Ludo Visschers -- Research 

⬦  Professor, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, from sept  2024 (ATRAE Distinguished Researcher/Catedrático)
⬦ Affiliated Researcher with the Stone Centre on Wealth Concentration, Inequality, and the Economy, at University College London
Affiliate of the Edinburgh Futures Institute, Univ. of Edinburgh
⬦ Research Fellow CESifo & IZA
Search and Matching Europe Committee Member
⬦  until sept 2024, I was a Professor at the University of Edinburgh

email: ludovisschers(at)gmailcom; lvissche(at)eco∘uc3m∘es

CV (pdf)  

Working papers     Publications    

Could I ask you to please consider this: 

Working Papers

⬦   "Cyclical Earnings, Career and Employment Transitions"  ⚬ with Carlos Carrillo-Tudela and David Wiczer september 2022, [pdf download; online appendix], revision requested Review of Economic Studies

⬦   "Spanish Labour Market, Mobility and Labour Shortages"   joint with Carlos Carrillo-Tudela, Alex Clymo, Cristina Lafuente and David Zentler-Munro November 2024, submitted

⬦  Workers’ Task and Employer Mobility over the Business Cycle ⚬ with Carlos Carrillo-Tudela and Fraser Summerfield ⚬ January 2025, submitted

Works in Progress

-- presented in seminars/conferences--

⬦  Sectoral Labour Flow Accounting  ⚬ with with Carlos Carrillo-Tudela, Alex Clymo, Camila Comunello and David Zentler-Munro [slides]

⬦  Dual Labor Markets, Unemployment and Career Mobility ⚬ with Chris Busch, Ismael Gálvez-Iniesta, Eugenia González-Aguado 

Statistical Gender Discrimination in an equilibrium search model ⚬ with David Cuberes, Sevi Rodriguez-Mora, Marc Teignier 

Self-employment, Paid employment and Unemployment over the business cycle ⚬ with Matthias Kredler and Ana Millan Tapia ⚬ (this is an older, preliminary, version from the SED) ⚬  slides (2017)

--submitted to conferences--

⬦  Learning from Mistakes: Occupation Miscoding and Task Distance ⚬ with Carlos Carrillo-Tudela and  Saman Darougheh

Directed job search and intergenerational insurance with Paul Telemo

-- in production--

⬦  Occupation Dynamics and Worker Flows ⚬ with Tommaso Santini

⬦  Precautionary Search and Career Mobility over the Business Cycle ⚬ with Carlos Carrillo-Tudela, Alex Clymo, David Wiczer and David Zendtler-Munro

Marital sorting and intergenerational mobility during an economic transformation” with Güell, Nuevo-Chiquero, Rodriguez-Mora and Santaeulalia

Reallocation squared project ⚬ with Carlos Carrillo-Tudela and Elisa Keller

Untitled Project ⚬ with Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis

Projects in the (perhaps cryogenic) Freezer 

Basic Income and Heterogeneity in Macro (project) ⚬ with Rafael Lopes de Melo, Enric Martorell and Sevi Rodriguez-Mora

"Employment Uncertainty and Wage Contracts in Frictional Markets" ⚬ 2009

◇ "Market Signaling with Frictions" ◇ "Positive Assortative Matching in Wealth with frictions: A Note " ⚬ old incomplete version ◇ "Interest Rates and Inventories in a Monetary Search Business Cycle Model" ⚬ with Irina Telyukova ⚬ older version 2009 under a different title.

Some Workshops Co-Organized

Barcelona Summer Forum - Economic Growth and Fluctuations Session 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2019, 2018, and 2017 (funding acknowledged by Barcelona GSE, MOVE, MacCaLM, Excelencia Severo Ochoa, Fundacion Ramon Araces, Ministerio Economia y Competitividad Spain)

Barcelona Summer Forum - Macroeconomics of Labor Markets, 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021

MacCaLM Workshop 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2021

UC3M-CEMFI Macroeconomics Workshop 2016 (a special one) 

Search and Matching Annual Conference 2014

Research Groups/Networks

Search and Matching Europe Research Group ⚬ new website coming soon. 2025 SaM Europe Conference website, old website: ⚬  ⚬ James M. and Cathleen D. Stone Centre on Wealth Concentration, Inequality, and the Economy at University College London. IZA Institute of Labour CESifo research network  UC3M  Institute of Economics (IE) Edinburgh Futures Institute, University of Edinburgh MacCaLM, Credit and Labour Market Foundations of the Macroeconomy (Research Project)

