Academic positions:

June 2024-                     :Associate professor, Concordia University

Jan 2021- May 2024 : assistant professor, Concordia University

Sep 2017-Dec 2020: assistant professor, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (former name Paris 13). Tenure obtained in 2018. 

Oct 2015- Aug 2017: post-doctoral fellow at School of Economics, Aix-Marseille University.


SEP 2012- JUN 2015, PhD in Applied Mathematics at CREST (Center of Research in Economics and STatistics) and Paris-Dauphine University (now PSL Research University), supervisor: Christian Gouriéroux. 

2008-2012, Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris, Rue d'Ulm). and in mathematics (Normalien Promo 2008 s).

2010-2012, ENSAE, Master's degree in Statistics and Economics.

Professional experiences:

2012-2015 part-time researcher of SCOR's longevity/mortality research team.

2011-2012 part-time intern at SCOR Reinsurance Company, Paris.

I am a member of the French Institut des Actuaires.

External research grants: