
1.  Infectious Diseases and Endogenous Fluctuations    (With Aditya Goenka),  Economic Theory (2012) 50 : 125-149  

2.  Infectious Diseases and Economic Growth    (With Aditya Goenka and Manh-Hung Nguyen) ,  Journal of Mathematical Economics (2014) 50 :  34-53         

3.  A Note on the Cogley-Nason-Sims Approach  (With Syed M. Hussain) ,  Economics Letters (2016) 146: 77-81.    Appendix                                                                           

4.  Comparing the Effects of Discretionary Tax Changes Between the US and the UK  (With Syed M. Hussain),       B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics (2018) Vol18

        Tax narrative        Data    

5.   Infectious Diseases, Human Capital and Economic Growth    (With Aditya Goenka)  , Economic Theory (2020) 70:1-47. 

6.  SIR Economic Epidemiological Models with Disease Induced Mortality  (With Aditya Goenka and Manh-Hung Nguyen),  Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2021. 

7.  Covid-19 and a Green Recovery? (With Aditya Goenka and Manh-Hung Nguyen) Economic Modeling, 2021. 

8. Smart lockdowns to control COVID-19 (With Aditya Goenka), Nature Computational Science, 2022.

9. Modelling optimal quarantines with waning immunity (With Aditya Goenka and Manh-Hung Nguyen), Economic Theory, 2022. 

10. Macroeconomic Effects of Government Spending Shocks: New Narrative Evidence from Canada  (With Syed M. Hussain), Journal of Macroeconomics, 2023 Vol 75. 

11. A Historical Dataset of Federal Government Spending Changes for Canada , (With Syed Hussain), Data in Brief, 2023.  

12. Macroeconomic Effects of Tax Shocks: New Narrative Evidence from Canada  (With Syed M. Hussain ), Forthcoming in Canadian Journal of Economics 2023. 

13. Economic Epidemiological Modelling: A Progress Report (With Raouf Boucekkine, Shankha Chakraborty, Aditya Goenka), Forthcoming in Journal of Mathematical Economics 2024. 

Working Papers:

1.   Persistent Relative Price Movement and Monetary Policy Shocks 

2. Health, Income and Wealth Inequality during Pandemic (With Haokun Pang, Aditya Goenka) 

Other Articles: