Ludo Visschers -- Research
⬦ Professor, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, from sept 2024 (ATRAE Distinguished Researcher/Catedrático)
⬦ Affiliated Researcher with the Stone Centre on Wealth Concentration, Inequality, and the Economy, at University College London
⬦ Affiliate of the Edinburgh Futures Institute, Univ. of Edinburgh
⬦ Research Fellow CESifo & IZA
⬦ Search and Matching Europe Committee Member
⬦ until sept 2024, I was a Professor at the University of Edinburgh
email: ludovisschers(at)gmail∘com; lvissche(at)eco∘uc3m∘es;
Working Papers
⬦ "Cyclical Earnings, Career and Employment Transitions" ⚬ with Carlos Carrillo-Tudela and David Wiczer ⚬ september 2022, [pdf download; online appendix], revision requested Review of Economic Studies
⬦ "Spanish Labour Market, Mobility and Labour Shortages" ⚬ joint with Carlos Carrillo-Tudela, Alex Clymo, Cristina Lafuente and David Zentler-Munro ⚬ November 2024, submitted
⬦ Workers’ Task and Employer Mobility over the Business Cycle ⚬ with Carlos Carrillo-Tudela and Fraser Summerfield ⚬ January 2025, submitted
Works in Progress
-- presented in seminars/conferences--
⬦ Sectoral Labour Flow Accounting ⚬ with with Carlos Carrillo-Tudela, Alex Clymo, Camila Comunello and David Zentler-Munro [slides]
⬦ Dual Labor Markets, Unemployment and Career Mobility ⚬ with Chris Busch, Ismael Gálvez-Iniesta, Eugenia González-Aguado
⬦ Statistical Gender Discrimination in an equilibrium search model ⚬ with David Cuberes, Sevi Rodriguez-Mora, Marc Teignier
⬦ Self-employment, Paid employment and Unemployment over the business cycle ⚬ with Matthias Kredler and Ana Millan Tapia ⚬ (this is an older, preliminary, version from the SED) ⚬ slides (2017)
--submitted to conferences--
⬦ Learning from Mistakes: Occupation Miscoding and Task Distance ⚬ with Carlos Carrillo-Tudela and Saman Darougheh
⬦ Directed job search and intergenerational insurance ⚬ with Paul Telemo
-- in production--
⬦ Occupation Dynamics and Worker Flows ⚬ with Tommaso Santini
⬦ Precautionary Search and Career Mobility over the Business Cycle ⚬ with Carlos Carrillo-Tudela, Alex Clymo, David Wiczer and David Zendtler-Munro
⬦ Marital sorting and intergenerational mobility during an economic transformation” ⚬ with Güell, Nuevo-Chiquero, Rodriguez-Mora and Santaeulalia
⬦ Reallocation squared project ⚬ with Carlos Carrillo-Tudela and Elisa Keller
⬦ Untitled Project ⚬ with Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis
Projects in the (perhaps cryogenic) Freezer
⬦ Basic Income and Heterogeneity in Macro (project) ⚬ with Rafael Lopes de Melo, Enric Martorell and Sevi Rodriguez-Mora
◇ "Employment Uncertainty and Wage Contracts in Frictional Markets" ⚬ 2009
◇ "Market Signaling with Frictions" ◇ "Positive Assortative Matching in Wealth with frictions: A Note " ⚬ old incomplete version ◇ "Interest Rates and Inventories in a Monetary Search Business Cycle Model" ⚬ with Irina Telyukova ⚬ older version 2009 under a different title.
Some Workshops Co-Organized
◇ Barcelona Summer Forum - Economic Growth and Fluctuations Session 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2019, 2018, and 2017 (funding acknowledged by Barcelona GSE, MOVE, MacCaLM, Excelencia Severo Ochoa, Fundacion Ramon Araces, Ministerio Economia y Competitividad Spain)
◇ Barcelona Summer Forum - Macroeconomics of Labor Markets, 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021
◇ MacCaLM Workshop 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2021
◇ UC3M-CEMFI Macroeconomics Workshop 2016 (a special one)
◇ Search and Matching Annual Conference 2014
Research Groups/Networks
Search and Matching Europe Research Group ⚬ new website coming soon. 2025 SaM Europe Conference website, old website: ⚬ ⚬ James M. and Cathleen D. Stone Centre on Wealth Concentration, Inequality, and the Economy at University College London. ⚬ IZA Institute of Labour ⚬ CESifo research network ⚬ UC3M Institute of Economics (IE) ⚬ Edinburgh Futures Institute, University of Edinburgh ⚬ MacCaLM, Credit and Labour Market Foundations of the Macroeconomy (Research Project)
Other Links ⚬ Seminar schedule for UC3M, CEMFI, Bank of Spain and FEDEA (not always up to date)
⬦ Unemployment and Endogenous Reallocation over the Business Cycle ⋈♕♛ ⚬ with Carlos Carrillo-Tudela ⚬ Econometrica, May 2023, 91(3), pp 1119-53. ⚬ open access
⚬ Online Appendix (Jan 2023)
⚬ Supplementary Material (Dec 2021):
Supplementary Appendix A (occ code correction),
Supplementary Appendix B (data),
Supplementary Appendix C (theory)
