Mixed-Effects Regression

Below are materials to introduce students to the fundamentals of multi-level modelling or longitudinal data using Linear Mixed-Effect Regression (LMER). I try to use open-source software from the R Project for Statistical Computing and R Studio. In the spirit of those open access programs, all of these materials are freely available here. I am happy for anyone to use and adapt these materials with attribution. 

If you are totally new to R and R Studio, please see my installation instructions here and I have also created a brief video on opening files and installing packages in R Studio. 

As an outside reference, I highly recommend Longitudinal Data Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences Using R by Jeff Long. As part of a reading group at Auburn, I commented and updated a lot of the code that accompanies Dr. Long's textbook. I highly recommend that you buy this book to learn more about longitudinal data analysis. 


[my website is permanently a work in progress; last updated 2024-05-02]