Magrini and Al. 2007

Un nuevo Trechus hipogeo de la Sierra de Parapanda, Ortuno and Barranco 2015 - Un nuevo Trechus hipogeo de la Sierra de Parapanda, Ortuno and Barranco 2015.

Un nuevo Trechus Clairville, 1806, hipogeo troglobiomorfo de Asturias, España (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), J. Fresneda and Al. 2015 - Un nuevo Trechus Clairville, 1806, hipogeo troglobiomorfo de Asturias, España (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), J. Fresneda and Al. 2015

Un nouveau Trechini aphénopsien dans l’ouest du Guizhou (Coleoptera, Caraboidea), T. Deuve and M.Y. Tian 2014 - Un nouveau Trechini aphénopsien dans l’ouest du Guizhou (Coleoptera, Caraboidea), T. Deuve and M.Y. Tian 2014

Une nouvelle espèce de Trechinae endogé des Pyrénées occidentales (Coleoptera, Carabidae), Faille and Bourdeau 2008 - Une nouvelle espèce de Trechinae endogé des Pyrénées occidentales (Coleoptera, Carabidae), Faille and Bourdeau 2008

Une nouvelle espèce de Neotrechus J. Müller de Biokovo planina et de nouvelles données du genre de Croatie, Janak 2013 - Une nouvelle espèce de Neotrechus J. Müller de Biokovo planina et de nouvelles données du genre de Croatie, Janak 2013.

Una nuova specie di Trechus delle Prealpi Bergamasche (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Monguzzi 2015 - Una nuova specie di Trechus delle Prealpi Bergamasche (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Monguzzi 2015

Una nueva especie troglobiomorfa de Trechus,  Montes Cantabricos, Fresneda et Al 2015 - Una nueva especie troglobiomorfa de Trechus,  Montes Cantabricos, Fresneda et Al 2015. Trechus valenzuelai.

Una nueva especie hipogea del género Trechus del Macizo del Sueve, Asturias, norte de Espana (Carabidae, Trechinae, Trechini), M. Toribio 2014 - Una nueva especie hipogea del género Trechus del Macizo del Sueve, Asturias, norte de Espana (Carabidae, Trechinae, Trechini), M. Toribio 2014

Una nueva especie de Trechus Clairville, 1806, del Gran Atlas marroqui (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), M. TORIBIO 2012 - Una nueva especie de Trechus Clairville, 1806, del Gran Atlas marroqui (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), M. TORIBIO 2012

Two new species of the genus Uenoites Belousov et Kabak, 2016 from mountains of Myanmar (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechini), Belousov, Kabak & Schmidt 2019. - Belousov, Kabak & Schmidt 2019. Two new species of the genus Uenoites Belousov et Kabak, 2016 from mountains of Myanmar (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechini). Zootaxa, 4544(1): 103-112. DOI:

Two new species of Oxytrechus Jeannel, 1927 from Ecuador, Giachino et Al 2014 - Two new species of Oxytrechus Jeannel, 1927 from Ecuador, Giachino et Al 2014.

Two new species of cavernicolous Trechines from southern China karst, Tian and Huang 2015 - Two new species of cavernicolous Trechines from southern China karst, Tian and Huang 2015

Two new cavernicolous genera and species of Trechinae from Hunan Province, Tian and Yin, 2013 - Two new cavernicolous genera and species of Trechinae from Hunan Province, Tian and Yin, 2013

Trois Trechini nouveaux du Mont Laojun Queinnectrechus - Trois Trechini nouveaux du Mont Laojun Queinnectrechus...

Troglofauna in the vadose zone, Halse and Pearson, 2014. - Troglofauna in the vadose zone, Halse and Pearson, 2014.

Tre nuove specie di Coleotteri sotterranei di Grecia (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Cholevidae), A. CASALE, P. M. GIACHINO and D. VAILATI, 2013 - Tre nuove specie di Coleotteri sotterranei di Grecia (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Cholevidae), A. CASALE, P. M. GIACHINO and D. VAILATI, 2013

Trechus valenzuelai - Trechus valenzuelai

Trechus teverganus - Trechus teverganus from Spain

Trechus escalerae - Trechus escalerae

Trechus comasi, Hernando, 2001 - Trechus comasi, Hernando, 2001

Trechus (Photos) - Trechus (Photos) Real Time Updated

Trechisibus tunarii, nuova specie di trechino della Cordigliera Orientale boliviana (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Trezzi 2015 - Trechisibus tunarii, nuova specie di trechino della Cordigliera Orientale boliviana (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Trezzi 2015

Trechisibus apukhapiensis sp. n. (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae) from southeastern Andean mountains of Peru, I. Ruiz-Tapiador, P. Delgado 2016 - Trechisibus apukhapiensis sp. n. (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae) from southeastern Andean mountains of Peru, I. Ruiz-Tapiador, P. Delgado 2016

Trechisibus (s. str.) delestali, A new species of Trechisibus from Peruvian Andes, Delgado and Ruiz-Tapiador 2016 - Trechisibus (s. str.) delestali, A new species of Trechisibus from Peruvian Andes, Delgado and Ruiz-Tapiador 2016

Trechinae (Photos) - Trechinae (Photos) Real Time Updated

Trechinae, Homaloderini Gmap (Real Time), Christophe Avon 2016. - WAS Biodiversity: Endogeous and Hypogeous Dwelling Beetles Studies, New Trechinae Monograph: Homaloderini (Real Time), By Christophe Avon, 2006-2016.

Trechinae, Aepini and Perileptini Gmap (Real Time), Christophe Avon, 2016. - WAS Biodiversity: Endogeous and Hypogeous Dwelling Beetles Studies, New Trechinae Monograph: Aepini and Perileptini (Real Time), By Christophe Avon, 2006-2016.

To the knowledge of the aphenopsoid Trechine beetles of the Caucasus, Belousov and Koval 2009 - To the knowledge of the aphenopsoid Trechine beetles of the Caucasus, Belousov and Koval 2009.

Tianzhuaphaenops jinshanensis Zhao et Tian, 2016 - A new genus and species (Tianzhuaphaenops jinshanensis) of troglobitic ground beetle from eastern Guizhou, Southwest China, Zhao et Tian 2016

Three new species of the aphaenopsian trechine genus Pilosaphaenops Deuve & Tian, 2008 from South China Karst (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae). Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.), 2020. - Huang, Tian & Faille, 2020. Three new species of the aphaenopsian trechine genus Pilosaphaenops Deuve & Tian, 2008 from South China Karst (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae). Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.), 2020.

Three new cave dwelling trechine ground beetles form eastern and southeastern Serbia, Curcic and Al 2014 - Three new cave dwelling trechine ground beetles form eastern and southeastern Serbia, Curcic and Al 2014.

