I am an Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences) at the Institut Denis Poisson, University of Orléans.

Previously, I have done research at the Center for Complex Geometry of the Institute for Basic Science (Daejeon, South Korea), at the National University of Singapore (Singapore) and at Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden).  Before that, I was a PhD student at the  Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu - Paris Rive Gauche and a MSc and undergraduate student at the Instituto de Matemática e Estatística , in São Paulo - Brazil.

Monthly Complex Dynamics Seminar at Institut Henri Poincaré

Research interests:

Contact information:

Université d'Orléans, Institut Denis Poisson 

Rue de Chartres

45100 Orléans, France

e-mail:   lucas.kaufmann [ a t ] univ-orleans.fr 

lucaskaufmann.math [ a t ] gmail.com