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Older Adults: We are always looking for new participants

If you are interested in potentially participating in our research, please contact us at:

Everyday Cognition Project


Students: There are several ways to get involved in research with Professor Mitchell.

Undergraduate Research Assistant

If you are interested in learning more about memory and other aspects of cognition and cognitive aging, and in getting experience doing research, please consider joining the MaCLab as an undergraduate research assistant. There are currently no paid research positions in the lab, however, after consultation with Professor Mitchell you can arrange to take PSY 410 to receive credit for your work with the lab, or you can choose to “volunteer”. In most case, at least during your first semester in the lab, you would work closely with other members of the lab on one or more of our ongoing research projects. Your involvement could include running experiment sessions with young and/or older adult participants; helping to enter, code and analyze data; preparing stimuli for projects; and doing literature searches. Because of the training involved in becoming a research assistant in our lab, we ask for a minimum 10 hour commitment per week. You will get the most out of your experience if you stay with the lab for at least two semesters, but this is not required. If you are interested in gaining research experience by working in our lab as a research assistant, email Professor Mitchell ( You should contact Prof Mitchell the semester before you hope to start working in the lab.

Independent Research Project

Have an idea for your own cognitive research project? Professor Mitchell sometimes supervises student initiated ”independent” research projects. See WCU Psychology Department's student research page for more information regarding requirements, etc. Because of the intensive nature of such projects, this usually involves at least a two-semester, 10-hr per week commitment. Most often, a student will develop an idea while working in the MaCLab as a research assistant (see above), but other scenarios are possible. If you think you might be interested in doing independent research with Professor Mitchell, please contact her (, as soon as possible before you hope to start a project (at least the semester before).