Gabriel H. Loh

I joined AMD Research in 2010 and am now living in the Pacific Northwest.  This page is primarily here as a reference for the academic research community (e.g., looking for my publications).

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Gabriel H. Loh (he/him) is a Senior Fellow in AMD Research and Advanced Development at Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Gabe received his Ph.D. and M.S. in computer science from Yale University in 2002 and 1999, respectively, and his B.Eng. in electrical engineering from the Cooper Union in 1998. Gabe was also a tenured associate professor in the College of Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology, a visiting researcher at Microsoft Research, and a senior researcher at Intel Corporation. He is a Fellow of the ACM and IEEE, recipient of ACM SIGARCH's Maurice Wilkes Award, Hall of Fame member for the MICRO, ISCA, and HPCA conferences, (co-)inventor on over one hundred US patents, and a recipient of the US National Science Foundation Young Faculty CAREER Award.

Contact Info

Email: firstname.lastname {at}

Threads: @gabeloh

LinkedIn: Profile

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