Media & More

Other Scholarship:

'Stuck in Suffering: A Philosophical Exploration of Violence'. Australian Feminist Law Journal. (Online first: 25 November, 2022), with Gabrielle Mardon, pp. 1—24.

'Reflections on Imagination and Embodiment in the work of Moira Gatens, 1983—2008'. Parrhesia: A Journal of Critical Philosophy  30 (2019) pp. 29—47.

Media Articles:

'The Vatican says gender theory threatens human dignity – but Judith Butler believes the ‘threat’ is social change'. The Conversation, 9 April 2024.

'The New Normal: The Ethical Equivalence of Cisgender & Transgender Identities.' The Ethics Centre, 14 June 2023.

'Survivors Are Talking, But What's Changing?' The Ethics Centre, 9 March 2022. 

'The debate about religious discrimination is back, so why do we keep hearing about religious "freedom'?"' (Lead author, with Sharri Lembryk & Elenie Poulos) The Conversation, 19 November 2021.

'He Said, She Said: Investigating the Christian Porter Case,' The Ethics Centre, 10 March 2021.

'Mind, Body, Meaning,' The Institute of Art and Ideas, 20 November 2020.

'Leigh Sales showed us the abuse women cop online. When are we going to stop tolerating misogyny?' The Conversation, 30 July 2020.

'Who Really Benefits From Freedom of Speech?' The Conversation, 8 March 2016.

Radio, Video & Podcasts:

'Extremism and the Allure of Science' (The Philosopher, with Tracy Llanera & Anthony Morgan, 2024)

'Gender is Not a Threat' (Saturday Magazine, JOY Media, 2024).

'On Being a Minority in Philosophy' (The Philosopher's Zone, ABC Radio National, 2023).

'Louise Richardson-Self: Hate Speech Against Women Online' (Australasian Posthumanities Podcast, S2E7, 2021).

'Women, the Alt-Right, and the Liberal Centre' (The Philosopher's Zone, ABC Radio National, 2021).

'Privilege, Sex & Identity' (Philosophy in Three Words - An Interview Series. The Royal Institute of Philosophy & University of Exeter, 2019).

Not Shutting Up (Earshot, ABC Radio National, 2019).

The People vs, 'Gender and the Right to Choose' (ABC Radio National, 2018).

'Questioning the Goal of Same-Sex Marriage' (Radical Philosophy (3CR Community Radio, 2016).

'Marriage: is it all the same?' (The Philosopher's Zone, ABC Radio National, 2015).

Book Reviews:

Review of Gender Theory In Troubled Times, by Kathleen Lennon and Rachel Alsop. Hypatia, pp. 1—5. DOI:10.1017/hyp.2022.23

Review of Transatlantic Feminisms: Women and Gender Studies in Africa and the Diaspora, by Cheryl Rodriguez, Dzodzi Tsikata, Akosua Adomako Ampofo (Eds.). Emotion, Space and Society, 23 (2017), pp. 54—55.

Government Submissions:

Consultation on a Bill for a new Online Safety Act 2020 — My Submission.


Going Postal Book Launch, Stanley Burbury Theatre, University of Tasmania (15 November 2018).