
(Re)Submitted Work

 ”Imperfect Competition and Rents in Labor and Product Markets: The Case of the Construction Industry"

First version: March 2020. This version: July 2023 

Co-authors: K. Kroft, Y. Luo, and B. Setzler

Revision requested by American Economic Review

"Selection in Surveys"

This version: October 2022

Co-authors:  D. Dutz, I. Huitfeldt, S. Lacouture, A. Torgovitsky, and W. van Dijk

Revision requested by the Review of Economic Studies

"Reservation Wages and Workers' Valuation of Job Flexibility: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment"

First version: September 2020. This version: March 2021

Co-cauthors: K. Chen, N. Ding, and J. List

Conditionally accepted by Journal of European Economic Association  


"Do Employees Benefit from Worker Representation on Corporate Boards?"

First version: November 2020. This version: July 2021

Co-cauthors: C. Blandhol,  O. Vestad, P. Nilsson  

Revision requested by Economic Journal  

 “Foreign Demand Shocks to Production Networks: Firm Responses and Worker Impacts“

This version: July 2022

Co-authors: E. Dhyne, K. Kikkawa, T. Komatsu, and F. Tintelnot

Revision requested by American Economic Review

"Finite- and Large-Sample Inference for Ranks using Multinomial Data with an Application to Ranking Political Parties"

This version: November 2021

Co-authors:  S. Bazylik, J. Romano, A. Shaikh,  and D. Wilhelm

Revision requested by Journal of Econometrics.


"When is 2SLS actually LATE?"

This version: August 2022

Co-authors:  C. Blandhol,  J. Bonney, A. Torgovitsky

Revision requested by the Review of Economic Studies

"College as a Marriage Market"

This version: Jan 2022

Co-authors: L. Kirkeboen, E. Leuven

Reject and resubmit from the Review of Economic Studies

"Incarceration Spillovers in Criminal and Family Networks"

This version: June 2018

Co-authors: M. Bhuller, G. Dahl, K. Loken

Forthcoming and Published Articles

1) "Instrumental variables with unordered treatments: Theory and evidence from returns to fields of study"

Co-authors: E. Heinesen, C. Hvid, L. Kirkeboen, E. Leuven

Forthcoming in the Journal of Labor Economics

2) ”What drives (gaps in) scientific study participation? Evidence from a COVID-19 antibody survey"

Co-authors: D. Dutz, M. Greenstone, A. Hortacsu, S. Lacouture, A. Shaikh, A. Torgovitsky, W. van Dijk

Forthcoming in the American Economic Review: Insight 

3) "On the Use of Outcome Tests for Detecting Bias in Decision Making"

Co-authors: I. Canay and J. Mountjoy

Forthcoming in the Review of Economic Studies


4) "Domestic Violence and the Mental Health and Well-Being of Victims and Their Children"

First version: December 2022. This version: June June 2023. 

Co-cauthors: M. Bhuller, G. Dahl,  K. Loken  

Forthcoming in the Journal of Human Resources

5) “Policy Evaluation with Multiple Instrumental Variables”

Co-authors: A. Torgovitsky and C. Walters

Forthcoming in the  Journal of Econometrics 

6) "How Americans Respond to Idiosyncratic and Exogenous Changes in Household Wealth and Unearned Income"

Co-cauthors: M. Golosov, M. Graber, and D. Novgorodsky

Forthcoming in the Quarterly Journal of Economics

7)"Broadband Internet and the Stock Market Investments of Individual Investors"

Co-authors: H. Hvide, T. Meling, O. Vestad

Forthcoming in the Journal of Finance

8) "How the Internet Changed the Market for Print Media"

Co-authors: M. Bhuller, T. Havnes, J. McCauley

Forthcoming in American Economic Journal: Applied 

9) "Inference for Ranks with Applications to Mobility across Neighborhoods and Academic Achievements across Countries"

Co-authors: J. Romano, A. Shaikh, and D. Wilhelm 

Review of Economic Studies, 1, 476-518, 2024

10) "Measuring the Share of Imports in Final Consumption"

Co-authors: E. Dhyne, A. Kikkawa, and F. Tintelnot

American Economic Association, Papers and Proceedings, 113, 81-86, 2023

11) "Selection bias in voluntary random testing: Evidence from a COVID-19 antibody study"

Co-authors: D. Dutz, M. Greenstone, A. Hortacsu, S. Lacouture, D. Roumis, A. Shaikh, A. Torgovitsky, W. van Dijk

American Economic Association, Papers and Proceedings, 113, 562-566, 2023

12) ”How Much Should we Trust Estimates of Firm Effects and Worker Sorting?"

