LogiCIC Events: Courses and Lectures

Here you will find a list of courses and lectures given by LogiCIC team members:


- Course as part of HSI Hokkaido Summer Institute 2016, Hokkaido University, August 2016, Japan (joint with A. Baltag).

    • Sonja Smets and Alexandru Baltag: Course On Dynamic Epistemic Logic

- Course at the International WOLLIC 2016 conference, Puebla Mexico, 16-19 August 2016.

    • Sonja Smets: Tutorial on Belief Dynamics in a Social Context,

- Course at the International Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, Université Paul Sabatier, May 18-20 2015, Toulouse.

    • Sonja Smets, course on Belief Dynamics in a Social Context,

- LogiCIC-Workshop organized at The 15th Congress on Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science (CLMPS), August 3-8, 2015, Helsinki, Finland.

- Course at The 1st MCMP Summer School on Mathematical Philosophy for Female Students, July 2014.

- Course at The 6th North American Summer School in Logic, Language and Information 2014 (NASSLLI 2014)

- Course at The 3rd East-Asian School on Logic, Language and Computation 2014, (EASLLC 2014)

- Course at European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI), Düsseldorf, Germany, August 12th-16th 2013

- Courses at: The 5th North American Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information 2012 (NASSLLI 2012), June 18-22, Austin, Texas:

- Mini-Course at the EpiCenter, University of Maastricht, Netherlands April 8-9 2013:

- Nordic Spring School in Logic, Nordfjordeid, Norway, 27-31 May 2013:

  • Sonja Smets. Dynamic Logics for Interactive Belief Revision. Invited joint course (1 week) with A. Baltag.

  • Nina Gierasimczuk. Logic, Computation, and Cognition, course (6h) at the Nordic Spring School in Logic, Sophus Lie Conference Center, Nordfjordeid, Norway, May 27th-30th 2013.

- Courses at: The 24th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI 2012), August 6-17 2013, Opole, Poland:

- ESSLLI-Workshop organized at The 24th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI 2012), August 6-17, Opole, Poland:

- Course at the Sixth workshop in Decisions, Games and Logic, LMU, Munich, Germany, June 28-30 2012:

  • Sonja Smets. Recent topics in Dynamic Epistemic Logic. Invited course (3 days).


(the list from August 2014 till March 2015 will be posted here soon)

- Sonja Smets. The Epistemic Potential of Groups, invited presentation at the workshop on Epistemic Logic for Individual, Social, and Interactive Epistemology, held at the 26th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information in Tübingen, Germany, on August 11-15, 2014.

- Sonja Smets. Logic goes viral: modalities for social networks. Invited joint presentation given by A. Baltag at the Trends in Logic workshop Presenting the Tsinghua-UvA Joint Research Center, Tsinghua University, July 2nd, 2014.

- Sonja Smets. The Epistemic Potential of Groups, invited presentation at the Methods and Modality conference, Lund, Sweden, May 22-24 2014.

- Sonja Smets. The Epistemic Potential of Groups, invited presentation at the Pacific division of the American Philosophical Association meeting in San Diego, in April 16-20 2014.

- Sonja Smets. The Epistemic Potential of Groups, invited presentation at the Dependence Logic workshop KNAW, Amsterdam, March 3-5 2014.

- Sonja Smets. The logic of justified belief change, soft evidence and defeasible knowledge, invited presentation at the Kanazawa Workshop for Epistemic Logic and its Dynamic Extensions, Japan, February 21-22 2014.

- Sonja Smets. Playing for Knowledge: An Introduction to Soft Interactive Epistemology, invited presentation at the International Workshop on Unawareness, Brisbane, Australia, January 29-30 2014.

- Sonja Smets. Modal logics for social networks, joint presentation given by Alexandru Baltag at the LogiCIC project workshop on Social Dynamics of Information Change, Amsterdam, Dec 2-4, 2013.

- Sonja Smets. Playing for Knowledge, invited presentation at the Workshop "Door to Logic", Tsinghua University, China, October 19, 2013.

- Sonja Smets. Logical Models of Informational Cascades, invited presentation at the workshop Logic Across the University, Foundations and Applications, Tsinghua University, China, October 14-16 2013.

