Mid-Season Recap

Post date: Dec 14, 2014 11:30:22 PM

With the first half of the 2014-15 Quizbowl season having finished on December 13, here's a brief recap of the last three months, and a preview of the San Diego Academic League, which begins in January.

Quizbowl Results:

The current LJHS A Team (Erica Liu, Vincent Doehr, James Malouf, Charlie Mann/Thomas Garcia) has shown itself to be very strong this year, not finishing below 3rd at any tournament, and taking 1st at the first round of the San Diego History Bowl. The team has qualified for both HSNCT and the NHBB, the respective national finals for NAQT and History Bowl, as well as PACE Nationals. La Jolla A is currently ranked 18th by hsqbrank.com as of November 19.

1: Results for LJHS teams only. For full results see here.

2: Player not on A team.

3: NHBB does not keep individual stats.

Academic League Preview and Other News:

The San Diego Academic League season begins in February. We will be holding tryouts throughout January. The exact composition of teams is not yet decided, but there should be 10 spots on Varsity, 15 on JV, and an unlimited Novice Team. These tryouts will also serve to decide teams for the second half of the Quizbowl season and nationals. We also will be holding a Student vs Faculty exhibition match in January. More information on this and tryouts will be announced as soon as dates are finalized.