About Us

Kory Akers and Sammy Romero, the creators of Live Oak Pickups and long-time friends and bandmates, decided to start making pickups after years of talk about how cool it would be to customize their own musical equipment...and because they didn't have the cash to buy the good stuff. So after doing their homework and discovering the

sound they wanted to achieve, Sammy and Kory built their first pickup winder out of a drill motor and some blocks of wood, and were excited about the end result. They soon after decided to invest in more refined equipment to produce great sounding and affordable pickups for other musicians who are in the market for high quality products on a budget. They model their pickups after the vintage specifications that everyone desires. They strive to keep that original vintage magic while making something that is new and contemporary. Their next musical venture came from Sammy's uncle in Nashville. He heard that the guys were producing custom pickups and commisioned them to make some pickups for his cigar box guitars. So Sammy took a trip up to Nashville with some prototypes. His uncle was impressed by the sound of the guys pickups and instantly placed an order for more pickups. While there, Sammy learned from his uncle how to build cigar box guitars. Now the guys can build a cigar box guitar and equip it with their own custom made pickups. Email them if you have any questions or want more information. Also check them out on Facebook.