Privacy Policy

Last updated: February 2020.

Thank you for installing app "Test bluetooth battery & ringtone PRO"!

This privacy policy governs your use of the software application "Test bluetooth battery & ringtone PRO" for mobile devices. BY INSTALLING AND USING THE APPLICATION, YOU HEREBY ACCEPT THE POLICY WITHOUT QUALIFICATION. You are responsible for any activity that you perform when using the application. You should not use the application for illegal purposes. If you do not agree with this policy, do not use the application, remove it from the device on which it was installed. This Privacy Policy may be updated.

Collection of Personal Information

The application never collects your personal information.

The following is a list of requested permissions. These permissions are required for the proper operation of the application.  For to use a Bluetooth module and to use functions such as discovery, connection, transmission and reception of data, requested by the following permissions:

BLUETOOTH_ADMIN - allows the application to discover and pair bluetooth devices.

BLUETOOTH - allows the application to connect to paired bluetooth devices.

Updates to this Policy

From time to time, as our services evolve, we may update this Policy. You agree that we may notify you about material changes in the way we treat personal information by placing a notice on the App. Please check the App frequently for updates.

Contact Us

If you still have questions about our privacy policy, please feel free to send us an email to