Networking and Internet

Teacher: Luca Chiaraviglio


Course Schedule (a.a. 2019-2020)

Tuesday 10:00-11:45 Room 9

Wednesday 12:00-13:45 at Room 8

Friday 14:45-16:30 Room 8

Course Outline (a.a. 2018-2019)

Core Topics

  • Introduction to the Internet
  • Application Layer
  • Transport Layer
  • Network Layer
  • Link Layer

Additional Topics

  • Wireless and Mobile Networks
  • Multimedia Networking
  • Security

Experimental Part with Netkit

Evaluation (2019-2020)

Oral exam after the end of the course: please fill the following Doodle Poll

Doodle Poll for Oral Exams

Exam Marks (IMPORTANT: This file is weekly updated)

Course Material (to be completed)

Course Presentation (IMPORTANT: The evaluation for 2019-2020 academic year will be based on a oral exam)

Introduction to the Internet

Audio Recording - Introduction from slide 67 up to end

Application Layer

Audio Recording - Application Layer up to slide 33

Audio Recording - Application Layer up to slide 69

Audio Recording - Application Layer up to slide 93

Audio Recording - Application Layer up to the end

Transport Layer

Audio Recording - Transport Layer up to slide 18

Audio Recording - Transport Layer up to slide 42

Audio Recording - Transport Layer up to slide 62

Audio Recording - Transport Layer up to slide 88

Audio Recording - Transport Layer up to slide 109

Network Layer

Audio Recording - Network Layer up to slide 30

Audio Recording - Network layer up to slide 53

Audio Recording - Network Layer up to slide 76

Network Layer - Control Plane

Audio Recording - Network Layer (Control Plane) - up to slide 29

Audio Recording - Network Layer (Control Plane) - up to slide 60

Audio Recording - Network Layer (Control Plane) - up to slide 86

Link Layer

Audio Recording - Link Layer up to slide 15

Audio Recording - Link Layer up to slide 40

Audio Recording - Link Layer up to slide 70

Audio Recording - Link Layer - up to slide 97

Wireless and Mobile Networks (Additional Topic)

Audio Recording - Wireless and Mobile Networks up to slide 23

Audio Recording - Wireless and Mobile Networks - up to slide 60

Audio Recording - Wireless and Mobile Networks up to the end

Network Security (Additional Topic)

Audio Recording - Network Security up to slide 30

Audio Recording - Network Security up to slide 66

Audio Recording - Network Security up to slide 104

Audio Recording - Network Security up to end

Multimedia Networking (Additional Topic)

Audio Recording - Multimedia Networking up to slide 29

Audio Recording - Multimedia Networking up to end

PowerPoint slides are copyright 1996-2020 J.F. Kurose, K.W. Ross

Interactive Exercises (with solutions)

Hint: by reloading the web page of each exercise you will get a different version of the exercise with a different setting of the scenario and/or the parameters. The solution is always available.

One Hop Transmission Delay (based on C1 Introduction)

End to End Delay (based on C1 Introduction)

End to End Throughput and Bottleneck Links (based on C1 Introduction)

Comparison between Client-Server and P2P File Distribution Delays (based on C2 Application Layer)

Internet Checksum Computation (based on C3 Transport Layer)

HTTP Get (based on C2 Application Layer)

HTTP Response (based on C2 Application Layer)

DNS and HTTP delays (based on C2 Application Layer)

Reliable Data Transfer (rdt2.2) (based on C3 Transport Layer)

TCP Sequence and ACK numbers with segment loss (based on C3 Transport Layer)

Computing TCP RTT and timeout values (based on C3 Transport Layer)

TCP in Action (based on C3 Transport Layer)

Network Address Translation (based on C4 Network Layer)

Dijkstra Computation (based on C5 Network Layer)

Error Detection and Correction: Two Dimensional Parity (based on C6 Link Layer)

Link Layer (and Network Layer) Addressing and Forwarding (based on C6 Link Layer)

Experimental Part Material (OPTIONAL for all the students, useful to understand the course topics)

Introduction to Netkit

Single Host

Two Hosts

Static Routing

Static Routing Lab


Quagga/Zebra Lab

Routing Information Protocol (RIP)


Web Server

Web Server Lab - Lab files


CGI Lab - Lab files


DNS Lab - Lab files


Walkthrough Lab DNS Files


James Kurose, Keith Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach (7th Edition), Pearson

Netkit Documentation