Client Comments

'Just when you think you can't sleep any less and/or your baby can't cry anymore, along comes Lin. And saves your sanity... and your life. I didn't start working with Lin until my daughter was 5.5 months old, by which time she was a total maniac (my daughter, not Lin!). Fed on demand since birth (the biggest mistake a new mum could EVER make), she woke at least twice a night for feeds, and sometimes every HOUR. By the time I called Lin, I was on my knees. I was a jibbering wreck, crying daily, and generally feeling a total failure as a mother. And yet, within weeks, my daughter was sleeping through the night and, what's more, napping brilliantly by day. Yes, of course we have glitches - my daughter isn't a clockwork mouse, after all! - but Lin's always there (and I mean ALWAYS THERE) for me at the end of the phone, offering a reassuring word or an encouraging text. I don't know how she does it, and in many ways I don't care. All that matters is that I have a happy baby, who sleeps well and is an absolute delight when she's awake. What's more, it's not like your house is invaded by a total stranger, who undermines everything you've ever done and makes you feel like the way you have raised your child so far is totally wrong. No. Instead, by taking you though everything from a distance, Lin empowers you, as a mum, to care for your child yourself. I couldn't have done it without her. Next time? Well, if there IS a next time, I'm getting Lin on board the MOMENT I leave the maternity ward!'

Sarah, February 2011

Our baby whisperer...

A friend of mine recommended Lin to me when we were going through a really tough sleep time, Ethan was 5.5 months and was waking sometimes on the hour from 1am. We had tried everything, read all the books, done all the research... but NOTHING was working.

I was initially very sceptical of Lin and was concerned I was not going to be able to cope with the ‘tough love’ concept and controlled crying. I am a bit of a softy and can’t handle hearing my baby cry. But I decided I had no choice, I was physically exhausted and was willing to try anything.... within 3 weeks I had a baby who slept through the night. I now have a contented baby who has two big sleeps a day of at least 1.5 hours and sleeps from 6:30 to 7am.

Lin has been so supportive not only with sleep training but she has guided me through weaning and teething. She also helped me get Ethan back on track after our 6 week holiday where we had to deal with a 4 hour time difference.

I know I can count on Lin with any hurdle that comes our way – she is our baby whisperer!

M.Hendricks, February 2011

"You changed my life

Helped me become a confident mother to my twins and enjoy my children to the full.

Not only had my 6 month old twins sleeping though with in a week but helped with Mabel's eczema by changing her diet. Both my twin girls were terrible feeders but went from only taking 4oz of milk a feed up to 9oz in a matter of days ?? Amazing!

She is our fairy godmother and I cannot imagine life without knowing she is on the phone.

Lin is like always having an expert, best friend and mother on the end if the phone when ever you need it she will always have the right words of comfort and support when you need it the most.

If anything goes wrong even if it's not related to sleep my husband says call Lin

The best money I have ever spent I waisted silly money on a night nurse for a week and was no further at sorting out any sleep problems but very out of pocket

One twin was addicted to dummies and with in a 24 hours they were in the bin and I've never looked back xx

She is a god sent my fairy godmother, my friend and one of the most generous people I know with her knowledge and wisdom and always has time for you xx"

It was November 2010, my little boy was 6 months old and still hadn't slept through the night. He was waking at least twice a night for a feed and not just that, he was really difficult during the day. The best description would be constantly whingy! Daytime naps were no more than 40 mins and I was starting to dread the days I had to manage him alone. I knew it shouldn't be that way. A friend had heard of Lin so I decided I had nothing to lose by calling her.

After the initial conversation with Lin, I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. She explained that all his behaviour was sleep related and that she would get him sleeping through the night and two good sleeps during the day. I didn't quite believe it, but I just felt a calmness about Lin that she knew what she was doing.

On day 1 of working with Lin he slept through for the first time ever! I remember my husband and I looking at each other with stunned expressions wondering how she did it! Lin and I spoke on the phone many times a day to guide me through the next steps and reassure me if things didn't seem to be on track. I had absolute faith in Lin and I think the key is to go with her even if you don't understand why...she knows what she is doing. After 3 weeks, and a happy baby, we said our goodbyes and I knew I would miss our daily chats.