The thoracic morphology of cave-dwelling and free-living ground beetles from China (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae). Arthropod Struct. Dev., Sept 14, 2018. - External and internal thoracic structures of two carabid species (Trechini) were examined and documented with different techniques. The study has a main focus on the eyeless cave-dwelling specialist Sinaphaenops wangorum, but detailed information is also provided for a species occurring in cave entrances. The phylogenetic background of the structural features of the thoracic skeletomuscular system was addressed. The thoracic morphology of the examined species was compared to conditions observed in previously studied carabids and non-related subterranean leiodids (Staphylinoidea) in order to identify cave adaptations. Main thoracic character complexes linked with cavernicolous habits in Trechini are elongation of the pro- and mesothorax and the legs, and a complete and irreversible reduction of the flight apparatus. The lost flight capacity is linked with far reaching modification of skeletal elements of the metathorax including a strongly shortened and simplified metanotum, a shortened metaventrite, and completely reduced wings and sclerites of the wing base. The elongate prothorax together with the long and slender head and elongated legs distinctly increases the activity range in the subterranean lightless environment, which likely facilitates foraging of the carnivorous beetles. Some of the observed features like wing loss and elongation of the anterior thorax and legs are also found in some cave-dwelling Leiodidae (Leptodirini), whereas some other subterranean members of the staphylinoid family have a compact body and legs of normal length. In contrast to the predaceous Trechini, Leptodirini are scavengers.  DOI (Error): URL:

The Tachyina complex Gmap: Avon & Courtial 2015. - WAS Biodiversity: Ripicol carabids, The Tachyina complex: Elaphropus and Tachys Genus, Avon & Courtial 2015.

The most remarkable cave-specialized trechine beetles from China, Huang, Faille & Tian 2019 - The most remarkable cave-specialized trechine beetles from China, Huang, Faille & Tian 2019. DOI:

The hypogean genus Geotrechus Jeannel, 1919, Faille and Al 2015 - The hypogean genus Geotrechus Jeannel, 1919, with description of four new species, Faille and Al 2015

The genus Pheggomisetes Knirsch, 1923 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae) in Serbia taxonomy, morphology and molecular phylogeny, M. Vrbica and Al. 2017 - The genus Pheggomisetes Knirsch, 1923 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae) in Serbia taxonomy, morphology and molecular phylogeny, M. Vrbica and Al. 2017

The genus Duvalius in Mount Pílio (Thessalia, Greece) with descriptions of two new species (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Casale and Al. 2017 - The genus Duvalius in Mount Pílio (Thessalia, Greece) with descriptions of two new species (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Casale and Al. 2017

The french explored caves MAHN 06-LEFHE Laboratory. - The french explored caves MAHN 06-LEFHE Laboratory: 1986 to 2014 by Christophe Avon (GIS Database).

The french explored caves by C. Avon: 1986 to 2018.Cave dwelling beetles studies.Database and coordinates caves. - The french explored caves by C. Avon: 1986 to 2018.Cave dwelling beetles studies.Database and coordinates caves.

The french explored caves by C. Avon: 1986 to 2014. - The french explored caves by C. Avon: 1986 to 2018.Cave dwelling beetles studies.Database and coordinates caves. 

The collection of type specimens of the family Carabidae (Coleoptera) deposited in the Natural History Museum of Barcelona, Spain, Vinolas and Maso 2014 - The collection of type specimens of the family Carabidae (Coleoptera) deposited in the Natural History Museum of Barcelona, Spain, Vinolas and Maso 2014

The cephalic morphology of free-living and cave-dwelling species of trechine ground beetles from China (Coleoptera, Carabidae) - Luo et al. 2017. The cephalic morphology of free-living and cave-dwelling species of trechine ground beetles from China (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Org. Divers Evol.

The Cave Type Localities Atlas of Croatian Fauna V2, 2013.pdf - The Cave Type Localities Atlas of Croatian Fauna V2, 2013

The Carabid fauna of caves in the southern Zagros Mountains and description of Laemostenus (Antisphodrus) aequalis nov.sp. and Duvalius kileri nov.sp. from Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province, Iran (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Entomofauna, Zeitschrift Für Entomologie, 37(10) 185-204. Hosseini, Muilwijk, Sadeghi & Bakhshi, 2016. - The Carabid fauna of caves in the southern Zagros Mountains and description of Laemostenus (Antisphodrus) aequalis nov.sp. and Duvalius kileri nov.sp. from Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province, Iran (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Entomofauna, Zeitschrift Für Entomologie, 37(10) 185-204. Hosseini, Muilwijk, Sadeghi & Bakhshi, 2016.

Tectonic vicariance versus Messinian dispersal in western Mediterranean ground beetles - Tectonic vicariance versus Messinian dispersal in western Mediterranean ground beetles. The complex geological history of the western Mediterranean region conceals the interpretation of the evolutionary history of its current fauna, as similar distribution patterns may have very different temporal and geographic origins. Particularly intriguing are some subterranean species in islands, which origin is usually difficult to interpret as their strongly modified morphologies obscure their relationships. We studied subterranean taxa and their likely relatives of two groups of ground beetles in the western Mediterranean: the Duvalius lineage (“isotopic” Trechini) and Molopina (Pterostichini). We included specimens from the islands of Mallorca, Sardinia and Sicily, plus mainland Europe and North Africa. Phylogenetic relationships were reconstructed with a combination of mitochondrial and nuclear data, and divergence dates were estimated with Bayesian methods using the same a priori molecular evolutionary rates for the same gene fragments in the two groups. In the Duvalius lineage, the subgenus Trechopsis, including all the highly modified cave or nivicolous species, was found to be polyphyletic: the species from Mallorca was found to be of Pleistocene origin and sister to the less modified species of subgenus Duvalius from the same island, whereas the Algerian species of Trechopsis were, on the contrary, related to the Sicilian Duvalius, indicating a northern colonisation route during the late Pliocene. Molopina was divided into three main lineages: the genera Abax, Percus, and the Molops groups of genera. The basal diversification of the latter was dated within a temporal window (35–25 Ma) fully congruent with the tectonic opening of the western Mediterranean basin and included six main lineages with uncertain relationships among them: the epigean genera (a) Molops and (b) Tanythrix; and the subterranean (c) Typhlochoromus (Eastern Alps), (d) Speomolops (Sardinia), (e) Henrotius (Mallorca) and (f) a strongly supported clade including the Pyrenean genera Zariquieya, Oscadytes and Molopidius. Despite the similar distribution of some of their subterranean taxa, the two studied groups show a strongly contrasting origin and mode of diversification. While the Duvalius lineage had a recent origin, with complex colonisation patterns and widespread morphological convergence among the subterranean species, the subterranean Molopina had an ancient vicariant origin resulting from the tectonic opening of the western Mediterranean basin.

Taxonomic revision of the African genus Trechosiella Jeannel (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), G. GEGINAT 2013 - Taxonomic revision of the African genus Trechosiella Jeannel (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), G. GEGINAT 2013

Taxonomic revision of the African genus Trechosiella Jeannel, Geginat 2013 - Taxonomic revision of the African genus Trechosiella Jeannel, Geginat 2013.

