



- Population genetics of saproxylic beetle assemblages in protected and managed forests - funded by the National Science Centre (Opus 22), principal investigator.

- Effects of water regime on species diversity and population genetics of riverine beetles - own research

- Phylogeography of riverine beetles (Bembidiini and Paederini) in the Carpathians - history and current gene flow – statutory research of ISEA PAS 

- Microbiome of bumblebees from rural and urban areas - cooperation in research project with dr hab.  Aneta Strachecka (University of Life Sciences in Lublin) and dr Michał Kolasa


- Filling knowledge gaps for the threatened beetle Cucujus cinnaberinus - the flagship species of the saproxylic community - cooperation in research project with dr hab.  Marcin Kadej (University of Wroclaw), dr Radosław Plewa (Forest Research Institute) and others

- Microbiome diversity of Philaenus spittlebugs across species, populations and hybrids - cooperation in research project with dr Piotr Łukasik (Jagiellonian University), prof. Anna Maryańska-Nadachowska and dr Michał Kolasa

- Digestion rate of plant DNA in phytophagous beetles – statutory research of ISEA PAS 

- Insights into the origin of highly isolated populations of the mountain weevil Liparus glabrirostris – the flagship species for riparian habitats - cooperation in research project of dr hab. Dorota Lachowska-Cierlik (Jagiellonian University) and others

- Molecular evolution and ecology in species complexes on example of selected beetles – statutory research of ISEA PAS 

- Evolutionary and ecological interactions between beetles and endosymbiotic bacteria – PhD study of Michał Kolasa (supervisor) 

- The interactions between beetles and endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia: the role played by the ecological niche- funded by the National Science Centre (Sonata6), principal investigator.

- Phylogeny of the Chaitophorinae and Drepanosiphinae aphids (Insecta, Hemiptera, Aphididae) – a combined analysis of molecular and morphological data - funded by the National Science Centre (Opus1), co-investigator (PI - dr hab. Karina Wieczorek).

- European species of the genus Eulachnus (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Lachninae). Revisionery and phylogenetic studies – PhD studies of Mariusz Kanturski (auxiliary supervisor)

- Beetles (Curculionoidea, Chrysomeloidea) and their host plants in threatened xerothermic environments: evolutionary and ecological interactions inferred from the analysis of DNA barcodes - funded by the National Science Centre (Opus1), principal investigator.

- Influence of xerothemic turfs isolation on genetic structure of Centricnemus leucogrammus populations: conservation implications - funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, principal investigator.

- Genetic structure of central-European populations of xerothermic beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae, Chrysomelidae): colonization history, level of isolation and taxonomic status - funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, co-investigator (PI- dr Daniel Kubisz).

- Apomictic parthenogenesis and polyploidy in weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entyminae) in the light of cytogenetic and molecular research - funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, co-investigator (PI - dr hab. Dorota Lachowska-Cierlik).

- Phylogeography of spittlebug Philaenus spumarius (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Aphrophoridae) - funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, co-investigator (PI - prof. Anna Maryanska-Nadachowska).

- Relationships within Siphini (Hemiptera, Aphidoidea:Chaitophorinae) in the light of molecular and morphological research - funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, co-operation (PI - dr hab. Karina Wieczorek).

- Genetic relationships among European species of Philaenus - funded by the the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, technical assistant (PI - prof. Anna Maryanska-Nadachowska).

- Migration routes of xerothemic weevils (Centricnemus leucogrammus and Polydrusus inustus) in Poland based on rDNA and mtDNA - funded by the the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, co-investigator (PI - dr hab. Mieczyslaw Mazur).

- Cytogenetic differences among bisexual and parthenogenetic species of Brachyderini i Strophosomini (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) - funded by the State Committee for Scientific Research, technical assistant (PI - dr hab. Dorota Lachowska-Cierlik).

- Phylogeography of Asian populations of Philaenus bugs – statutory research of ISEA PAS

- Speciation and genetic structure of Philaenus spumarius populations in contact zone of its main plylogenetic lineages – PhD studies of Agata Lis (supervisor)

- A survey on potential vectors of Xylella fastidiosa - external project (coordinators: Mostafa Mirzaei, Valeria Mereghetti & Matteo Montagna)



- Hybridization with a common relative - the threat or chance for the protected bird species? - funded by the National Science Centre (Preludium BIS 4), principal investigator.

