

Voting to Persuade (with Tsz-Ning Wong and Xin Zhao) Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 145, May 2024, Pages 208-216.

Dynamic Expert Incentives in Teams (with Tsz-Ning Wong) Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 125, January 2021, Pages 27-47. Online Appendix

When Does Monitoring Hurt? Endogenous Information Acquisition in a Game of Persuasion (with Tsz-Ning Wong) Economics Letters, Volume 163, February 2018, Pages 186–189.

Working Papers:

Information Design with Costly State Verification (New!)

Relevant Decision Problems and Value of Information revise and resubmit at International Journal of Game Theory Supplementary Appendix

Partisan Voting under Uncertainty Submitted

Optimal Disclosure Mandate in Supply Chains (with Tsz-Ning Wong and Andrey Zhukov) Submitted