- Sonja Smets. Invited commentaries on the paper of H. Leitgeb and on the paper of S. Abramsky at the workshop Logic Across the University, Foundations and Applications, Tsinghua University, China, October 14-16 2013.

- Sonja Smets. The Epistemic Potential of Groups, invited presentation at the LORI IV workshop in Hangzhou, China, October 9-12 2013.

- Sonja Smets. The Logic Behind Collective Learning in Social Contexts, invited seminar talk at Beijing Normal University, September 26th 2013

- Sonja Smets. Logical models of informational cascades, invited presented at the Special Session on Philosophical Logic at the 13th Asian Logic Conference in Guangzhou, China, September 16-20 2013.

- Sonja Smets. Collective learning versus informational cascades: towards a logical approach to social information flow, invited presentation at the Many-valued logic conference in Prague, September 4-6 2013.

- Sonja Smets. Group Knowledge and Interrogative Agendas in Social Networks, invited presentation at the 2013 Workshop on Game Theory, Epistemic Logic and Related Topics, Tsukuba, Japan, August 27-30 2013.

- Sonja Smets. Collective Learning versus Informational Cascades: towards a logical approach to social information flow (part I), invited presentation at the Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory in Paris, July 22-27 2013.

- Sonja Smets. Epistemic Topology: problem-solving, belief-revision and simplicity-based priors; invited presentation at the Trends in Logic XII workshop, Pittsburgh USA, June 7-9 2013.

- Sonja Smets. Logics for Evidence-Based Belief Revision. Invited lecture at the International Workshop on Philosophy and Logic, Kyiv, Ukraine, May 23-25 2013.

- Sonja Smets. Group Knowledge and Interrogative Agendas. Invited joint Lecture with A. Baltag at the LoQI conference, Paris. 30 May - 1 June 2013.

- Sonja Smets. Logics for Evidence-Based Belief Revision. Invited lecture at GIRL2013, Lund. April 23-26 2013.

- Sonja Smets. Evidence-Based Belief Revision, a Logical Analysis, invited lecture at Lego seminar, University of Amsterdam, March 22nd 2013.

- Sonja Smets. The Logic Behind Collective Learning in Social Contexts. Invited lecture at the Amsterdam Truth Workshop, March 13-15 2013.

- Sonja Smets. Evidence-Based Belief Revision, a Logical Analysis, invited lecture at the EIPE center at the University of Rotterdam, March 4th 2013.

- Sonja Smets. Evidence-Based Belief Revision, a Logical Analysis, invited lecture at the Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool, February 5th 2013.

- Sonja Smets. invited lecture on logic at the “Landelijke onderzoekschool Wijsbegeerte”, Eindhoven November 2nd 2012.

- Sonja Smets. Evidence based belief revision, a logical analysis. Invited lecture at the Workshop "Belief Revision, Conditional Logic and Possible Worlds Semantics", part of GAP, 8th Meeting of the German Association for Analytic Philosophy, Konstanz September 21-22 2012.

- Sonja Smets Playing for “knowledge”, Invited lecture at the Workshop on Game Theory, Epistemic Logic and Related Topics, Tsukuba, Japan, August 27-30 2012.

- Sonja Smets. Round table with R. Bradley, A. Friedenberg, H. Leitgeb and S. Smets (chair: F. Huber) during the Sixth Workshop in Decisions, Games & Logic, Munich, June 28-30 2012.

- Sonja Smets. Dynamic Doxastic Attitudes as Strategies for Belief Change, joint contributed presentation with A. Baltag and B. Rodenhauser (presented by B. Rodenhauser) at the Workshop on Reasoning and Interaction, during NASSLLI, Austin June 23rd 2012.

- Sonja Smets. Playing for Knowledge. Keynote Lecture at the Prague workshop on non-classical epistemic logics, Prague, June 14-15, 2012.

- Sonja Smets. The dynamic logic of quantum Information. Invited lecture at BSL2012. First Joint Conference of the Belgian, Royal Spanish, and Luxembourg. Mathematical Societies. Liege, Belgium, June 6-8 2012.

- Sonja Smets. Surprise! The lying hangman, or how to avoid unexpected exams, invited lecture at the Workshop on the Logic and Culture of Lying, Regensburg, May 25-26 2012.