Co-authors: S. Bonhomme. K Holzeu, T. Lamadon, E. Manresa, B. Setzler

Journal of Labor Economics, 41, 2, 2023

13) "Family Background, Neighborhoods, and Intergenerational Mobility"

Co-author: G. Torsvik

Handbook of Family Economics, 1, 1, 327-383, 2023

14)"Comment on: Invidious Comparisons: Ranking and Selection as Compound Decisions "

Co-authors: J. Romano, A.  Shaikh, and D. Wilhelm 

Econometrica, 1, 91, 53-60, 2023

15)  “Endogenous Production Networks with Fixed Costs “

Co-authors: E. Dhyne, K. Kikkawa, X. Kong, and F. Tintelnot

Journal of International Economics, 145, 1-39, 2023

16) "Investing in Early Childhood Development in Preschool and at Home"

Co-authors: G. Duncan, A. Kalil, M. Rege

Handbook of Education Economics, 6, 1-91, 2023

17) "Facts and Fantasies about Wage Setting and Collective Bargaining“

Co-authors: M. Bhuller, K. Moene, and O. Vestad

Journal of Economic Perspectives, 36, 4, 29-52, 2022

18) "Statistical Uncertainty in the Ranking of Journals and Universities"

Co-authors: J. Romano, A. Shaikh, and D. Wilhelm 

American Economic Association, Papers and Proceedings, 2022, 112, 1, 630-634

19) ”Imperfect Competition, Compensating Differentials, and Rent Sharing in the U.S. Labor Market"

Co-authors: T. Lamadon and B. Setzler

American Economic Review, 2022, 112, 1, 169-212

20) "Information Frictions, Internet and the Relationship between Distance and Trade”

Co-authors: A. Akerman and E. Leuven

American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2022, 14, 1, 133-163

21) “The Causal Interpretation of Two-Stage Least Squares with Multiple Instrumental Variables” 

Co-authors: A. Torgovitsky and C. Walters

American Economic Review, 2021, 111, 11, 3663-3698

22) "Improving Educational Pathways to Social Mobility: Evidence from Norway’s Reform 94"

Co-authors: M. Bertrand and J. Mountjoy

Journal of Labor Economics, 2021, 39, 4, 965-1010

23) "Ranking Intersecting Distribution Functions”

Co-authors: R. Aaberge and T. Havnes

Journal of Applied Econometrics2021, 36, 6, 639-662

24) "Combining Matching and Synthetic Controls to Trade off Biases from Extrapolation and Interpolation"

Co-authors: Max Kellogg, Guillaume Pouliot, and Alex Torgovitsky

Journal of American Statistical Association, 2021, 116, 536, 1804-1816

25) “Trade and Domestic Production Networks“

Co-authors: E. Dhyne, K. Kikkawa, and F. Tintelnot

Review of Economic Studies, 2021, 88, 643-668

26) "Why do Wealthy Parents Have Wealthy Children?” 

Co-authors: A. Fagereng and M. Ronning

Journal of Political Economy, 2021, 129, 3, 703-756 

27) "What Can We Learn About Household Consumption From Information on Income and Assets"

Co-authors:  L. Eika and O. Vestad

Journal of Public Economics, 2020,189

28) “Incarceration, Recidivism, and Employment”, 

Co-authors: M. Bhuller, G. Dahl, K. Loken

Journal of Political Economy, 2020, 128, 4, 1269-1324


29) “Disability Receipt, Consumption Insurance, and Family Labor Supply” 

Co-authors: D. Autor, A. Kostol, and B. Setzler

American Economic Review, 2019, 109, 7, 2613-2654

30) ”Local Governments, In-Kind Transfers, and Economic Inequality”

Co-authors: R. Aaberge, L. Eika, and A. Langorgen

Journal of Public Economics, 2019, 180

31) “Educational Assortative Mating and Household Income Inequality”

Co-authors: B. Zafar and L. Eika

Journal of Political Economy, 2019, 127, 6, 2795-2835

32) “Using Instrumental Variables for Inference About Policy Relevant Treatment Effects”

Co-authors: A. Santos and A. Torgovitsky 

Econometrica, 2018, 86, 477-613 

33) “Identification and Extrapolation of Causal Effects with Instrumental Variables“

Co-author: A. Torgovitsky 

Annual Review of Economics, 2018, 08, 577-613

34) “Intergenerational Effects of Incarceration" 

Co-authors: M. Bhuller, G. Dahl, K. Loken

American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 108, 2018

35) “The Human Capital Approach to Intergenerational Mobility" 

Commemorative essay in “The Past, Present, and Future of Economics: A Celebration of the 125 Year Anniversary of the JPE and of Chicago Economics,”

Edited by John List and Harald Uhlig. 125, 1862-1868, 2017, Journal of Political Economy

36) “Life Cycle Earnings, Education Premiums and Internal Rates of Return”

Co-authors: M. Bhuller and K. Salvanes

Journal of Labor Economics, 35, 4, 993-1030, 2017

37) “Beyond LATE with a Discrete Instrument”

Co-authors: C. Brinch and M. Wiswall  

Journal of Political Economy, 125 (4): 985-1039, 2017

38) "Field of Study, Earnings, and Self-Selection”

Co-authors: L. Kirkeboen and E. Leuven

Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131, 1057-1111, 2016

39) “What is the Case for Paid Maternity Leave?”

