iBOM App - Images/Videos

The iBOM App running with the Autodesk Inventor software

Image 1

The image above shows the IBOM App running along side the Autodesk Inventor software, ready for the user to make their required selections before pressing one of the 'Export BOM to Excel/'Export BOM to Word' buttons.


Image 2

The image above shows the IBOM App message box letting the user know that the exported BOM data file has been successfully created and provides the exported file path and name.

Image 3 Image 4

The image above shows the exported BOM data along with custom iProperties (Image 3). To have the 'Custom IProperties' exported into the file you must have the 'Custom IProperties' checkbox checked on the iBOM App (Image 4). The selected file format chosen in this case was the 'Export BOM to Excel' option, as you can see a cell in column A has been hovered over, showing the image of the part/assembly associated with the corresponding line item.

Image 5

The image above shows the exported BOM data as per 'Image 3' but without the part image being visible and without custom iProperties being selected. All calculations are done in the Excel file so you can change figures as required and the result will be automatically updated.

Image 6 Image 7

The image above (Image 6) shows the exported BOM data along with Labour Cost Calculations. To get the Labour Cost Calculations in the exported BOM data file you must have the 'Enable Labour Cost Calculations' checkbox checked on the iBOM App along with the necessary labour rate and time (Image 7). Remember all calculations are done in the Excel file so you can change figures as required and the result will be automatically updated.

Image 7

The image above shows the exported BOM data along with custom iProperties (Image 7). To have the 'Custom IProperties' exported into the file you must have the 'Custom IProperties' checkbox checked on the iBOM App (Image 4). The selected file format chosen in this case was the 'Export BOM to Word' option, as you can see the images are visible in the first column, showing the image of the part/assembly associated with the corresponding line item. The 'Custom iProperties' data appears in a separate table below the main BOM data.

The table cells in Word do not update automatically (As in Excel). To recalculate the formulas used in the table then update the cell(s) as necessary, then you need to press Ctrl+A (Selects the whole document) and then press F9, this will update all calculations in the document.

Image 8

The image above (Image 8) is basically the same as Image 7 but this time the image shows the exported BOM data along with Labour Cost Calculations. To get the Labour Cost Calculations in the exported BOM data file you must have the 'Enable Labour Cost Calculations' checkbox checked on the iBOM App along with the necessary labour rate and time (Image 7).


The video below demonstrates the iBOM App being used with the Autodesk Inventor Software.