Invited Talks

• March 2022, Bochum: „Two proof-systems for bi-intuitionsitic logic“, Bilateralism and Proof-Theoretic Semantics, 17–18 March, 2022;

February 2022, Marseille: „Intensional harmony via isomorphism“, Research School Logic and transdiciplinarity within Logic and Interactions, thematic month at the CIRM(Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques), 7–11 February, 2022;

November 2021, Bochum: „Equality and Apartness in bi-intuitionistic logic“, Model Theory of Non-classical Logics, 28–29 November, 2021;

December 2020, Bochum: „Intensional harmony via isomorphism“, Logic in Bochum VI, 5-6 December 2020;

January 2020, Lisbon: „Two approaches to the Russell-Prawitz translation“, Days in Logic, Keynote speaker, 30 January–1 February 2020;

December 2019, Campinas: „Proof, paradox and the semantic role of hypothetical reasoning“, Speaking the Unspeakable. Paradoxes between Truth and Proof, 9–10 December 2019;

June 2019, Rome: „Defeasible refutations’ for intuitionistic logic“, Assertion, Refutation and Meaning, 9 June 2019;

May 2019, Venice: "Anti-realism, identity of proofs and an intensional conception of logic", Ordering the world: Logical and epistemological perspectives on science, nature and society, 30 May 2019;

• March 2019, Tübingen: „The calculus of higher-level rules in modern dress“, Third conference on proof-theoretic semantics, 27–30 March 2019;

• March 2018, Pisa: "A refutation calculus for intuitionistic logic", Pisa Spring Workshop on Proof Theory, 26–27 March 2018;

• November 2017, Institut für Philosophie, Konstanz: “Proof, meaning and paradox. Some remarks”;

• July 2017, Bologna: “Harmony, Stability and Identity. An intensional account”, Special Session on The Justification of Logical Laws, SILF conference;

• March 2017, IHPST, Paris: “Proof, Paradox and natural deduction general rules”;

• February 2017, MCMP, Munich: “Proof, Paradox and natural deduction general rules”;

• June 2016, Marseille: “Proof, Meaning and Paradoxes. Some remarks”, Workshop Inference and Proof, Université de Marseille-Aix;

• May 2016, Pamplona: “Proof, Meaning and Paradoxes. Some remarks”, Worskshop on Logical Consequence, Universidad de Navarra;

• January 2016, Lecce: “Proof and refutations in bi-intuitionistic logic: A critical assessment”, How to say `Yes' or `No', Lecce, Italy, 21-22 January 2016.

• November 2015, Lyon: “The naturality of natural deduction” (joint with Mattia Petrolo and Paolo Pistone), Computing, Logic and Types, Lyon, France, 12-13 November 2015;

• April 2015, Belgrade: “Harmony, rule equivalence and an inferential criterion of synonymy”, Symposium on Proof Theory at the Belgrade Graduate Conference in Philosophy and Logic 2015, Belgrade, Serbia, 24-26 April 2015;

• February 2015, Paris: ``Harmony, rule equivalence and an inferential criterion of synonymy'', Modeling hypothetical reasoning: validity, inference, and paradoxes, IHPST, Paris, France, 19-20 February 2015;

• May 2014, Paris: ``Ekman’s paradox and general natural deduction rules'', Workshop Hypothetical Reasoning, IHPST, Paris, France, 29-30 May, 2014;

• December 2013, Pamplona: “Labelled calculi for supervaluationism”, VII Navarra Workshop on Vagueness, Universidad de Navarra, Spain, 16–17 December 2013;

• December 2013, Groningen: “Ekman’s paradox and the meaning of implication” (joint work with Peter Schroeder-Heister), Proof theory and Philosophy, University of Groningen, the Netherlands, 3–5 December 2013;

• November 2013, Barcelona: “Antinomies in sequent calculus and natural deduction, structural rules, and Ekman’s paradox” (joint work with Peter Schroeder-Heister), Substructural Approaches to Paradoxes, Universidad de Barcelona, Spain, 25.–26. November 2013;

• May 2013, Lyon: “Improving Prawitz’s notion of proof-theoretic validity”, Proofs and Programs: from Semantics to Complexity, Université Lyon II, 16–17 May 2013;

• May 2012, Padova: “How to Tarski a Dummett-Prawitz", Philosophy of Logic Workshop, Padova, 7 May 2012;

• April 2012, Tübingen: “How to Tarski a Dummett-Prawitz", Hypo2 Workshop, Tübingen, 16-17 April 2012;

• September 2011, Berlin, “Semantics: dialogical foundations vs proof-theoretic foundations”, final conference of the ESF LogiCCC programme, Berlin, 15–18 September 2011;

• June 2011, Siena: “Validity based on Elimination Rules", Inference and logical consequence, workshop organized by the Italian PRIN project "Aspetti della Verità" (Aspects of truth), Siena University, 3-4 June, 2011;

• February 2011, Tübingen: “The categorical and the hypothetical. A few remarks", Proof and Dialogues, workshop organized by the ESF project "Dialogical Foundations of Semantics", Tübingen University, 25-27 February, 2011;

• September 2010, Siena: “Truth from a Proof-Theoretic Perspective", Anti-realistic notions of truth, workshop organized by the Italian PRIN project "Aspetti della Verità" (Aspects of truth), Siena University, 10-12 September 2010;

• March 2010, Amsterdam: “Truth, Proofs and Dialogues", Modelling Interaction Dialogues Social Choice and Vagueness, workshop jointly organized by the ESF funded LogiCCC Projects, Amsterdam, 26-28 March 2010;

• February 2010, Lille: “Truth, Proofs and Dialogues", Dialogues and Games, workshop organized by the ESF project "Dialogical Foundations of Semantics", Lille III University, 8-9 February 2010;

• October 2009, St. Andrews: “Falsificationism. Dualizing Proof-theoretic semantics", The Logic of Denial, workshop organized by the ARCHE' research centre, St. Andrews 24-25 October, 2009.

Contributed Talks

August 2019, Prague, „Harmony, stability, and the intensional account of prooftheoretic semantics“, Contributed Symposium „Identity in Computational Formal and Applied Systems“, XVI Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology (CLMPST 2019), 5–10 August, 2019;

September 2018, Poznan: „A refutation calculus for intuitionistic logic“, Refutation Symposium, Poznan Reasoning Week, 14–15 September 2018;

• February 2018, Vienna: "A refutation calculus for intuitionistic logic", Second SYSMICS Workshop, Technische Univeristät Vienna, 26–28 February 2018;

• April 2017, Bochum: “Proofs and refutations in bi-intuitionistic logic”, Negation and negativity in natural language, Ruhr-Universität Bochum;

• October 2016, Munich: “Harmony, Stability and Identity. An intensional account”, Workshop on Logical Constants;

• September 2015, Osnabrück: “Proof-thoeretic harmony. Towards an intensional account”, G.A.P. 9;

• August 2015, Helsinki: “Harmony, rule equivalence and an inferential criterion of synonymy”, Logic Colloquium 2015;

• September 2012, Pisa: “Proof-theoretic semantics, paradoxes and the distinction between sense and denotation”, Filosofia della matematica: dalla logica alla pratica: giovani studiosi a confronto, Pisa, Italy, 24-26 September 2012;

• June 2012, Beirut: “A square of oppositions arising from the comparison of Gentzen’s natural deduction and sequent calculus" (joint work with Michael Arndt), 3rd World Congress on the Square of Opposition, Beirut, Lebanon, 26-30 June 2012;

• June 2012, Hejnice: “For a Tarskian twist to proof-theoretic semantics”, Logica 2012, Hejnice, Czech Republic, 18-22 June 2012;

• June 2012, Pisa: “Proof-theoretic semantics, paradoxes and the distinction between sense and denotation”, Pisa Summer Workshop in Proof Theory, Pisa, Italy, 12-15 June 2012;

• June 2012, Bochum: “Comparing sequent calculus and natural deduction in the light of linear logic units” (joint work with Michael Arndt), Trends in Logic XI --- Studia Logica International Conference, Bochum, Germany 3-5 June 2012.

• November 2011, Lisbon: “Proof-theoretic semantics, paradoxes and Dummett’s ‘Fundamental Assumption”’, 6th Latin Meeting of Analytic Philosophy, Lisbon, Portugal, 2-4 November 2011;

• July 2011, Nancy: “Proof-theoretic semantics, paradoxes and Dummett's `Fundamental Assumption'", XIV CLMPS, fourteenth Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science Conference, Nancy, France, 19-24th July, 2011;

• June 2011, Paris: “Truth from a proof-theoretic perspective", Truth at Work, workshop organised by the IHPST and Paris 1 university, Paris, France, 20-23th June, 2011;

• April 2010, Estoril: “Falsificationism. Dualizing Proof-theoretic semantics", UNILOG III, third world conference on universal logic, Estoril, Portugal, 22-25th April, 2010;

• September 2009, Bremen: “Truth: an Anti-realist Adequacy Condition”, G.A.P. 7, 7th conference of the German Society for Analytic Philosophy, Bremen, Germany, 14-17th September 2009;

• May 2009, Łódź: “Truth: an Anti-realist Adequacy Condition”, PhiLang2009, organized by the Department of English and General Linguistics at University of Łódź, Łódź, Poland, 16-18th May, 2009;

• September 2008, Bergamo: “The meaning of negation: a proposal”, Sifa 2008, 8th conference organized by the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy, Bergamo, Italy, 25-27th September, 2008.

• July 2008, Lisbon: “The meaning of negation: a proposal”, Negation and Denial, workshop organized by the Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 8-10th July, 2008;

• June 2008, Hejnice: “The role of negation in proof-theoretic semantics: a proposal”, Logica 2008, Hejnice, Czech Republic, 16-20th June, 2008.