Taxonomia, sistematica y biologia de un nuevo Trechus hipogeo del karst cantabrico (Cantabria, Espana), Ortuno and Al. 2017 - Taxonomia, sistematica y biologia de un nuevo Trechus hipogeo del karst cantabrico (Cantabria, Espana), Ortuno and Al. 2017

Synonyms and distributional corrections of Trechus Clairville, 1806 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini) from the Eastern Alps, M. Donabauer 2017 - Synonyms and distributional corrections of Trechus Clairville, 1806 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini) from the Eastern Alps, M. Donabauer 2017

Synonymic notes on Trechini from Argentina (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), G. ALLEGRO and P. M. GIACHINO, 2017 - Synonymic notes on Trechini from Argentina (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), G. ALLEGRO and P. M. GIACHINO, 2017

Supplemental Notes on the Genus Libotrechus Uéno (Coleoptera Carabidae Trechinae), with Description of a New Species from Guangxi, Southern China, Lin and Tian 2014 - Supplemental Notes on the Genus Libotrechus Uéno (Coleoptera Carabidae Trechinae), with Description of a New Species from Guangxi, Southern China, Lin and Tian 2014.

Studies on Adriaphaenops Noesske with the description of five new species from the Dinarides (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini), R. LOHAJ and Al. 2016 - Studies on Adriaphaenops Noesske with the description of five new species from the Dinarides (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini), R. LOHAJ and Al. 2016

Species richness patterns of obligate subterranean beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera) in a global biodiversity hotspot-effect of scale and sampling intensity, Zagmajster et al. 2008 - Species richness patterns of obligate subterranean beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera) in a global biodiversity hotspot-effect of scale and sampling intensity, Zagmajster et al. 2008

Specie nuove o poco note del genere Duvalius in Grecia, Casale and Al. 1996 - Specie nuove o poco note del genere Duvalius in Grecia, Casale and Al. 1996

Sintesi delle attuali conoscenze sul genere Allegrettia Jeannel, 1928 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Monguzzi 2011 - Sintesi delle attuali conoscenze sul genere Allegrettia Jeannel, 1928 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Monguzzi 2011

Revision of Trechus Clairville, 1806 of the Bale Mountains and adjacent volcanos, Ethiopia (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini), Schmidt and Faille 2018. - Revision of Trechus Clairville, 1806 of the Bale Mountains and adjacent volcanos, Ethiopia (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini), Schmidt and Faille 2018.

Revision of the genus Kozlovites Jeannel, 1935 with description of a new genus of the tribe trechini (Coleoptera, Carabidae), I. A. Belousov and I. I. Kabak 2016 - Revision of the genus Kozlovites Jeannel, 1935 with description of a new genus of the tribe trechini (Coleoptera, Carabidae), I. A. Belousov and I. I. Kabak 2016

Quattro nuove specie di Trechisibus e un nuovo genere di Trechini del Perù (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Trezzi 2007 - Quattro nuove specie di Trechisibus e un nuovo genere di Trechini del Perù (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Trezzi 2007

Présence de Trechini cavernicoles aphénopsiens en zone tropicale dans la chaîne Annamitique, au sud du 18e parallèle, Deuve 2012.pdf - Présence de Trechini cavernicoles aphénopsiens en zone tropicale dans la chaîne Annamitique, au sud du 18e parallèle, Deuve 2012

Playing hard to get two new species of subterranean Trechini beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae) from the Dinaric Karst, Lohaj & Delić 2019 - Playing hard to get two new species of subterranean Trechini beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae) from the Dinaric Karst, Lohaj & Delić 2019

Piva 2018. Una nuova specie di Orotrechus Müller dei Colli Euganei (Veneto, Italia), (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae). Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana, 150(2): 87-92. - It is described here Orotrechus frassanellicus n. sp., of hypogean environments of the northern Euganean Hills (Veneto, Italy), in the territory of the municipality of Rovolon (Padova). Similar to O. euganeus Pace, 1974 (s.l.), it is particularly distinguished by the different form of the medial lobe of the aedeagus.

Phylogenetic relationships of Western Mediterranean subterranean Trechini groundbeetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae), Faille and Al. 2010 - Phylogenetic relationships of Western Mediterranean subterranean Trechini groundbeetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae), Faille and Al. 2010

PHOTOS TRECHINAE with photos reprint Tian et Al 2016. - PHOTOS TRECHINAE with photos reprint Tian et Al 2016.

Paratrechus isabelae, nuova specie della Colombia e nota sinonimica per Trechisibus zorgatii Trezzi, 2016 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), 2018 - Paratrechus isabelae, nuova specie della Colombia e nota sinonimica per Trechisibus zorgatii Trezzi, 2016 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), 2018

Paraphaenops fadriquei & breuilianus espanoli - The Iberian genus Paraphaenops Jeannel, 1916 (Coleoptera Carabidae Trechini) Ortuno and all 2016 : Paraphaenops fadriquei Ortuño and Faille sp. nov., Paraphaenops breuilianus espanoli Ortuño and Faille ssp. nov.

Orogeny, sympatry and emergence of a new genus of Alpine subterranean Trechini (Coleoptera Carabidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, Delić, Kapla,& Colla 2019 - Orogeny, sympatry and emergence of a new genus of Alpine subterranean Trechini (Coleoptera Carabidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, Delić, Kapla,& Colla 2019

Oodinotrechus (Pingleotrechus) yinae, Sun and Tian 2015 - First cavernicolous trechine beetle discovered in Guilin karst, northeastern Guangxi, Sun and Tian 2015.

On The First Non-Type Locality Finding of Duvalius (Paraduvalius) stankovitchi georgevitchi (Jeannel, 1923) (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae). Acta entomologica serbica, 23(2): 2-4. - On The First Non-Type Locality Finding of Duvalius (Paraduvalius) stankovitchi georgevitchi (Jeannel, 1923) (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae). Acta entomologica serbica, 23(2): 2-4.

