Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Magna cum laude, 2017
MATH 416: Abstract Lin Algebra (Audit)
MATH 447: Real Variables (Audit)
MATH 461: Probability Theory
ECE 210: Analog Signal Processing (teaching)
ECE 310: Digital Signal Processing (teaching)
ECE 448: Artificial Intelligence
ECE 470: Introduction to Robotics
ECE 486: Control Systems (teaching)
ECE 490: Introduction to Optimization
ECE 515: Control System Theory
ECE 517: Nonlinear & Adaptive Control
ECE 528: Analysis of Nonlinear Systems
ECE 553: Optimum Control Systems
ECE 555: Control of Stochastic Systems
ECE 561: Detection & Estimation Theory (Audit)
ECE 580: Optimiz by Vect Space Methds
ECE 594: Math Models of Language
ECE 599: Thesis Research
CS 446: Machine Learning (Audit)
B.S. in Physics & Engineering with Electrical Emphasis
Magna cum laude, 2007
Major: Engineering-ElecEngEmph
ENGS 100: Introduction to Engineering & Lab
ENGS 170: Computer Aided Design
ENGS 222: Principles of Engineering Materials
ENGS 224: Mechanics of Materials Lab
ENGS 242: Electronics II & Lab
ENGS 295: Intro to Computational Analysis
ENGS 295: Logic Circuit Design
ENGS 331: Dynamic Systems & Controls I
ENGS 332: Dynamic Systems & Controls II
ENGS 333: Dynamic Systems & Controls Lab
ENGS 351: Signal Analysis & Communication
Major: Physics
Chem 111: General Chemistry I
Chem 111: General & Analyt Chem Lab I
PHYS 121: General Physics I
PHYS 122: General Physics II
PHYS 141: General Physics Laboratory I
PHYS 142: General Phyiscs Laboratory II
PHYS 270: Modern Physics
PHYS 295: Introduction to Physics I
PHYS 280: Intro to Mathematical Physics
PHYS 281: Intermediate Labratory
PHYS 352: Physics of the Optical Domain
PHYS 342: Electricity and Magnetism
PHYS 361: Analytical Mechanics
PHYS 372: Quantum Theory
PHYS 328: Continuation Adv Labratory
Minor: Mathematics
MATH 131: Calculus I
MATH 132: Calculus II
MATH 231: Multivariable Mathematics I
MATH 232: Multivariable Mathematics II
MATH 334: Complex Analysis
MATH 351: College Geometry
Core Curriculum
Basic Drawing
BATMAN: 8 Decades & Counting
Learning to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci
Survey of Jazz
Cultural Heritage I
Cultural Heritage II
National Government Topics
Introduction to Psychology
Many Faces of Christianity
Intro to World Religions
Science & Religion
Spanish I
Spanish II