Economic Dissertation Group 8688

The Economic Dissertation Group 8688 has been considered the most professional services in providing assignments, coursework and dissertation in Vietnam. During three year periods, the group continuously enhance the quality of services to become one of the leaders in the essay service in Vietnam. Customers usually are satisfied with assignments we provide with the highest grades in short time.

Writing essay, assignment, coursework and dissertation put extreme pressure on people, particularly with students who involve in a number of tasks such as: studying, working and caring for their families. Thus, the group will assist customers in writing essay, coursework, report, assignments, special subjects and dissertation at undergraduate and post graduate level in Universities by English languages. Our missions are to provide professional dissertations and great quality assignments on time without plagiarism.

Writing team include freelance supporters and in house team such as: lectures and graduates, who come from prestigious Universities in Vietnam, Singapore, the Uk and Australia. Therefore, our group guarantee to complete excellent your assignment on time in a range of majors including:

  1. Business management

  2. Marketing

  3. Commercial economy, investment

  4. Travel, restaurants, hotel

  5. Accounting, finance, banking

  6. Other majors

Benefits for customers:

Essay, assignments, thesis and dissertation by English were guaranteed no plagiarism that are normally less than 10 %. All final assignments were checked for plagiarism and send the report to our customers. If the customers have the demand to examine plagiarism rate through writecheck having the same data with turnitin, a small amount of fees will be charged for customers.

References list were utilized from journals, textbook, prestigious websites and cited by Harvard or APA style. Customers might correct their assignments until they feel satisfied.

Some English assignment we wrote including:

1. Human Resource Management,

2. Strategic Management,

3. Operation Management,

4. Principles of Management/Corporate Finance/Economic,

5. Global Organizational Environment,

6. Global Business Strategy,

7. Organizational behavior,

8. Risk Management,

9. Business/Investment/Trade/Law,

10. Marketing and other subjects relating to

11. Management Project

Please contact us to explore our sample assignments, some particular requirements for your assignments such as: deadline and the price services.


• Yahoo: luanvan_kinhte

• Cellphone: +84 (0) 1688 093 996 (Ms. Huyền Trang)

Or +84 (0) 915 21 8688 (Mr. Cao Hải)

•Website: ,


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