
i am a theoretical linguist and i work on semantics and its interfaces with morpho-syntax and pragmatics. i am interested in experimental semantics, fieldwork and fieldwork methodology, and in the philosophy of language

my research is focused on noun phrase morphology, semantics and pragmatics (scope, number, (non)identifiability, generalized quantifiers, indefinites, definites, specificity) in a variety of languages

current projects include exploring the role that semantically contentful features play in our understanding of grammatical number, with a focus on numeral phrases cross-linguistically, and the semantics of determiners across languages

ultimately, i am interested in finding out how much of semantics is involved in the account of cross-linguistic variation

i do fieldwork on atara imere, an understudied language spoken in mele, vanuatu

i was one of the main organizers of sinn und bedeutung 25, the first Sinn und Bedeutung to take place online

take a look at my papers and other writings and at my projects