Other Links  ⚬ Seminar schedule for UC3M, CEMFI, Bank of Spain and FEDEA (not always up to date)                       


Unemployment and Endogenous Reallocation over the Business Cycle  ⋈♕⚬ with Carlos Carrillo-Tudela   ⚬  Econometrica, May 2023, 91(3), pp 1119-53.  ⚬ open access 

Online Appendix  (Jan 2023)
Supplementary Material (Dec 2021):

Replication Material

The Effects of Covid-19 on Couples' Job Tenures: Mothers Have it Worse ♛♕ ⚬ with Cristina Lafuente, Astrid Ruland and Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis ⚬ Labour Economics, August 2023, vol. 83, 102404 (previously titled: Couples’ Job Tenures and Contracts in Times of Covid) open access 

Search and Reallocation in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from the UK ♛♕ ⚬ with C. Carrillo-Tudela, C. Comunello, A. Clymo, A. Jäckle and D. Zentler-Munro Labour Economics, Junuary 2023, vol. 81, 102328 ⚬ open access

Temping Fates in Spain: Hours and Employment during the ‘Great Recession’ and Covid-19 ♛♕ ⚬ with Cristina Lafuente and Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis   ⚬ SERIEs  (special edition in honour of Juanjo Dolado)  13, pp 101–45, 2022

Revisiting the Hypothesis of High Discounts and High Unemployment ⚬ with Paolo Martellini & Guido Menzio ⚬ July 2021 Economic Journal

"Competing with Asking Prices" ⋈♙  ⚬ with Ben Lester and Ronald Wolthoff  ⚬  May 2017   ⚬  Theoretical Economics  (open access) ⚬

"The Extent and Cyclicality of Career Changes: Evidence for the UK"  ⚬ with Carlos Carrillo-Tudela, Bart Hobijn and Powen She   ⚬ May 2016, vol. 84, pp 18-41 ⚬  European Economic Review ⚬ open access provided by the ESRC ⚬ working paper version

"Directed Search over the Life Cycle"   ⚬ with Guido Menzio and Irina Telyukova  ⚬ Janurary 2016, vol. 19, pp 38-62 ⚬  Review of Economic Dynamics link to open version February 2015 (alt. link) 

"Unemployment Risk and Wage Differentials"   ⚬ with Roberto Pinheiro   ⚬ May 2015, vo. 157, pp397-424  ⚬  Journal of Economic Theory link to earlier version Sept. 2014

"Meeting Technologies and Optimal Trading Mechanisms in Competitive Search Markets"   ⚬ with Ben Lester and Ronald Wolthoff   ⚬ January 2016, vol. 155, pp 1-15 ⚬  Journal of Economic Theory  ⚬  link to ungated version

"Precautionary Demand for Money in a Business Cycle Model"   ⚬ with Irina Telyukova ⚬ Nov 2013, 60(8) ⚬  Journal of Monetary Economics ⚬  link to earlier version

"Information Acquisition and the Exclusion of Evidence in Trials"   ⚬ with Ben Lester and Nicola Persico   ⚬ 2012, 28(1)   ⚬  Journal of Law, Economics and Organization  

"Labor Market Fluctuations in the Small and in the Large"   ⚬ with Richard Rogerson and Randall Wright   ⚬ 2009, 5(1)   ⚬  International Journal of Economic Theory  link to NBER WP Version

Non-refereed and other Publications  

  ``Job search and mismatch during the Covid-19 pandemic’’ (with Carrillo-Tudela, Clymo, Jaeckle and Zentler-Munro) VoxEU column  7 Apr 2022

"La derogación (o no) de la reforma laboral del 2012 es todavía una cuestión de fe más que de razón"**   ⚬ with Cristina Lafuente and Raul Santaeulalia, ⚬  Nada es Gratis (blog), Nov 2021⬦

"Career Changes Decline During Recessions"   ⚬ with Carlos Carrillo-Tudela and Bart Hobijn  ⚬ 2014-09, ⚬  FRBSF Economic Letter  ⬦

"Majority of Hires Never Report Looking For a Job"   ⚬ with Carlos Carrillo-Tudela, Bart Hobijn  and Patryk Perkowski ⚬ 2015-10, ⚬  FRBSF Economic Letter  ⬦

Grants Acknowledged

symbols (♛♙) link some of the recent grants with papers above 

Contact Info


Snail Mail address: Department of Economics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Calle Madrid 126, Getafe 28903, Madrid, Spain

(all material on this website (c) LPV and coauthors, 2007 and onwards)