
Invited Talks

• November 2017, Institut für Philosophie, Konstanz: “Proof, Meaning and Paradox. Some remarks”;

• July 2017, Bologna: “Harmony, Stability and Identity. An intensional account”, Special Session on The Justification of Logical Laws, SILF conference;

• March 2017, IHPST, Paris: “Proof, Paradox and natural deduction general rules”;

• February 2017, MCMP, Munich: “Proof, Paradox and natural deduction general rules”;

• June 2016, Marseille: “Proof, Meaning and Paradoxes. Some remarks”, Workshop Inference and Proof, Université de Marseille-Aix;

• May 2016, Pamplona: “Proof, Meaning and Paradoxes. Some remarks”, Worskshop on Logical Consequence, Universidad de Navarra;

• January 2016, Lecce: “Proof and refutations in bi-intuitionistic logic: A critical assessment”, How to say `Yes' or `No', Lecce, Italy, 21-22 January 2016.

Contributed Talks

• April 2017, Bochum: “Proofs and refutations in bi-intuitionistic logic”, Negation and negativity in natural language, Ruhr-Universität Bochum;

• October 2016, Munich: “Harmony, Stability and Identity. An intensional account”, Workshop on Logical Constants;