Olivia F. Boyd, T. Keith Philips, Jarrett R. Johnson and Jedidiah J. Nixon, 2020. Geographically structured genetic diversity in the cave beetle Darlingtonea kentuckensis Valentine, 1952 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini, Trechina). Subterranean Biology 34: 1-23. - Olivia F. Boyd, T. Keith Philips, Jarrett R. Johnson and Jedidiah J. Nixon, 2020. Geographically structured genetic diversity in the cave beetle Darlingtonea kentuckensis Valentine, 1952 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini, Trechina). Subterranean Biology 34: 1-23. DOI:

Occurrence of hypogean trechine beetles in Hanzhong Tiankeng Cluster, southwestern Shaanxi, China (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), M. Tian, S. Huang and D. Wang, 2018 - Occurrence of hypogean trechine beetles in Hanzhong Tiankeng Cluster, southwestern Shaanxi, China (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), M. Tian, S. Huang and D. Wang, 2018

Occurrence of cavernicolous ground beetles in Anhui Province, eastern China, Fang and Al 2016 - Occurrence of cavernicolous ground beetles in Anhui Province, eastern China, Fang and Al 2016

Occurrence of cavernicolous ground beetles in Anhui Province, eastern China, Fang and Al 2016 - Occurrence of cavernicolous ground beetles in Anhui Province, eastern China, Fang and Al 2016

Nuovi atti nomenclatoriali nel genere Trechus Clairville, 1806 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), BOLL. SOC. ENTOMOL. ITAL., 152 (1): 41-42, Magrini & Degiovanni, 2020 - Nuovi atti nomenclatoriali nel genere Trechus Clairville, 1806 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), BOLL. SOC. ENTOMOL. ITAL., 152 (1): 41-42, Magrini & Degiovanni, 2020

Nouvelles espèces de Trechus Clairville, 1806 du clade de T. saxicola des monts Cantabriques, Asturies, Espagne, Fresneda et al. 2019 - Nouvelles espèces de Trechus Clairville, 1806 du clade de T. saxicola des monts Cantabriques, Asturies, Espagne, Fresneda et al. 2019

Nouveaux Trechinae de la faune des litières du Shaanxi et du Yunnan, Deuve 2013.pdf - Nouveaux Trechinae de la faune des litières du Shaanxi et du Yunnan, Deuve 2013

Note tassonomiche su alcuni Trechus italiani del 'gruppo subnotatus Degiovanni and Magrini 2016 - Note tassonomiche su alcuni Trechus italiani del 'gruppo subnotatus Degiovanni and Magrini 2016

Note sul genere Duvalius nelle Alpi occidentali e nell'Appennino Ligure, con descrizione di due nuovi taxa ipogei del Piemonte: Duvalius (Duvalius) chestai n. sp. e Duvalius (Duvalius) gestroi cristianae n. ssp. (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini), Casale, Giachino & Lana, 2019 - Note sul genere Duvalius nelle Alpi occidentali e nell'Appennino Ligure, con descrizione di due nuovi taxa ipogei del Piemonte: Duvalius (Duvalius) chestai n. sp. e Duvalius (Duvalius) gestroi cristianae n. ssp. (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini), Casale, Giachino & Lana, 2019

Note sul genere Duvalius in Sicilia con descrizione di due nuove specie (Coleoptera, Carabidae), Magrini, Baviera & Vigna-Taglianti, 2006 - Note sul genere Duvalius in Sicilia con descrizione di due nuove specie (Coleoptera, Carabidae), Magrini, Baviera & Vigna-Taglianti, 2006

Note sul genere Doderotrechus Vigna Taglianti, 1968, con descrizione di Doderotrechus ghilianii isaiai n. subsp. (Coleoptera, Carabidae), Casale and Giachino 2008 - Note sul genere Doderotrechus Vigna Taglianti, 1968, con descrizione di Doderotrechus ghilianii isaiai n. subsp. (Coleoptera, Carabidae), Casale and Giachino 2008

Notes on the Duvalius species of the Taygetos massif (Peloponnese, southern Greece) with description of the male features of Duvalius (Duvalius) mirei Deuve, 2001, Casale and Lebenbauer 2010 - Notes on the Duvalius species of the Taygetos massif (Peloponnese, southern Greece) with description of the male features of Duvalius (Duvalius) mirei Deuve, 2001, Casale and Lebenbauer 2010

Njunjić et al. 2018. Radiation and ancestral range reconstruction ofthe cave beetle genus Anthroherpon - NOT TRECHINAE BUT INTERESTING! Radiation and ancestral range reconstruction of the cave beetle genus Anthroherpon. 24th International Conference on Subterranean Biology, Aveiro, Portugal. University of Aveiro. ARPHA Conference Abstracts 2018.  

Nine new Trechisibus species from Peru and Argentina (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), G. ALLEGRO and P. M. GIACHINO 2016 - Nine new Trechisibus species from Peru and Argentina (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), G. ALLEGRO and P. M. GIACHINO 2016

Nine new Trechisibus species from Peru and Argentina, Allegro & Giachino 2016 - Nine new Trechisibus species from Peru and Argentina, Allegro & Giachino 2016

New Trechus species of the kozlovi group from Sichuan (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Zootaxa, 4786(4): 451-484. - Belousov & Kabak 2020. New Trechus species of the kozlovi group from Sichuan (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Zootaxa, 4786(4): 451-484.

New Trechinae T. Deuve 2004 to 2014 Coléoptères Journal - New Trechinae T. Deuve 2004 to 2014 Coléoptères Journal

New Trechinae Monograph: Homaloderini (Real Time) + Biogeography, By Christophe Avon, 2006 > 2016. - New Trechinae Monograph: Homaloderini (Real Time) + Biogeography, By Christophe Avon, 2006 > 2016.

New synonymy in New Zealand Trechini (Coleoptera, Carabidae), J. I. Townsend 2015 - New synonymy in New Zealand Trechini (Coleoptera, Carabidae), J. I. Townsend 2015

New species of Winklerites from eastern Serbia, Hlavac and Magrini 2016. - New species of Winklerites from eastern Serbia, Hlavac and Magrini 2016.

New species and new record of subterranean trechine beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae) from southwestern China, S. Huang and M. Tian 2015 - New species and new record of subterranean trechine beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae) from southwestern China, S. Huang and M. Tian 2015

New scan 2018 (pdf) Revision du genre Duvalius (Italie) by Paolo Magrini - "Les Duvalius et leur complexe évolutif" espèces françaises, italiennes & parasites Les comptes-rendus du Laboratoire d'entomologie Faune hypogée et endogée ISSN 1269-9152. Publisher, Éd. du L.E.F.H.E., 1997.

New scan 2018 (pdf): Revision du genre Duvalius (France) by Christophe Avon - "Les Duvalius et leur complexe évolutif" espèces françaises, italiennes & parasites Les comptes-rendus du Laboratoire d'entomologie Faune hypogée et endogée ISSN 1269-9152. Publisher, Éd. du L.E.F.H.E., 1997.

