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Scientific vulgarisation

  • 3Blue1Brown is an educational YouTube channel created by Grant Sanderson. The channel focuses on animated mathematics lessons, with videos on topics such as linear algebra, calculus, and neural networks. One of the best YouTube channel out there.
  • Minute Physics is a series of educational videos created by Henry Reich and disseminated through YouTube. Reich's stated goal is "to get people excited about learnin'." Reich's videos include time-lapsed drawing to explain physics-related topics in around one minute.
  • Smarter every day is a series of educational videos as well all dealing with science in a surprising but entertaining way.
  • E-penser is a French speaking popular science YouTube channel presented by Bruce Benamran. Created in August 2013, the channel has since reached over half a million subscribers. Ever wondered why Einstein is considered a genius? Why quantum mechanics and general relativity are incompatible? Why clear water is clear? Have a gazillion questions about science?


  • Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereals is a webcomic by Zach Weinersmith. It features no recurring characters or storylines, and has no set format; some strips may be a single panel, while others may go on for ten panels or more. Recurring themes in SMBC include atheism, God, superheroes, romance, dating, science, research, parenting and the meaning of life. SMBC is published daily.