Introducing "The British Amazon" Heidi Katrina...

Episode 260

LIVE From The Armory Wrestling Show

This week on the show....

We're thrilled to bring you International Wrestling Star Heidi Katrina to the program!! Having wrestled all over the world for various promotions including Japan's Sendai Girls, Heidi has also been a part of Dory Funk's Training Academy. Heidi is currently back in the United States for a tour and we bring her to you for a sit down interview that you won't want to miss!! We'll talk about Japan, how far the "Women's Wrestling Revolution" has really went, thoughts on American Fans, and much more!!

Plus the week's news, upcoming events, and more!!

LIVE! From The Armory Wrestling Show is a program dedicated to the world of Independent Wrestling from around the globe with Interviews, News, & Fun!

Recorded LIVE on Blog Talk Radio Wednesday Nights 7pm EST

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