- Sonja Smets, Playing with Knowledge. Joint contributed talk given by V. Fiutek at the Conference on Games, Game Theory and Game Semantics, Lativa, Riga, May 18-20 2012.

- Sonja Smets. Playing for “knowledge, Invited lecture at the Fourth Workshop on the Philosophy of Information, Hertfordshire, May 10-11 2012.

- Sonja Smets. Playing for “knowledge”, Invited lecture at the conference on Games, Interactive Rationality and Learning, Lund, April 19-21, 2012.

- Sonja Smets. Dynamic and Epistemic Perspectives on Quantum Behavior, invited lecture at the institute CWI, Amsterdam, March 14th, 2012.

- Sonja Smets. Playing for “knowledge”, Invited lecture at the Workshop on Dialogue, Argumentation and Knowledge, Lille, March 2nd, 2012.

- Sonja Smets. Learning by Questions and Answers: Belief Dynamics under Iterated Revision, Invited lecture at the Interrogative Model of Inquiry Workshop, Paris, January 30-31 2012.

- Sonja Smets. Logics for “soft” interactive epistemology, Invited lecture at the R&D Workshop on Radical Uncertainty, Munich, January 25-28 2012.

- Sonja Smets. The Landscape of Epistemic Topology: shapes and types of “knowing”, “learning” and “answering” a question. presentation at the LIRa seminar on Logic and Learning Theory, University of Amsterdam, January 12th 2012.

- Nina Gierasimczuk. A logical view on learning, knowledge, and interaction, presentation at the ILLC Xmas-Colloquium, Univeristy of Amsterdam, Dec 13th, 2013.

- Nina Gierasimczuk. A logical model for Deductive Mastermind, invited presentation at the False-Belief task Mini-workshop Amsterdam, Dec 5th, 2013

- Nina Gierasimczuk. Formal learning theory, knowledge update, and belief revision. presentation at the LogiCIC workshop on Social Dynamics of Information Change, Amsterdam, Dec 2-4, 2013.

- Nina Gierasimczuk. Logic and Learning: An example of interdisciplinary research, presentation given at the LoLaCo course meeting, University of Amsterdam, Sept 30th, 2013.

- Nina Gierasimczuk. A logical model for Deductive Mastermind empirically tested with a massively used online learning system, Invited presentation at the Artificial Grammar Learning: Learnability, Complexity and Meaning Workshop, Tuebingen, Germany, July 26-26 2013.

- Nina Gierasimczuk. Simplicity in Formal Learning Theory, invited presentation at the Studia Logica International Conference, Trends in Logic XII, “The Logic of Simplicity”, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, June 7-9 2013.

- Nina Gierasimczuk. Convergence to knowledge. A logical perspective, Invited lecture at the conference Modality and Modalities, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 23-24 2013.

- Nina Gierasimczuk. Using Logic to Explain Children Performance and Learning in Deductive Games, Guest Lecture at Games and Learning course, Amsterdam University College, The Netherlands 2013, May 8th 2013.

- Nina Gierasimczuk. Truth-tracking and Belief Revision, Invited lecture at the Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science of Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, April 19th 2013.

- Nina Gierasimczuk. Truth-tracking and Belief Revision, Invited lecture at the Amsterdam Workshop on Truth, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 13-15 2013.

- Nina Gierasimczuk. Conclusive Update and Computability, invited lecture at the GroLog Seminar, Groningen, The Netherlands, October 19th 2012.

- Nina Gierasimczuk. On the Computational Properties of Finite Identifiability, invited lecture at the XIII Logical Workshop "Truth - Complexity - Language", Łowicz, Poland, September 24-30 2012.

- Nina Gierasimczuk. Using Proof Theory to Explain Children Performance in Deductive Games, presentation at the Reasoning and Interaction (RAIN) Workshop at North American Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (NASSLLI), Austin, USA, June 24th 2012.

- Nina Gierasimczuk. Inductive Inquiry via Belief Revision, invited presentation at the Interrogative Model of Inquiry Seminar (IMI), IHPST, Paris, May 24th 2012.

- Nina Gierasimczuk. Iterated Belief Revision in the Limit, invited presentation at the 1st Conference on Games, Interactive Rationality and Learning (GIRL), Lund, Sweden, April 19-21 2012.