⬦ The Effects of Covid-19 on Couples' Job Tenures: Mothers Have it Worse ♛♕ ⚬ with Cristina Lafuente, Astrid Ruland and Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis ⚬ Labour Economics, August 2023, vol. 83, 102404 (previously titled: Couples’ Job Tenures and Contracts in Times of Covid) ⚬ open access
⬦ Search and Reallocation in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from the UK ♛♕ ⚬ with C. Carrillo-Tudela, C. Comunello, A. Clymo, A. Jäckle and D. Zentler-Munro ⚬ Labour Economics, Junuary 2023, vol. 81, 102328 ⚬ open access
⬦ Temping Fates in Spain: Hours and Employment during the ‘Great Recession’ and Covid-19 ♛♕ ⚬ with Cristina Lafuente and Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis ⚬ SERIEs (special edition in honour of Juanjo Dolado) 13, pp 101–45, 2022
⬦ Revisiting the Hypothesis of High Discounts and High Unemployment ⋈ ⚬ with Paolo Martellini & Guido Menzio ⚬ July 2021 ⚬ Economic Journal ⚬
⬦ "Competing with Asking Prices" ⋈♙ ⚬ with Ben Lester and Ronald Wolthoff ⚬ May 2017 ⚬ Theoretical Economics (open access) ⚬
⬦ "The Extent and Cyclicality of Career Changes: Evidence for the UK" ⋈ ⚬ with Carlos Carrillo-Tudela, Bart Hobijn and Powen She ⚬ May 2016, vol. 84, pp 18-41 ⚬ European Economic Review ⚬ open access provided by the ESRC ⚬ working paper version
⬦ "Directed Search over the Life Cycle" ⚬ with Guido Menzio and Irina Telyukova ⚬ Janurary 2016, vol. 19, pp 38-62 ⚬ Review of Economic Dynamics ⚬ link to open version February 2015 (alt. link)
⬦ "Unemployment Risk and Wage Differentials" ⚬ with Roberto Pinheiro ⚬ May 2015, vo. 157, pp397-424 ⚬ Journal of Economic Theory ⚬ link to earlier version Sept. 2014
⬦ "Meeting Technologies and Optimal Trading Mechanisms in Competitive Search Markets" ⚬ with Ben Lester and Ronald Wolthoff ⚬ January 2016, vol. 155, pp 1-15 ⚬ Journal of Economic Theory ⚬ link to ungated version
⬦ "Precautionary Demand for Money in a Business Cycle Model" ⚬ with Irina Telyukova ⚬ Nov 2013, 60(8) ⚬ Journal of Monetary Economics ⚬ link to earlier version
⬦ "Information Acquisition and the Exclusion of Evidence in Trials" ⚬ with Ben Lester and Nicola Persico ⚬ 2012, 28(1) ⚬ Journal of Law, Economics and Organization
⬦ "Labor Market Fluctuations in the Small and in the Large" ⚬ with Richard Rogerson and Randall Wright ⚬ 2009, 5(1) ⚬ International Journal of Economic Theory ⚬ link to NBER WP Version
Non-refereed and other Publications
⬦ ``Job search and mismatch during the Covid-19 pandemic’’ (with Carrillo-Tudela, Clymo, Jaeckle and Zentler-Munro) ⚬ VoxEU column ⚬ 7 Apr 2022
⬦ "La derogación (o no) de la reforma laboral del 2012 es todavía una cuestión de fe más que de razón"** ⚬ with Cristina Lafuente and Raul Santaeulalia, ⚬ Nada es Gratis (blog), Nov 2021⬦
⬦ "Career Changes Decline During Recessions" ⚬ with Carlos Carrillo-Tudela and Bart Hobijn ⚬ 2014-09, ⚬ FRBSF Economic Letter ⬦
⬦ "Majority of Hires Never Report Looking For a Job" ⚬ with Carlos Carrillo-Tudela, Bart Hobijn and Patryk Perkowski ⚬ 2015-10, ⚬ FRBSF Economic Letter ⬦
Grants Acknowledged
symbols (⋈♕♛♙) link some of the recent grants with papers above
Programa ATRAE, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades, Spain, 2024-2028.
* ESRC Covid-19 Grant (ES/V016970/1), 2020-2022 (♛)
* "La eficacia de las políticas públicas sociales anticrisis COVID-19", Fundacion BBVA, 2020-2022 (♕)
CAHSS CRO COVID-19 Grant, Univ. of Edinburgh, 2020
CAHSS Challenge Investment Fund Univ of Edinburgh, 2019
María de Maeztu grant (reference: MDM 2014-0431) 2015-2019, through the Institute of Economics, U. Carlos III de Madrid, Spanish Government
ESRC Large Grant “Credit and Labour Market Foundations ofthe Macroeconomy” -- MacCaLM (co-I, 2015-2019), ES/L009633/1 (⋈)
ESRC Research Grant “Transparency in Procurement, the Design and Use of Information in Trading” (co-I, 2016-2019) (♙)
MadEco-CM grant (reference: S2015/HUM-3444) 2016-2019, through the Institute of Economics, U. Carlos III de Madrid
Chancellor's Fellowship, The University of Edinburgh (2013-2019)
Juan de la Cierva Fellowship, Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (PI, 2011-2013)
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Grant “Market Frictions, Household Saving and Labor Supply Decisions and Public Policy'' (co-I, 2011-2013)
Banco de España, Programa de Excelencia (co-I, 2011-2014)
President’s Research Grant, Simon Fraser University (2007)
Contact Info
Snail Mail address: Department of Economics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Calle Madrid 126, Getafe 28903, Madrid, Spain
(all material on this website (c) LPV and coauthors, 2007 and onwards)