- Ivy as microhabitat that favor biodiversity of forest-dwelling birds - statutory research of ISEA PAS


- Spatial relations between top predators in managed forests with deficiency of large nest cavities - the case of Ural owl and Goshawk  - statutory research of ISEA PAS

- Value of mature oak-beech stands of the Western Carpathians – assessment of the effects of forest management and nature protection [or nature reserves, protected areas] on bird assemblages  – cooperation in project of dr P. Lešo (Technical University, Zvolen, Slovakia)

- Ecological and ethological relations between Syrian Woodpeckers and Great-spotted Woodpeckers in urban populations – PhD study of Tomasz Figarski (supervisor) 

- Competition for foraging areas between goosanders and cormorants on submontane rivers and reservoirs during migration and wintering – statutory research of ISEA PAS- Old and abandoned orchards as important refugia for cavity nesting birds – statutory research of ISEA PAS

- Spatial and habitat segregation of the Ural and Tawny owls in fragmented forest landscape - funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Iuventus3) , principal investigator.

- The importance of forests in submontane stream valleys for bird conservation – statutory research of ISEA PAS

- The importance of traditional orchards for breeding birds – statutory research of ISEA PAS

- Genetic markers for Dendrocopos syriacus, D. major and their hybrids study – statutory research of ISEA PAS

- Goosanders Mergus merganser as indicators of naturalness of sub-mountain river valleys – own research

- Predicting Tree-toed- and White-backed Woodpeckers' habitat quality – own research

- Severe flood and river regulation impact on bird assemblages of sub-mountain riverbeds – statutory research of ISEA PAS

-The origins of great spotted woodpeckers (Dendrocopos major) colonizing Ireland revealed by mitochondrial DNA - funded by Heritage Council, Ireland, co-operation (PI - dr Allan McDevitt).

- The role of structural elements of forests in determining the occurrence of two specialist woodpecker species in the Carpathians – own research

- Factors affecting Hazel Grouse Bonasa bonasia distribution in agro-forestry landscape – own research

- Habitat and landscape characteristics affecting the Ural Owl Strix uralensis occurrence in agro-forestry mosaic – own research

- Birds of sub-mountain and mountain areas of Polish Carpathian Basin– own research





- Overview of the impact of forestry on the habitat quality and conservation of dormice (Gliridae) - arboreal small mammals of special concern - own research

- Development of new markers for population genetic studies with use of Genotyping-by-Sequencing - cooperation in project of dr A. Gurgul

- Phylogeography of steppic snail Caucasotachea vindobonensis – statutory research of ISEA PAS 

- Large carnivores in the Wyspowy and Makowski Beskid Mountains -  cooperation in project of mgr M. Matysek

Internships in international scientific centres

Netherlands, Department of Molecular Biology, Centre for Molecular Life Science, University of Nijmegen, 01-03.2004 - scholarship 

Spain, Molecular Biology Institute CSIC, Barcelona, 10.2009 - scientific consulting

Slovakia, Department of Applied Zoology and Wildlife Management, Faculty of Forestry, Technical University in Zvolen, Zvolen, 10.2019 - training (Erasmus)

Italy, Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Milan, Milan, 01.2020

International field Excursions

Ukraine (2003, 2007, 2009-2011, 2018) 

Russia (2003) 

Spain (2006) 

Czechia.-Slovakia-Hungary (2011)

Slovakia (2018, 2019) 

Bulgaria (2015)

Romania (2016, 2019, 2021)

Czechia (2019)


European Ornithologist' Union

Eurasian Dry Grassland Group

Committee of Environmental and Evolutionary Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences

Grant proposals evaluation

The Czech Science Foundation (4)

Percy Sladen Memorial Fund c/o The Linnean Society (1)

The National Research, Development and Innovation Office, Hungary (1)

The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (1)

British Ecological Society (1)

Austrian Science Fund  (1)