- Nina Gierasimczuk. On the Efficiency of Finite Identification, presentation at the Seminar of The Department of Computation Theory, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of A. Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland, April 3rd 2012.

- Nina Gierasimczuk. Getting to Know. A Strategic Perspective, invited presentation at the Lorentz Center Workshop on Modeling Strategic Reasoning, Leiden, The Netherlands, February 20-24 2012.

- Nina Gierasimczuk. A commentary on “Sincerity and Manipulation under Approval Voting” by Ulle Endriss, Lorentz Center Workshop on Modeling Strategic Reasoning, Leiden, The Netherlands, February 20-24 2012.

- Nina Gierasimczuk. Logical and Psychological Analysis of Deductive Mastermind, contributed presentation at the Logic & Cognition Workshop at European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI) 2012, Opole, Poland, August 13-17 2012.

- Nina Gierasimczuk. Using Logic to Explain Children Performance in Deductive Games, presentation at the Games and Learning Course, Amsterdam University College, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 8th 2013.

- Nina Gierasimczuk. Invariance Properties of Quantifiers and Multi-agent Information Exchange, presentation at the LeGO Seminar, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 16th 2012.

- Nina Gierasimczuk. Using Proof Theory to Explain Children Performance in Deductive Games, presentation at the Logic and Interactive Rationality Seminar, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 13th 2012.

- Nina Gierasimczuk. Learning-theoretical Analysis of Iterated Belief Revision, Special Session on Learning Theory, Logic and Interactive Rationality Seminar, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, January 11th 2012.

- Zoe Christoff. Dynamic Epistemic Logic for Threshold Influence, invited presentation at the first LoLa Day, ILLC, University of Amsterdam, 13 June 2014.

- Zoe Christoff. A minimal dynamic logic for threshold influence. invited short presentation at the Modality & Modalities Conference (M&M) 2014, Lund, 22-24 May 2014.

- Zoe Christoff. Dynamic (Epistemic) Logic for Threshold Models. research seminar presentation, LIRa Seminar, University of Amsterdam, 8 May 2014.

- Zoe Christoff. A Logic for Social Influence through Communication, Contributed presnetation at the Workshop on Logical Aspects of Multi-Agent Systems (LAMAS), 11th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS), Toulouse, 13 December 2013.

- Zoe Christoff. The Dynamics of Pluralistic Ignorance, presentation at the Workshop on Social Dynamics of Information Change, LogiCIC Workshop 2013, Amsterdam, 2-4 December 2013.

- Zoe Christoff. Social Influence without Transparency, presentation at the seminar "Logic Tea", University of Amsterdam, 22 October 2013.

- Zoe Christoff. Social Networks and Belief Merge Communication Protocols. Invited presentation at the Worskhop "Tsinghua meets ILLC", Tsinghua University, Beijing, 18 October 2013.

- Zoe Christoff. A Two-tiered Formalization of Social Influence, contributed presentation with Jens Ulrik Hansen at the Fourth International Workshop on Logic, Rationality and Interaction (LORI-IV), Hangzhou, 9-12 October 2013.

- Zoe Christoff. A Logic for Social Influence through Communication, contributed presentation at the Decisions Games & Logic’13 workshop (DGL), Stockholm, 17-19 June 2013.

- Paolo Galeazzi. Epistemic logic meets epistemic game theory: a comparison between multi-agent Kripke models and type spaces Poster presentation with Emiliano Lorini at the Eleventh Conference on Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory. University of Bergen, Norway, July 27-30, 2014.

- Paolo Galeazzi. The Evolution of Choice Principles. Invited presentation of joint work with M.Franke, at the LoLa Day, University of Amsterdam, June 13, 2014.

- Paolo Galeazzi. Comparing Models for Epistemic Game Theory. presentation at the LogiCIC workshop on Social Dynamics of Information Change, Amsterdam, Dec 2-4, 2013.

- Paolo Galeazzi. Comparing Models for Epistemic Game Theory. presentation at the Workshop on Games and Decisions '13, Pisa, July 8-10 2013.

- Paolo Galeazzi. Epistemic Models for Game Theory. Poster presentation at the Workshop on Decisions, Games and Logic '13 workshop, Stockholm, June 17-19, 2013.