Luca Chiaraviglio
Associate Professor
(Professore Associato)
Networking Group
Department of Electronic Engineering
University of Rome Tor Vergata
Via del Politecnico
00133 Rome,
Short Bio
Luca Chiaraviglio is Associate Professor at the Networking Group in the Department of Electronic Engineering of University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy). He holds a M.Sc. in Computer Engineering and a Ph.D. in Telecommunication and Electronics Engineering, both obtained from Polytechnic of Turin (Italy). He has spent visiting and/or research periods at Boston University (USA), INRIA Sophia Antipolis (France), Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand) and ETECSA S.A. (Cuba). Previously to join the University of Rome Tor Vergata, he held different research and/or teaching positions at the University of Rome Sapienza (Italy) and at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (Italy).
Luca has co-authored 150+ publications in international journals, books and conferences, and he has collaborated with more than 200+ co-authors, which are affiliated with national and international institutions. He participates in the Technical Program Committee of top-leading conferences, including IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE ICC, IEEE VTC and IEEE GlobalSIP. He is also a member of the organizing committee of different conferences, such as IEEE SECON, ECOC, IEEE LANMAN and 5G-Italy. He has been the general chair of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Computing Communication and Security (ICCCS 2019), which was successfully held in Rome in October 2019. He is currently serving as Chief Editor for the Networks Section of the journal Frontiers in Communications and Networks. He has been in the Editorial Board of IEEE Communications Magazine (2015-2022), IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking (2016-2021) and IEEE Access (2018-2020).
He is currently coordinator of the bilateral project PLAN-EMF. During the last years, he has been involved in different European projects, such as H2020 LOCUS, H2020 5G-EVE, H2020 Superfluidity, FP7 Trend, FP7 EcoNet, and FP7 Bone. He has been the principal investigator of the projects BRIGHT: Bringing 5G Connectivity in Rural and Low-Income Areas (funded by the University of Rome Tor Vergata) and LIFETEL: increasing the LIFEtime of TELecommunication networks (funded by the University of Rome Sapienza).
Luca has received the Best Paper Award in the following conferences (all of them appearing as first author): IEEE VTC-Spring 2016, IEEE VTC-Spring 2020 and ICIN 2018. Some of his papers are listed as Best Readings on Green Communications by IEEE. Moreover, he has been recognized as an author in the top 1% most highly cited papers in the ICT field worldwide and top 2% world scientists according to the 2021 and 2022 updates of the science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators. His papers "Optimal Energy Savings in Cellular Access Networks" and "Reducing Power Consumption in Backbone Networks" are the most cited papers from all IEEE ICC conferences and IEEE ICC workshops in the period 2009-2018 (Source: Scopus).
He has obtained the Italian Habilitation (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale) for Full Professorship in Telecommunications (SC 09/F2) and the French Associate Professorship Habilitation for the section 27 and section 61. He also is an IEEE Senior Member and a founding member of the IEEE Communications Society Technical Subcommittee on Green Communications and Computing. According to Google Scholar, his H-Index is 36 (Google Scholar web page).
His current research topics include evaluation of exposure from 6G networks, EMF measurement from 5G networks, health risks assessment of 5G and 6G, network measurements, planning of cellular networks and optimization theory applications to telecommunication networks.