
  • Luís Tirapicos, "Bibliographical Evolutions: From Archaeoastronomy to Astronomy in Culture," Isis, 110:S1 (December 2019), 1-12. [PDF]

  • Luís Tirapicos, "Astronomy and Diplomacy at the Court of King João V of Portugal," Cahiers François Viète, série III:3 (2017), 61-79. [PDF]

  • Luís Tirapicos, "The Old and the New Rome: Francesco Bianchini’s astronomical exchanges with the court of Lisbon," Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 16:4 (2016), 503-508. [DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.220976] [PDF]

  • Luís Tirapicos, Gilberto Pereira, "A Rare Telescope Objective Lens by Antonio Degola," SIS Bulletin, No. 112 (March 2012), p. 40. [PDF]

  • Fernando Pimenta, Luís Tirapicos, Andrew Smith, "A Bayesian approach to the orientations of central Alentejo megalithic enclosures," Archaeoastronomy – The Journal of Astronomy in Culture, 22 (2009), 1-20. [PDF]

  • Fernando Pimenta, Luís Tirapicos, "The orientations of central Alentejo megalithic enclosures," Archaeologia Baltica, 10 (2008), 234-240. [PDF]

  • Michael Hoskin, José Manuel Quinta Ventura, Luís Tirapicos, J. Carlos Vera Rodríguez, Martí Mas Cornellá, R. Cruz-Auñón Briones, L. García Sanjuá, J. A. Belmonte, Fernando Pimenta, J. Carlos Vera Rodríguez, José C. Martín De La Cruz, "Studies in Iberian Archaeoastronomy (8): Orientations of Megalithic and Tholos Tombs of Portugal and Southwest Spain", Archaeoastronomy - Supplement to Journal for the History of Astronomy, 32 (2001), S45-S64. [DOI: 10.1177/002182860103202603] [PDF]

Papers in Conference Proceedings

  • Fernando Pimenta, Nuno Ribeiro, Andrew Smith, Luís Tirapicos, "Orientations in the Landscape of Open Air Rock Art in the Mountains Between the Alva and Ceira Rivers: The Podomorph Carvings", in M. A. Rappenglück, B. Rappenglück, N. Campion, F. Silva (eds.), Astronomy and Power: How Worlds Are Structured (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2016), pp. 119-123.
  • Nuno Ribeiro, Anabela Joaquinito, Fernando Pimenta, Herbert Saurent, António F. Rodrigues, Antonieta Costa, António Sérgio Pereira, Maria de Fraga Juliano, Joaquim Fernandes, Ricardo Freitas, Ricardo Ventura, Luís Tirapicos, "Proto-historic and Historical Atlantic Navigation: Archaeological Evidence from the Azores", in F. Pimenta, N. Ribeiro, F. Silva, N. Campion, A. Joaquinito, L. Tirapicos (eds.), SEAC 2011 Stars and Stones: Voyages in Archaeoastronomy and Cultural Astronomy (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2015), pp. 64-69.
  • Fernando Pimenta, Nuno Ribeiro, Andrew Smith, Anabela Joaquinito, Sérgio Pereira, Luís Tirapicos, "Open Air Rock Art Between Alva and Ceira Rivers: a Voyage Through Mining, Trading, Transhumance Routes and the Orientation in the Landscape", in F. Pimenta, N. Ribeiro, F. Silva, N. Campion, A. Joaquinito, L. Tirapicos (eds.), SEAC 2011 Stars and Stones: Voyages in Archaeoastronomy and Cultural Astronomy (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2015), pp. 224-234.
  • Rosário Salema de Carvalho, Samuel Gessner, Luís Tirapicos, "Astronomy and “azulejo” Panels in Portuguese Jesuit Colleges", in F. Pimenta, N. Ribeiro, F. Silva, N. Campion, A. Joaquinito, L. Tirapicos (eds.), SEAC 2011 Stars and Stones: Voyages in Archaeoastronomy and Cultural Astronomy (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2015), pp. 314-317.
  • Luís Tirapicos, "Instruments and Astronomical Observations at the Jesuit College of Santo Antão-o-Novo, 1722-1759", in Luís Saraiva (ed.), History of Astronomy in Portugal. Institutions, Theories, Practices (Porto: Sociedade Portuguesa de Astronomia, 2014), pp. 65-84.
  • Fernando Pimenta, Nuno Ribeiro, Andrew Smith, Luís Tirapicos, "The sky and the landscape of rock art in the Ceira and Alva Bains", in J.A.Rubiño-Martín, J.A.Belmonte, F. Prada, A.Alberdi (eds.), Cosmology Across Cultures (San Francisco: APS Conference Series, Vol. 409, 2009), pp. 359-363.
  • Fernando Pimenta, Luís Tirapicos, Nuno Ribeiro, "Lunar and solar connections at a rock art site in central Portugal", in Mauro P. Zedda, Juan Antonio Belmonte (eds.), Lights and Shadows in Cultural Astronomy, Isili, Sardinia, 28 June to 3 July 2005. Proceedings (Isili: Associazione Archeofila Sarda, 2007), pp. 264-271.