New Duvalius and Trechus species from China (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini), I. Belousov and I. Kabak 2001 - New Duvalius and Trechus species from China (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini), I. Belousov and I. Kabak 2001

Nesaeoduvalius (gen. n.) vailatii sp. n., from Euboia island (Eastern Greece) (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), A. CASALE and P. M. GIACHINO 2016 - Nesaeoduvalius (gen. n.) vailatii sp. n., from Euboia island (Eastern Greece) (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), A. CASALE and P. M. GIACHINO 2016

Molecular phylogeny of the Trechus brucki group, Faille and Al 2012.pdf - Molecular phylogeny of the Trechus brucki group, Faille and Al 2012

Minosaphaenops croaticus, new species of the cave dwelling Trechinae beetle from Croatia, with description of male specimen of Derossiella nonveilleri Quéinnec, Lohaj and Jalzic 2009 - Minosaphaenops croaticus, new species of the cave dwelling Trechinae beetle from Croatia, with description of male specimen of Derossiella nonveilleri Quéinnec, Lohaj and Jalzic 2009

Magrini & Sbordoni, 2020. A new cave dwelling Duvalius from the Aurunci Mountains (Lazio) (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Fragmenta entomologica, 52 (1): 1-6. - Magrini & Sbordoni, 2020. A new cave dwelling Duvalius from the Aurunci Mountains (Lazio) (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Fragmenta entomologica, 52 (1): 1-6.

Liebherr, 2020. Sporades jaechi sp. nov. with comments on classification of the New Caledonian genus Sporades Fauvel (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini, Trechodina). Zookeys, 908: 123.136. - Liebherr, 2020. Sporades jaechi sp. nov. with comments on classification of the New Caledonian genus Sporades Fauvel (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini, Trechodina). Zookeys, 908: 123.136. DOI:

Le complexe générique de Nannotrechus Winkler du Caucase et de la Crimée (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini), Belousov, 1998 - Le complexe générique de Nannotrechus Winkler du Caucase et de la Crimée (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini), Belousov, 1998

Larval morphology of Sardaphaenops adelphus Casale, 2004, a highly specialized troglobitic beetle endemic to Sardinia (Coleoptera, Carabidae), Casale & Marcia 2007 - Larval morphology of Sardaphaenops adelphus Casale, 2004, a highly specialized troglobitic beetle endemic to Sardinia (Coleoptera, Carabidae), Casale & Marcia 2007

La fauna cavernicola delle Alpi Giule con particolare riguardo al Massiccio del Canin, Stoch 2011 - La fauna cavernicola delle Alpi Giule con particolare riguardo al Massiccio del Canin, Stoch 2011

Jie Fang, Wenbo Li, Xinhui Wang & Mingyi Tian 2020. New cavernicolous ground beetles from Anhui Province, China (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini, Platynini). ZooKeys 923: 33-50. - Jie Fang, Wenbo Li, Xinhui Wang & Mingyi Tian 2020. New cavernicolous ground beetles from Anhui Province, China (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini, Platynini). ZooKeys 923: 33-50.

Jalzicaphaenops gen. nov. poljaki sp. nov., Acheroniotes gen. nov. mlejneki sp. nov - Jalzicaphaenops gen. nov. poljaki sp. nov., Acheroniotes gen. nov. mlejneki sp. nov

Inventory of the Carabid Beetle Fauna of the Gaoligong Mountains, Western Yunnan Province, China, Species of the Tribe Trechini, T. Deuve and Al. 2016 - Inventory of the Carabid Beetle Fauna of the Gaoligong Mountains, Western Yunnan Province, China, Species of the Tribe Trechini, T. Deuve and Al. 2016

Hypogenic versus epigenic subterranean ecosystem, lessons from eastern Iberian Peninsula, Sandra and Al 2014 - Hypogenic versus epigenic subterranean ecosystem, lessons from eastern Iberian Peninsula, Sandra and Al 2014

Huang et al. 2020. Two new species of subterranean ground beetles from China (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae). RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY Supplement No. 35: 22–31. - Please note that there are errors in the relationship between photos and names of species in the original paper (genitalia). Missing photo of Sinotroglodytes yanwangi genitalia. Still no study of copulating parts inside edeagus...

Giornale Italiano di Entomologia N60, 2015 - Giornale Italiano di Entomologia N60, 2015

Fresneda, Valenzuela, Bourdeau & Faille 2018. Nouvelles espèces de Trechus Clairville, 1806 du clade de T. saxicola des monts Cantabriques, Asturies, Espagne – biogéographie et spéciation (Coleoptera : Carabidae : Trechinae). Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.), 55(1). - Fresneda, Valenzuela, Bourdeau & Faille 2018. Nouvelles espèces de Trechus Clairville, 1806 du clade de T. saxicola des monts Cantabriques, Asturies, Espagne – biogéographie et spéciation (Coleoptera : Carabidae : Trechinae). Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.), 55(1). DOI:

Estado actual del conocimiento del género Trechisibus Motschulsky 1862, Delgado and Ruiz-Tapiador 2014 - Estado actual del conocimiento del género Trechisibus Motschulsky 1862, Delgado and Ruiz-Tapiador 2014

Erratum 2: Genitalia. Huang et al. 2020. Two new species of subterranean ground beetles from China (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae). RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY Supplement No. 35: 22–31. - Erratum 2: Genitalia. Huang et al. 2020. Two new species of subterranean ground beetles from China (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae). RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY Supplement No. 35: 22–31.

Erratum 1: Genitalia. Huang et al. 2020. Two new species of subterranean ground beetles from China (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae). RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY Supplement No. 35: 22–31. - Erratum 1: Genitalia. Huang et al. 2020. Two new species of subterranean ground beetles from China (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae). RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY Supplement No. 35: 22–31.

Elytra Journal - Elytra Journal > W.A.S. Folder > C. Avon

Du’an Karst of Guangxi, a kingdom of the cavernicolous genus Dongodytes, Tian, Yin and Huang 2014 - D. (s. str.) elongatus D. (s. str.) troglodytes D. (s. str.) lani D. (Dongodytodes) jinzhuensis D. (Dongodytodes) inexpectatus D. (Dongodytodes) brevipenis D. (Dongodytodes) yaophilus

Duvalius laneyriei jacometi (en cours de mise en synonymie LEFHE) L'Entomologiste - Attention maybe Duvalius laneyriei jacometi = Duvalius laneyriei laneyriei 

Duvalius bozidari, a new cave-dwelling species of trechine ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae) from western Serbia. CURCIC and Al. 2016 - Duvalius bozidari, a new cave-dwelling species of trechine ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae) from western Serbia. CURCIC and Al. 2016


Duvaius alexandrinus, Monguzzi 2015 - Duvaius alexandrinus, Monguzzi 2015

Due nuovi Orotrechus Müller del Vicentino (Veneto, Italia) e note sinonimiche (Coleoptera, Carabidae, trechinae), E. PIVA 2014 - Due nuovi Orotrechus Müller del Vicentino (Veneto, Italia) e note sinonimiche (Coleoptera, Carabidae, trechinae), E. PIVA 2014

Due nuovi Duvalius Delarouzée dellʼAppennino Ligure e ulteriori osservazioni sulle specie di Duvalius del gruppo doderii (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Monguzzi 2015 - Due nuovi Duvalius Delarouzée dellʼAppennino Ligure e ulteriori osservazioni sulle specie di Duvalius del gruppo doderii (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Monguzzi 2015

