
The detailed description of the algorithm, program and  examples  of HYPERDIRE project are presented in:

 V. Bytev, M. Kalmykov and B. Kniehl,   e-Print: arXiv:1105.3565

 V. Bytev  and B. Kniehl,                          e-Print: arXiv:1309.2806

V. Bytev, M. Kalmykov and S. Moch,     e-Print: arXiv:1312.5777

 V. Bytev  and B. Kniehl,                          e-Print: arXiv:1602.00917 

A few examples of using HYPERDIRE are given in example-pfq.m,   example-AppellF1F4.m,  example-Fd.mexample-Fs.mexample-Fc.m  and  example-HornFunctions.m