Short CV

Full name: Lucas Kaufmann Sacchetto



Thesis: "Holomorphic Dynamics, Pluripotential Theory and Applications". Advisor: T.-C. Dinh.

Dissertation: "Foundations of Complex Geometry". Advisor: C. Gorodski

Undergraduate research project: Algebraic Curves and Riemann Surfaces. Advisor: C. Gorodski

Papers and preprints

Click here or check my Google Scholar profile


12-2023 -  Séminaire de Systèmes dynamiques, Analyse et Géométrie - Avignon, France

09-2023 - Workshop on Complex Geometry and Holomorphic Dynamics -  Calais, France

07-2023 - 29th Nordic Congress of Mathematicians with EMS - Aalborg, Denmark

06-2023 - Oka Theory and Complex Geometry Conference -  Nordfjordeid, Norway

04-2023 - Topology and Geometry Seminar NUS - Singapore

03-2023 - Topology and Geometry Seminar CMUP - Porto, Portugal

03-2023 - Séminaire de systèmes dynamiques -  Paris 13,  Villetaneuse, France

01-2023 - Séminaire Géométrie Topologie Dynamique, Orsay, France

01-2023 - Séminaire GAD, Orléans, France

01-2023 - Rencontre ANR Padawan, Orléans, France

10-2022 - Complex Geometry, Dynamical Systems and Foliation Theory - CIRM, Luminy, France

09-2022 - Oberwolfach Workshop "Complex Geometry and Dynamical Systems" - Oberwolfach, Germany

08-2022 - Pacific Rim Complex and Symplectic Geometry Conference - Kyoto, Japan

06-2022 - Dynamical systems and systems of equations - Pisa, Italy

06-2022 - Journées ANR Fatou - Orléans, France

05-2022 - Mini-course - Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, CAS - Beijing (online)

04-2022 - Geometric Analysis Seminar - Purdue Univeristy (online)

04-2022 - Séminaire GAD - Nice (online)

03-2022 - Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Seminar - POSTECH, South Korea (online)

02-2022 - Seoul Workshop on Complex Geometry and Analysis - Seoul National University (online)

01-2022 - Séminaire de systèmes dynamiques - Toulouse (online)

01-2022 - Seminar on Groups, Dynamics and Related Topics -  Technion - Israel (online)

10-2021 -  KMS fall meeting - Korea (online)

10-2021 - KAIST Topology Seminar, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea.

08-2021 - Index Theory and Complex Geometry  - Institute for Mathematical Sciences - Singapore (online)

06-2021 - Workshop on the Standard Conjectures, (Weil's) Riemann Hypothesis, and Relations to Dynamical Systems  - Oslo, Norway (online)

02-2021 - Differential Geometry and Complex Analysis seminar - Firenze, Italy (online)

12-2020 - Pre-colloquium talk at Technion - Israel (online)

06-2020 - Séminaire international de Géométrie et dynamique (online seminar)

05-2020 - Virtual Conference in Complex Analysis and Geometry (online)

01-2020 - Workshop on Geometric Structures and Representation Varieties - NUS - Singapore

12-2019 - Taipei Conference on Complex Geometry - Taipei, Taiwan

11-2019 - Rencontre ANR Fatou - Orléans, France

11-2019 - KASS Seminar - Chalmers - Gothenburg, Sweden

11-2019 - TMS-TFS Colloquium - Complex Geometry & Dynamics  -  Oslo, Norway

07-2019 - First Joint Meeting Brazil-France in Mathematics - IMPA - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

06-2019 - Seminário de Geometria - IME - USP - São Paulo, Brazil

06-2019 - AMS Vietnam-USA Joint Mathematical Meeting - Quy Nhon, Vietnam

06-2019 - International Conference Complex Analysis, PDE and applications - Hanoi, Vietnam

02-2019 - Workshop on Complex Geometry and related topics - NUS - Singapore

12-2018 - Mapping Problems and Complex Manifolds in Projective Spaces - Oslo, Norway

11-2018 - Complex Analysis Seminar - UiO - Oslo, Norway

09-2018 - KASS Seminar - Chalmers - Gothenburg, Sweden

02-2018 - Complex Analysis Seminar - UiO - Oslo, Norway

11-2017 - KASS Seminar - Chalmers - Gothenburg, Sweden

12-2016 - Séminaire d'Analyse Complexe et Équations Différentielles - Lille, France

11-2016 - KASS Seminar - Chalmers - Gothenburg, Sweden

10-2016 - Holomorphic Foliations Seminar - IMPA - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

10-2016 - KASS Seminar - Chalmers - Gothenburg, Sweden

05-2016 - Journée des doctorants en dynamique - ANR Lambda - Rennes, France

05-2016 - Seminário de Geometria - IME - USP - São Paulo, Brazil

05-2016 - Seminário de Matemática - UNIFESP - São José dos Campos, Brazil

03-2016 - KAWA 7 - Komplex Analysis Winter School - Albi,  France

02-2016 - Séminaire de Géométrie Analytique - Rennes, France

02-2016 - Séminaire d'Analyse Complexe et Équations Différentielles - Lille, France

01-2016 - Séminaire de Géométrie Complexe - Nancy, France

09-2015 - Rencontre ANR Lambda - Amiens, France

12-2014 - I Brazilian Congress of Young Researchers in Pure and Applied Mathematics - São Paulo, Brazil