

  • Estimating Intergenerational and Assortative Processes in Extended Family Data with Ignacio Ortuño-Ortín and Jan Stuhler. Paper and Online Appendix, Additional Derivations and Applications, Forthcoming at the Review of Economic Studies.

  • "Daily expenses of foreign tourists, length of stay and activities: Evidence from Spain" (with Ester Fernández-Rubio y Antonio García Sánchez). Tourism Economics (2013), Vol.19 (3), 613–630.

  • “Intergenerational linkages in consumption patterns and the geographical distribution of surnames” (with Ignacio Ortuño-Ortin and Andres Romeu). Regional Science and Urban Economics (2012), Vol 42, 341-350.

  • "Public Transfers to the Poor: Is Europe really much more Generous than the United States?" (with Iñigo Iturbe-Ormaetxe). International Tax and Public Finance (2010), Vol. 17, 662–685.

  • "Surnames and Social Status in Spain" (with Ignacio Ortuño-Ortin and Andres Romeu). Investigaciones Económicas (2008), Vol. 32, 259-287. Download PDF 344 Kb

  • "Habits and heterogeneity in demands: a panel data analysis", (with Martin Browning), Journal of Applied Econometrics (2007), Vol. 22, 625-640.

  • "Quantifying the Impact of Immigration on the Spanish Welfare State" (with Iñigo Iturbe-Ormaetxe and Guadalupe Valera). International Tax and Public Finance (2004), Vol. 11 (3), 335-353.

  • "Innovation and Job Creation and Destruction: Evidence from Spain", (with Cesar Alonso-Borrego), Recherches Economiques de Louvain (2002) Vol. 68 (1-2), 149-168.

  • "The Response of Expenditures to Anticipated Income Changes: Panel data Estimates", (with Martin Browning), American Economic Review (2001) Vol. 91(3), 681-692.

  • "Estimating Binary Choice Models from Cohort Data". Investigaciones Económicas (1998), Vol. 22, pp 259-276.

  • "Separability and Aggregate Shocks in the Life-Cycle Model of Consumption: Evidence from Spain". Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics (1998), Vol. 60, 227-247.

  • "Estimating Dynamic Models from Time Series of Independent Cross-Sections", Journal of Econometrics (1998), Vol. 82, 37-62.