Due nuovi coleotteri ipogei di Sardegna, Sardaphaenops adelphus n. sp. e Patriziella muceddai n. sp. e loro significato biogeografico, Casale 2004 - Due nuovi coleotteri ipogei di Sardegna, Sardaphaenops adelphus n. sp. e Patriziella muceddai n. sp. e loro significato biogeografico, Casale 2004

Due nuovi Coleotteri ipogei delle Alpi occidentali, Duvalius (Duvalius) lanai n. sp. e Archeoboldoria sturanii n. sp., Casale and Giachino 2010 - Due nuovi Coleotteri ipogei delle Alpi occidentali, Duvalius (Duvalius) lanai n. sp. e Archeoboldoria sturanii n. sp., Casale and Giachino 2010

Due nuove specie di Trechisibus Motschoulsky, 1863 della Bolivia (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Trezzi 2011 - Due nuove specie di Trechisibus Motschoulsky, 1863 della Bolivia (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Trezzi 2011

Dos nuevas especies del género Antoinella Jeannel, 1937 de Marruecos, Comas and Mateu 2008 - Dos nuevas especies del género Antoinella Jeannel, 1937 de Marruecos, Comas and Mateu 2008

Discovery of a new cavernicolous trechine genus and species from a deep pit in Anlong, southwestern Guizhou Province - Tian, M.Y. & Huang, S.B. (2021) Discovery of a new cavernicolous trechine genus and species from a deep pit in Anlong, southwestern Guizhou Province (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae). Zootaxa, Vol. 4985 (2), 194–202. DOI:

Discovery of a cavernicolous trechine species from the Sanwang Dong-Erwang Dong cave system, Wulong, Chongqing, southwestern China, Chen et al 2019 - Discovery of a cavernicolous trechine species from the Sanwang Dong-Erwang Dong cave system, Wulong, Chongqing, southwestern China, Chen et al 2019

Differences between anophthalmic and aphenopsian beetles evidences from larvae of Chinese species, Luo and Al. 2017 - Differences between anophthalmic and aphenopsian beetles evidences from larvae of Chinese species, Luo and Al. 2017

Differences between anophthalmic and aphenopsian beetles: evidences from larvae of Chinese species, Luo and Al. 2017 - Differences between anophthalmic and aphenopsian beetles: evidences from larvae of Chinese species, Luo and Al. 2017

Deux nouveaux Trechus de Tunisie (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini) et discussion sur le complexe « fulvus » en Afrique du Nord, Quéinnec and Ollivier 2013 - Deux nouveaux Trechus de Tunisie (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini) et discussion sur le complexe « fulvus » en Afrique du Nord, Quéinnec and Ollivier 2013

Deux nouveaux Trechini de la Chine du Sud-Ouest (Coleoptera, Caraboidea, Trechidae), Deuve and Quéinnec 2014 - Deux nouveaux Trechini de la Chine du Sud-Ouest (Coleoptera, Caraboidea, Trechidae), Deuve and Quéinnec 2014.

Deuve & Tian, 2020. Descriptions of the first semi-aphenopsian troglobiotic Patrobini and of a new anophthalmic cave-dwelling Trechini from central Sichuan, China (Coleoptera: Caraboidea). Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.), 2020. DOI: - Deuve & Tian, 2020. Descriptions of the first semi-aphenopsian troglobiotic Patrobini and of a new anophthalmic cave-dwelling Trechini from central Sichuan, China (Coleoptera: Caraboidea). Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.), 2020. DOI:

Descrizione di una nuova specie di Trechisibus Motschoulsky, 1863 della Bolivia (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Trezzi & Guzzetti 2015 - Descrizione di una nuova specie di Trechisibus Motschoulsky, 1863 della Bolivia (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Trezzi & Guzzetti 2015

Descrizione di due nuovi Trechini ipogei e ritrovamento di Boldoriella tedeschii Sciaky, 1977, nelle Prealpi Varesine (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Monguzzi 2016 - Descrizione di due nuovi Trechini ipogei e ritrovamento di Boldoriella tedeschii Sciaky, 1977, nelle Prealpi Varesine (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Monguzzi 2016

Descrizione di Boldoriella (Insubrites) trezzii n. sp. del massiccio della Presolana (Prealpi Bergamasche) (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Monguzzi 2019 - Descrizione di Boldoriella (Insubrites) trezzii n. sp. del massiccio della Presolana (Prealpi Bergamasche) (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Monguzzi 2019

Descriptions de six nouveaux Trechini de l’Equateur (Coleoptera, Caraboidea), T. Deuve and P. Moret 2017 - Descriptions de six nouveaux Trechini de l’Equateur (Coleoptera, Caraboidea), T. Deuve and P. Moret 2017

Descriptions de sept nouveaux Trechini cavernicoles de la Chine continentale (Coleoptera, Caraboidea), Deuve & Tian 2016 - Descriptions de sept nouveaux Trechini cavernicoles de la Chine continentale (Coleoptera, Caraboidea), Deuve & Tian 2016

Description of Winklerites macedonicus n. sp. from the Republic of Macedonia - Description of Winklerites macedonicus n. sp. from the Republic of Macedonia

Description of a cave-dwelling species Duvalius karaormanicus sp. n. from the southwestern part of the Republic of Macedonia, Hristovski 2011 - Description of a cave-dwelling species Duvalius karaormanicus sp. n. from the southwestern part of the Republic of Macedonia, Hristovski 2011

Description of a cave-dwelling species Duvalius karaormanicus sp. n. (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae) from the southwestern part of the Republic of Macedonia, S. Hristovski 2012 - Description of a cave-dwelling species Duvalius karaormanicus sp. n. (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae) from the southwestern part of the Republic of Macedonia, S. Hristovski 2012

Description d’un nouveau Duvalius Delarouzée, 1859, de la chaîne Pontique en Turquie (Coleoptera, Caraboidea, Trechidae) Deuve, 2019 - Abstract. – Description of a new Duvalius Delarouzée, 1859, from the Pontic Mountains in Turkey (Coleoptera, Caraboidea, Trechidae). Description of Duvalius (Duvalius) janatai n. sp., from northern Anatolia, Turkey.

Datos sobre algunos Trechus Clairville, 1806 del norte de Espana, Toribio 2015. - Se describe una nueva especie del género Trechus para Asturias, Trechus teverganus n. sp., al tiempo que se aporta un nuevo dato corológico y etológico sobre Trechus apoduvalipenis Salgado y Ortuño, 1998, y se propone la sinonimia de Trechus saxicola desbordesi Gaudin, 1935 n. syn. con Trechus saxicola saxicola Putzeys, 1870.

D. (Duvalius) owensi n. sp. and D. (Duvalius) loebli n. sp. - Casale, Giachino & Vailati 2018. Notes on the genus Duvalius in the Pindos chain (Greece), with descriptions of D. (Duvalius) owensi n. sp. and D. (Duvalius) loebli n. sp. (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini). Ent. Bl. Col., 114: 133-143.