Co-authors: G. Dahl, K. Loken, K. V. Salvanes 

Review of Economics and Statistics, 98, 655-670, 2016.  

40) "Father Presence and the Intergenerational Transmission of Educational Attainment"

Co-authors: A. Kalil, M. Rege, and M. Votruba

Journal of Human Resources, 51 (4): 869-899, 51, 2016

41) “Testing the Quantity-Quality Model of Fertility: Linearity, Marginal Effects, and Total Effects”

Co-author: M. Wiswall

Quantitative Economics, 7, 157-192, 2016

42) “Earnings, Income, and Consumption of Allowed and Rejected Disability Insurance Applicants“

Co-author: A. Kostol

American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 105(5): 137-41, 2015

43) “Labor Income Dynamics and the Insurance from Taxes, Transfers and the Family”

Co-authors: R. Blundell and M. Graber

Journal of Public Economics, 127, 58-73, 2015

44) “The Skill Complementarity of Broadband Internet”

Co-authors: A. Akerman and I. Gaarder

Quarterly Journal of Economics, 130(4), 1781-1824, 2015

45) “Inequality in Current and Lifetime Income”

Co-author: R. Aaberge

Social Choice and Welfare, 44(2), 217-230, 2015

46) "Is Universal Child Care Leveling the Playing Field?”

Co-author: T. Havnes

Journal of Public Economics, 127, 100-114, 2015

47) “Family Welfare Cultures”

Co-authors: G. Dahl and A. Kostol

Quarterly Journal of Economics, 129(4): 1711-1752, 2014

48) “Peer Effects in Program Participation”

Co-authors: G. Dahl and K. Løken

American Economic Review, 104(7), 2049-2074, 2014

49) “How Financial Incentives Induce Disability Insurance Recipients to Return to Work”

Co-author: A. Kostol

 American Economic Review, 104(2), 624-55, 2014

50) “Broadband Internet: An Information Superhighway to Sex Crime?”

Co-authors: M. Bhuller, T. Havnes, and E. Leuven

Review of Economic Studies, 80, 1237-1266, 2013

51) “What Linear Estimators Miss: The Effects of Family Income on Child Outcomes”

Co-authors: M. Wiswall and K. Løken

 American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 4, 1-37, 2012

52) “Older or Wealthier? The Impact of Age Adjustment on Cross-Sectional Inequality Measures”

Co-author: I. Almås

Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 114, 24-54, 2012

53) “Are Lone Mothers Responsive to Policy Changes? Evidence from a Workfare Reform in a Generous Welfare State”

Co-author: C. Pronzato 

Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 114, 1129-1159, 2012

54) “Instrumental Variables Estimation with Partially Missing Instruments”

Co-author: M. Wiswall

Economics Letters, 114, 186-189, 2012

55) “Money for Nothing? Universal Child Care and Maternal Employment”

Co-author: T. Havnes

Journal of Public Economics, 95, 1455-1465, 2011

56) “No Child Left Behind: Subsidized Child Care and Children’s Long-Run Outcomes”

Co-author: T. Havnes

American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 3, 97-129, 2011

57) ”Baby Booming Inequality? Demographic Change and Inequality in Norway, 1967-2004”

Co-authors: I. Almås and T, Havnes

Journal of Economic Inequality, 9, 629-650, 2011

58) “Measuring Long-Term Inequality of Opportunity”

Co-authors: R. Aaberge, V. Peragine

Journal of Public Economics, 95, 193-204, 2011

59) "Divorced Fathers’ Proximity and Child Long Run Outcomes”

Co-authors: A. Kalil, M. Rege, M. Votruba

Demography, 48 1005-1027, 2011

60) “Robust Inequality Comparisons”

Co-author: R. Aaberge

Journal of Economic Inequality, 9, 353-371, 2011

61) “The Distributional Impact of Public Services When Needs Differ”

Co-authors: R. Aaberge, M. Bhuller, A. Langørgen

Journal of Public Economics, 94, 549-562, 2010

62) “Region-specific versus Country-specific Poverty Lines in Analysis of Poverty"

Co-authors: R. Aaberge, A. Langørgen

 Journal of Economic Inequality, 5, 115-122, 2007