
Evolution (BIOL 4301)


This course surveys the evidence for biological evolution from molecular, cellular, biochemical, embryological, paleontological, genetic, and ecological perspectives. Particular emphasis is placed on how the genetic constitutions of populations change over time and evolutionary forces that are responsible for such change. Other topics emphasized in this course include the construction and interpretation of evolutionary trees.

General Biology I (BIOL 1306)


This course examines the fundamental molecular, cellular, and genetic principles characterizing living organisms including the role of the scientific method in the discovery of these principles. Specific concepts include the chemical basis for life, energy transformations, cell structure and function, the metabolic processes of respiration and photosynthesis, cell reproduction, and basic concepts of heredity and genetics.

Research Experience in Biology (BIOL 3104)

Undergraduate Research in Biology (BIOL 4304)


This course provides an experiential learning opportunity that allows undergraduates majoring in biology to make an original intellectual contribution to the discipline. Research on current projects in invertebrate evolution is emphasized in the Borda Lab.