
The Torah readings as chanted in the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation of London.

This part of the site contains TWO archives:

A collection of recordings from the 1970s by the late lamented Revd. Eliezer Abinun, Senior Hazzan of the Congregation from 1939-1982. Sadly this archive includes only a few recordings, as we have been unable to obtain copies of the remaining ones.

Note: The pace and quality of many of the recordings leaves much to be desired, as they were made when Mr Abinun was already advanced in years and were intended for private use by students. Nonetheless it was felt that this archive is so historically important it should be made available in its entirety.

A collection of state-of-the-art recordings by Hazzan Daniel Halfon, commissioned by Heshaim in 2015.

The clarity of these recordings makes them more suitable for use preparing a perasha to read in synagogue.