
I have a broad interest in financial economics and international finance, with a concentration on the international financial market, international currency, exchange rate regimes, as well as cross-border capital flows. 


1. Financial Economics

What is the impact of introducing a parallel OTC market? Theory and evidence from the Chinese interbank FX market (with Craig Holden, Vova Lugovskyy, and Daniela Puzzello)  [Paper]  Published at Journal of Financial Economics, 2021

Over-the-counter versus double auction in asset markets with near-zero-intelligence traders (with Yaosong Zhan) [Paper] Published at Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2022

Increasing the risk management effectiveness from higher accuracy: A novel non-parametric method (with Jinbo Huang, Ashley Ding and Yong Li)   [Paper]  Published at Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2020

2. International Finance

Trade, Finance and International currency  (with Tao Liu  and Wing Thye Woo ) [Paper] Published at Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2019

Quantifying Adaptation Costs in Sequential FDI Location Choices: Evidence from German Firms (with Aiyong Zhu) [Paper] Published at Journal of International Money and Finance, 2024

External debt currency denomination and the currency composition of foreign exchange reserves (with Xingwang Qian, and Wenyu Zhu) [Paper] Published at Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2024

China's Monetary Policy Surprises and Corporate Real Investment (with Huoqing Tang and Chengsi Zhang)  Published at China Economic Review, 2023

A parsimonious model of trade, finance, and endogenous currency choices in international reserves (with Yuhao Mu) [Paper]  Published at Economics Letters, 2023

"Wait and See" or "Fear of Floating"? (with Xiaowen Lei and Kenneth Kasa) [Paper] Published at Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2022 

Global financial conditions, capital flows and the exchange rate regime in emerging market economies (with Jialin Liu and Hang Zhou) [Paper]  Published at Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 2022

Foreign Exchange Intervention and Monetary Policy Rules under a Managed Floating Regime: Evidence from China (with Xia Tian and Hang Zhou) [Paper]  Published at Applied Economics, 2022

Trade, Finance and Endogenous Invoicing Currency: Theory and Firm-Level Evidence  (with Tao Liu) [Paper] Published at Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2019 

Working papers

Search Frictions in Over-the-Counter Foreign Exchange Markets: Theory and Evidence  (with Aiyong Zhu, and Daniela Puzzello)  [Paper] Revised and Resubmit at International Economic Review

Financial Panics in a Small Open Economy (with Chenxi Wang, Hang Zhou[Paper]  Submit to Journal of Monetary Economics

Decentralized Trading Institutions in Experimental Asset Markets: Over-the-Counter versus Double Auction (with Shuze Ding, and Daniela Puzzello) [Paper] Revised and Resubmit at Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

Hegemony or harmony? A unified framework for international monetary system (with Tao Liu, Liang Wang) 

Foreign direct investment and leverage adjustments (with Jinning Hou, Wenyu Zhu) 

The announcement effect on international currency choices: theory and evidence (with Han Han, Tao Liu)