
Welcome to my Website!

Welcome to the personal website of Dr. Rouzbeh Maani! This website includes the projects I have done during PhD and afterwards and some interesting material I found useful!

About me!

I received my Ph.D. from the Computing Science Department at the University of Alberta in 2015 under the supervision of Dr. Herb Yang (Computing Science) and Dr. Sanjay Kalra (Neurology).

My research field is Computer Vision, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Medical Image Analysis. During my PhD I worked on texture analysis methods and used textural features for medical image analysis. I particularly developed robust texture features called Local Frequency Descriptors (LFD). See this page for an introduction to my work

I received several awards during my PhD including the prestigious Killam Memorial Scholarship (2014) and the Faculty of Science Doctoral Dissertation Award (2015).

I work at Epson Canada as a Senior Research Scientist since 2015. At Epson Canada the main tasks are robot vision oriented and the goal is to use learning methods (particularly modern deep learning) to achieve high quality vision tasks for robots.