Deposit Payment Instructions

1)  PayPal 

NOTE*: The deposit will be kept for guests during the reservation and rental period. We return deposit based on actual amount received. Paypal will charge additional 4 % processing fees if money is sent as "Purchase" or "Service". Therefore we will suggest you send money as Personal payment to avoid unnecessary transfer fee.

2)  ATM / Domestic Transfer

Bank SinoPac 永豐銀行-敦南分行 (ATM 代碼: 807) 

帳號 Account Number:  009 004 00193 111 

受款人Beneficiary's Name:  鍾佩玲

3)  International Wire Transfer


Address:  9F., No. 36, Sec. 3, Nanjing E. Rd, Taipei, Taiwan


Beneficiary's Acct Number:  009 004 00193 111