Selected Media

Cultural context in standardized tests, with Holden, Motta, Piccoli, Roberts and Walker

What Makes a Critic Tick? Connected Authors and the Determinants of Book Reviews, with Motta and Luca

Why Aren't Developed Countries Saving? with Motta and Kotlikoff

As Easy as Pie: How Retirement Savers Use Prescribed Investment Disclosures, with Bateman, Newell, Ortmann and Thorp

Just Interested or Getting Involved? An Analysis of Superannuation Attitudes and Actions, with Bateman, Deetlefs, Newell, Ortmann and Thorp

Retirement Savings: A Tale of Decisions and Defaults, with Fan, Bateman, Newell, Ortmann and Thorp

Flicking the switch: Simplifying disclosure to improve retirement plan choices, with Bateman, Newell, Ortmann and Thorp

Selected reads on Playconomics: