
PhD Students

Pablo Homet

Pablo's thesis, entitled "Interactive effects of climate change and exotic pathogens on the biotic communities and ecosystem processes in Mediterranean forests" was aimed to determine the consequences of drought increase and the soil- borne oomycete Phytophthora cinnamomi on cork oak woodlands. Co-supervised with Lorena Gómez-Aparicio (IRNAS-CSIC; personal web), Oscar Godoy (IRNAS-CSIC; personal web) and me, he defended his thesis by June 2022.

Lola Hidalgo

Lola investigated the combined consequences of climate change and human management on the dynamics of dehesas systems under a functional approach. Her PhD thesis, entitled "Impact of lobal change on herbaceous communities and on the functioning og agroforestry ecosystems" was defended her thesis by April 2022 under the supervision of Ignacio M. Pérez-Ramos (IRNAS-CSIC, personal web), Jesús Cambrollé (University of Seville) and me.

Hired collaborators

Ángela Sánchez-Miranda Moreno

BSc. in Forest engineering and Environmental Sciences, MSc. in Conservation Biology. Ángela is specialist in dendroecology.

Ismael Borreguero

Jesús Fernández Cabello

BSc. in Biology and MSc. in Ecological Agriculture. Jesús is hired under a Programa de Empleo Juvenil Scheme.

Master Students

Lara Carmona

Student from the Climate change, Carbon and Hydric Resources Master program at the University Pablo de Olavide(Seville), Lara deffend  her MSc thesis on October 2017, entitled  "Local adaptations in response to drought stress through the latitudinal distribution of cork oak (Quercus suber L.)" and was qualified with the highest mark (10 out 10).

Javier Aguilar Medina

Student form the Advanced Biology Master programs at the University of Seville, Javier analysed the consequences of the exotic soil-borne pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi over different oak species at the Iberian Peninsula. His master thesis was presented on September 2019.

Belén Maqueda

Belén conduted a master project aimed to discern the ecological consequences of the combined stress from drought and invasive pathogens on tree physiology. Her master thesis was defended at the Autonomous University of Barcelona within the Official master's degree in Terrestrial Ecology and Biodiversity Management in November 2020.

BSc Students

Ismael Borreguero

Ismael developed his BSc thesis in Biology with the project entitled "Spatio-temporal colonization and expansion pattern of Retama monosperma in coastal dunes at the Juan Carlos I dike in Huelva" in June 2022. 

Ignacio de la Hinojosa

Student at the School of Agricultural Engenieering, Ignacio defended his BSc. thesis entitled "Analysis of the factors determining the productivity of Crithmum maritimum L. in natural populations for its crop implementation " in November 2021.