Coulon et al., 2011. Coléoptères Carabidae de France: Compléments aux 2 volumes de René Jeannel. Mise à jour, corrections et répertoire. Faune de France, 94: 1-352 pp., 70 pl. ISBN : 978-2-903052-33-1. - Luraphaenops gaudini gionoi (Giordan, 1984):  Synonymie, Coulon et al., 2011 (Cf. INPN): =Agostinia gaudini coachei Lemaire & Raffaldi, 2006 (Espèce CD_NOM = 716202) =Agostinia gaudini genesti Lemaire & Raffaldi, 2006 (Espèce CD_NOM = 716203) =Agostinia gaudini gionoi Lemaire & Raffaldi, 2006 (Espèce CD_NOM = 716204) =Luraphaenops gaudini coachei (Lemaire & Raffaldi, 2006) (Espèce CD_NOM = 721565) =Luraphaenops gaudini genesti (Lemaire & Raffaldi, 2006) (Espèce CD_NOM = 721566) =Luraphaenops gionoi Giordan, 1984 (Espèce CD_NOM = 222670)  Agostinia launi (Gestro, 1892):  Synonymie, Coulon et al., 2011 (Cf. INPN): =Agostinia launi marguareisensis Giordan, 1987 (Espèce CD_NOM = 721567) =Agostinia marguareisensis Giordan, 1987 (Espèce CD_NOM = 395938) =Anophthalmus launi Gestro, 1892 (Espèce CD_NOM = 798743)

Contribution to the knowledge of the cavernicolous beetle genus Aspidaphaenops Uéno from Guizhou (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), M. Tian & Sunbin Huang, 2018. - Contribution to the knowledge of the cavernicolous beetle genus Aspidaphaenops Uéno from Guizhou (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), M. Tian & Sunbin Huang, 2018.

Contribution to the knowledge of the aphaenopsian genus Sinaphaenops Uéno et Wang, 1991, Chen and Al 2017 - Contribution to the knowledge of the aphaenopsian genus Sinaphaenops Uéno et Wang, 1991, Chen and Al 2017

Contributions to the knowledge of subterranean trechine beetles in southern China’s karsts, five new genera (Trechinae), Tian et Al 2016 - Contributions to the knowledge of subterranean trechine beetles in southern China’s karsts, five new genera (Trechinae), Tian et Al 2016

Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae, Aepini and Perileptini TYPES, Avon 2015 - Carte Biogeographique des tribus Aepini & Perileptini (TYPES), C. Avon 2015.

Caves of Slovenia - Caves of Slovenia : Go to, Clic on 'GIS Geo (Tools' Menu > Select 'Caves (Slov)'

Catalogue of Geadephaga 2012. - Catalogue of Geadephaga (Coleoptera, Adephaga) of America, north of Mexico, Bousquet 2012.

Catálogo de los Carabidae (Coleoptera) de la Península Ibérica, Serrano 2003 - Catálogo de los Carabidae (Coleoptera) de la Península Ibérica, Serrano 2003.

Caraboid beetles (excl. Cicindelidae) of Anatolia, and their biogeographical signifiance (Coleoptera, Carabidae), Casale & Vigna Taglianti 1999 - Caraboid beetles (excl. Cicindelidae) of Anatolia, and their biogeographical signifiance (Coleoptera, Carabidae), Casale & Vigna Taglianti 1999

Boldoriella (Insubrites) pedarsolii nuova specie delle Prealpi Bergamasche (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini), M. Grottolo 2015 - Boldoriella (Insubrites) pedersolii nuova specie delle Prealpi Bergamasche (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini), M. Grottolo 2015 


Bibliography Magrini - Bibliography Magrini 2014.

Belousov & Kabak 2019. New species of the genus Trechus Clairville, 1806 from the Chinese Tien Shan (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Zootaxa, 4679(1): 047–068. - Belousov & Kabak 2019. New species of the genus Trechus Clairville, 1806 from the Chinese Tien Shan (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Zootaxa, 4679(1): 047–068.

Belousov, 2008. Beetles, ground beetles genus complexes Nannotrechus (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini) Crimea and the Caucasus. Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences. St. Petersburg 2008. - Nannotrechus Winkler, 1926:  Nannotrechus: Given a diagnosis and a detailed morphological description of the tribal complex Nannotrechus, outlined variability range of individual features. Currently, 11 known genus-group taxa, and more than 70 species of this group, that inhabit the Caucasus, Crimea and Asia Minor.  PDF In French (Translated with OnlineDocTranslator): PDF In English (Translated with OnlineDocTranslator):

A taxonomic review of the genus Junnanotrechus, Belousov and Kabak 2014 - A taxonomic review of the genus Junnanotrechus, Belousov and Kabak 2014

A review of the cavernicolous genus Guiaphaenops Deuve, with the description of a new species, Feng and Al 2017 - A review of the cavernicolous genus Guiaphaenops Deuve, with the description of a new species, Feng and Al 2017

A review of the aphaenopsian ground beetle genus Uenotrechus Deuve et Tian 1999, WEI and Al 2017 - Uenotrechus Deuve et Tian, 1999, one of the highly cave-adapted genera of the ground beetles, is reviewed. New record of the type species U. liboensis Deuve et Tian, 1999 and descriptions and illustrations of two remarkable new species are provided: Uenotrechus gejianbangi Tian et Wei, sp. n. (type locality: Cave Ji Dong, Neiwen Tun, Huanjiang County, northernmost Guangxi), Uenotrechus deuvei Tian et Chen, sp. n. (type locality: Cave Longmu Dong I, Du’an County, northern Guangxi). U. nandanensis bona sp. is proposed as an independent species. A distribution map and a key to all species of Uenotrechus are also given.

A preliminary phylogeny of cave trechine beetles from China (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechini). S Huang, M Tian, A Faille - ARPHA Conference Abstracts, 2020. DOI: - A preliminary phylogeny of cave trechine beetles from China (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechini). S Huang, M Tian, A Faille - ARPHA Conference Abstracts, 2020. DOI:

Aphaenops fresnedai: Un antic-nou Aphaenops de l'avenc ERE - Lluís Auroux (Specie Incertae sedis) - Aphaenops fresnedai: Un antic-nou Aphaenops de l'avenc ERE - Lluís Auroux (Specie Incertae sedis) 2010

Antarctotrechus balli sp. n. (Carabidae, Trechini) the first ground beetle from Antarctica, A. C. Ashworth and T. L. Erwin 2016 - Antarctotrechus balli sp. n. (Carabidae, Trechini) the first ground beetle from Antarctica, A. C. Ashworth and T. L. Erwin 2016

Another interpretation of the selection procedure of anophthalmy and apterism for ground beetles, Avon 2007 - Another interpretation of the selection procedure of anophthalmy and apterism for ground beetles, Avon 2007

Anophthalmus kahleni (Italy) - Anophthalmus kahleni Monte Mataiùr, Montemaggiore Udine

Annotated catalogue of the carabid beetles of the Republic of Macedonia (Coleoptera, Carabidae) S. HRISTOVSKI and B. GUEORGUIEV, 2015 - Annotated catalogue of the carabid beetles of the Republic of Macedonia (Coleoptera, Carabidae) S. HRISTOVSKI and B. GUEORGUIEV, 2015

Annotated catalogue of the carabid beetles of the Republic of Macedonia, Hristovski and Gueorguiev 2015. - Annotated catalogue of the carabid beetles of the Republic of Macedonia, Hristovski and Gueorguiev 2015.

