
All content, comments, and statements in the media articles linked below are made by the respective authors and do not reflect any official position for myself or for my employers, past and present.  Linking to the articles here neither confirms nor denies any statements, speculations, or claims made in any of the articles.  The provided links are only for reference and does not constitute any personal nor official endorsements to any of these media outlets, authors, their advertisers, or their respective ownership.

The Next Platform

This article provides a telling (or at least one version) of our exascale adventure from the original FastForward program up through our recent ISCA 2024 paper on the AMD Instinct MI300A APU, July 17, 2024 (link)

Tom's Hardware

Our ISCA 2024 paper on our exascale work and its evolution into the AMD Instinct MI300A APU was covered in Tom's Hardware July 3, 2024 (link)

Stock Photos

If I'm giving a talk at your institution, these are the standard photos for use in fliers/advertisements/announcements.  Most other images that you might find from an Internet search are likely outdated. (Updated 2024)

Computer Architecture Podcast

Audio/podcast interview on the Computer Architecture Podcast, published online December 6, 2023 (link)

IEEE TCuARCH People in Computer Architecture Interview

Video interview for IEEE TCuARCH's People in Computer Archtiecture series, originally filmed at MICRO 2022 in Chicago, IL and posted to YouTube on March 15, 2023 (link)

IEEE Spectrum

Brief quote in an IEEE Spectrum online magazine article covering speculations for what the transistor will look like in 2047 when it hits its centennial; November 21, 2022 (link)

University of Washington, Allen School of CSE, Distinguished Lecture Series

Hybrid in-person/virtual talk at the University of Washington, Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering's Distinguished Lecture Series.  This is another version (slightly geared more toward a broader audience) of an expanded talk based on our retrospective chiplets paper from the ISCA 2021 Industry Track; December 2, 2021 (YouTube)

IEEE Silicon Valley Chapter Talk

Online/virtual talk organized by the IEEE Silicon Valley Chapter "Industry Spotlight" series.  Hour-long expanded talk based on our retrospective chiplets paper from the ISCA 2021 Industry Track; August 24, 2021 (YouTube)

The Next Platform

Short summary of our retrospective chiplets paper from the ISCA 2021 Industry Track; June 9, 2021 (link)


Brief mention of a panel that I participated in at the VLSI 2020 conference; June 21, 2020 (link)

EE Times

EE Times summary of a panel about chiplets that I served on at one of the Open Compute Project ODSA workshops; June 18, 2019 (link)

People of ACM

"People of ACM" profile; November 13, 2018 (link)


Combined PCGamesN write-up on our HPCA 2017 and ISCA 2018 papers; June 28, 2018 (link)

IEEE Spectrum

IEEE Spectrum online magazine article covering our ISCA 2018 paper; June 22, 2018 (link)

Maurice Wilkes Award

I was honored to be selected as the 2018 recipient of the ACM SIGARCH Maurice Wilkes award.

HPC Wire

HPC Wire write-up on our HPCA 2017 paper on our research visions for exascale computing; March 7, 2017 (link)

Real World Technologies, ARS Technica

Older write ups on our MICRO work on 3D processor microarchitecture.