B.S. in Physics & Engineering with Electrical Emphasis

Magna cum laude, 2007

Major: Physics

Chem 111: General Chemistry I

Chem 111: General & Analyt Chem Lab I

PHYS 121: General Physics I

PHYS 122: General Physics II

PHYS 141: General Physics Laboratory I

PHYS 142: General Phyiscs Laboratory II

PHYS 270: Modern Physics

PHYS 295: Introduction to Physics I

PHYS 280: Intro to Mathematical Physics

PHYS 281: Intermediate Labratory

PHYS 352: Physics of the Optical Domain

PHYS 342: Electricity and Magnetism

PHYS 361: Analytical Mechanics

PHYS 372: Quantum Theory

PHYS 328: Continuation Adv Labratory

Minor: Mathematics

MATH 131: Calculus I

MATH 132: Calculus II

MATH 231: Multivariable Mathematics I

MATH 232: Multivariable Mathematics II

MATH 334: Complex Analysis

MATH 351: College Geometry

Core Curriculum

Basic Drawing

BATMAN: 8 Decades & Counting

Learning to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci

Survey of Jazz

Cultural Heritage I

Cultural Heritage II

National Government Topics

Introduction to Psychology

Many Faces of Christianity

Intro to World Religions

Science & Religion

Spanish I

Spanish II