A new species of Trechisibus from Peruvian Ande. - A new species of Trechisibus from Peruvian Andes, Delgado and Ruiz-Tapiador 2016

A new species of the subterranean genus Oodinotrechus Uéno, 1998, from northern Guangxi, China, with additions to the generic diagnosis, Tian 2014 - A new species of the subterranean genus Oodinotrechus Uéno, 1998, from northern Guangxi, China, with additions to the generic diagnosis, Tian 2014

A new species of the highly modified hypogean genus Giraffaphaenops Deuve, Tian and Luo 2015 - A new species of the highly modified hypogean genus Giraffaphaenops Deuve, Tian and Luo 2015

A new species of the genus Ishikawatrechus (Coleoptera, Trechinae) from Japan, KAZUKI AND YAMASAKO 2014 - A new species of the genus Ishikawatrechus (Coleoptera, Trechinae) from Japan, KAZUKI AND YAMASAKO 2014

A New Species of the Aphaenopsian Genus Sinaphaenops Uéno and Wang, with Notes on Male Genitalia of S. orthogenys Uéno (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechini) - Mengzhen Chen, Sunbin Huang & Mingyi Tian, 2020. A New Species of the Aphaenopsian Genus Sinaphaenops Uéno and Wang, with Notes on Male Genitalia of S. orthogenys Uéno (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechini). The Coleopterists Bulletin, 74(2): 343-350. DOI:

A new species of Pachytrechodes Jeannel, 1960 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae) from Tanzania, with a key to species, I. A. BELOUSOV & B. A. NYUNDO, 2013 - A new species of Pachytrechodes Jeannel, 1960 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae) from Tanzania, with a key to species, I. A. BELOUSOV & B. A. NYUNDO, 2013

A new species of Pachytrechodes (brevis), Belousov and Nyundo 2013 - A new species of Pachytrechodes (brevis), Belousov and Nyundo 2013

A new species of Duvalius from world’s deepest cave, Roboleira and Ortuno 2014 - A new species of Duvalius from world’s deepest cave, Roboleira and Ortuno 2014.

A new species and a new record of Neotrechus from Albania (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Janak & Moravec 2018 - A new species and a new record of Neotrechus from Albania (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Janak & Moravec 2018

A new remarkable Duvalius from Bulgaria, Janak 2011 - A new remarkable Duvalius from Bulgaria, Janak 2011

A new hypogean Trechus Clairville discovered in a non-calcareous Superficial Subterranean Habitat of the Iberian System (Central Spain), Ortuno and Al 2014 - A new hypogean Trechus Clairville discovered in a non-calcareous Superficial Subterranean Habitat of the Iberian System (Central Spain), Ortuno and Al 2014

A new highly cave-adapted trechine genus and species from northern Guizhou Province, China (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Tian 2017 - A remarkable aphaenopsian beetle, a sympatric species of Qianotrechus tenuicollis Uéno, 2000, was newly discovered in Cave Mahuang Dong of Shuanghe Dong cave system, the longest cave system of China in Suiyang County, northern Guizhou Province. To categorize this striking but still unknown species, a new genus and species are proposed: Shuangheaphaenops elegans gen. n., sp. n. Relationships of Shuangheaphaenops and other highly modified aphaenopsian genera from southern China Karsts are discussed.

A new genus of Trechini beetles from the Eastern Himalaya (Coleoptera Carabidae) Belousov, Kabak & Schmidt 2019 - A new genus of Trechini beetles from the Eastern Himalaya (Coleoptera Carabidae) Belousov, Kabak & Schmidt 2019

A new genus of trechine beetles, Puertrechus gen. n., with two new species and a new species of Dactylotrechus Belousov et Kabak, 2003 from Southern China, BELOUSOV and KABAK 2014 - A new genus of trechine beetles, Puertrechus gen. n., with two new species and a new species of Dactylotrechus Belousov et Kabak, 2003 from Southern China, BELOUSOV and KABAK 2014

A new genus and a new subgenus of cavernicolous beetles from Furong Jiang valley, southwestern China (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Huang and Al. 2017 - A new genus and a new subgenus of cavernicolous beetles from Furong Jiang valley, southwestern China (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Huang and Al. 2017

A new Cnides Motschulsky, 1862 from Ecuador (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini), Donabauer 2012 - A new Cnides Motschulsky, 1862 from Ecuador (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini), Donabauer 2012

A new cave dwelling specie of the genus Coreoblemus from Korea, Park and Al 2002 - A new cave dwelling specie of the genus Coreoblemus from Korea, Park and Al 2002

A new cave dwelling Duvalius from the Aurunci Mountains (Lazio) (Coleoptera, Carabidae), Fragmenta entomologica, 52 (1): 1-6, Magrini & Sbordoni, 2020 - A new cave dwelling Duvalius from the Aurunci Mountains (Lazio) (Coleoptera, Carabidae), Fragmenta entomologica, 52 (1): 1-6, Magrini & Sbordoni, 2020

A new anophthalmic trechine genus and two new species from southern Guizhou, China (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini), Zootaxa, 4766(4) 575-587, Mingyi Tian, Mengzhen Chen & Zijun Ma, 2020 - A new anophthalmic trechine genus and two new species from southern Guizhou, China (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini), Zootaxa, 4766(4) 575-587, Mingyi Tian, Mengzhen Chen & Zijun Ma, 2020

A molecular phylogeny of Alpine subterranean Trechini, Faille and Al 2013 - A molecular phylogeny of Alpine subterranean Trechini, Faille and Al 2013.

Amerizus (Tiruka) gaoligongensis Guéorguiev 2015 - Amerizus (Tiruka) gaoligongensis Guéorguiev 2015

Allegrettia pavani orobiensis, nuova sottospecie delle Alpi Orobie, simpatrica e sintopica con Allegrettia comottii Monguzzi 2011 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini), V. Monzini 2015 - Allegrettia pavani orobiensis, nuova sottospecie delle Alpi Orobie, simpatrica e sintopica con Allegrettia comottii Monguzzi 2011 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini), V. Monzini 2015

A contribution to Dongodytes (s. str.) Deuve, 1993 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Yang, Huang, Tian 2018 - A contribution to Dongodytes (s. str.) Deuve, 1993 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Yang, Huang, Tian 2018