My little boy has slept through ever since. He sleeps for about 2.5 hours during the day and at night, he has his final bottle at 5.30 pm and gets up at 8am! My husband and I now have an evening together and a good night's sleep. The big difference is in my little boy, he goes to bed with a smile and during the day he is just easy and fun to be with. Words just don't seem adequate enough to articulate what Lin has done for me and my family, she is a life saver!

I remember the last question I asked Lin before we started working together...I said, "has this ever not worked?" she replied "no". Now, having worked with Lin and seen the difference she can make, I have absolutely no doubt that she can bring smiles to every parent and baby that she works with!

I first heard of Lin from a friend with twins who was trying to get her boys into a good sleep routine. When she told me the initial results after only a week of working with Lin, I didn't know whether to believe her - it sounded too good to be true - but within a couple of weeks her three month old boys were just about sleeping through the night. Amazing!

Having endured 2 and a half years of sleep deprivation thanks to our little girl waking up 3-4 times a night every night since she was a baby, my husband and I were desperate to try anything to get her sleeping through the night, especially as we were due to have another baby in a few weeks time. I had heard of Lin Elderkin from various friends and friends of friends who had worked with her and we had heard nothing but great things and complete success. I was slightly apprehensive about how Lin would "crack" our daughter's bad sleeping habits after we had tried everything, but I had nothing to worry about at all. From the first day I started working with Lin on the phone, I knew that this was going to work which was down to her constant reassurance, support and calm approach throughout. Lin has such experience working with babies and children and I can honestly say, she was 100% right in everything she suggested we do, and true enough, after 3 weeks, our daughter was sleeping soundly all night and as a result is now a much happier and calmer little girl.

We then didn't hesitate in asking Lin to work with us with our newborn son who arrived a few weeks later and, as she assured us, he is now sleeping from 7pm to 8am every night after just 12 weeks. Again, Lin guided me calmly in what to do each day with our son and it was such a comforting feeling to have such an expert working with me, knowing that everything she suggested was right and we were working together to getting him to feed well and to sleep well. As a result he is such a contented little baby boy and we are a contented, happy, relaxed family. I can't recommend working with Lin highly enough - she has such a kind, friendly and supportive manner and she really has transformed our lives.

Susie, February 2011

As I was flying to Australia with our twin girls, Ava & Alex, two weeks after I heard this, I wanted to see if it was possible for us to have the same results. The girls were 10 weeks old at the time and still waking 1 - 2 times a night for a feed. I spoke with Lin who assured me it was possible, given the girls were already in quite a good routine and she told me that before we left for Sydney they would be sleeping through the night. We started immediately.

I have to admit in the beginning I was really worried about how I was going to let them cry - which is key to teaching them how to sleep - as I had heard and read so many conflicting opinions about this. I thought it might be cruel. Well, after only a day of working with Lin, I saw an improvement in their sleeping. My husband Jason couldn't believe how fast the transformation was to see the girls so happy and settled. He honestly thought we'd been working with Lin for two weeks when I told him in fact it had only been five days and they were sleeping through. We almost didn't know what do with ourselves when we had our evenings back! It felt like a miracle, especially after nearly three months of mind-numbing fatigue. Ironically, allowing the girls to cry for short periods meant they cried much less overall.

Working with Lin is a world away from following a routine out of a book. She called us at numerous scheduled times throughout the day and tailored everything to suit how Ava & Alex were responding. The rountine is completely designed around their needs and as Lin has so much experience, she often predicted what they would be doing before they were doing it! In just over two weeks, the girls were now sleeping from 6pm through to 8am the next morning.

We travelled to Sydney and Lin helped us through time zone changes, adjusting back into their routine, weaning and illness whilst we were there. Since we've been back she has helped us anytime things have come up to help us get the girls back on track. She's our fairy godmother.

We have two incredibly happy, healthy little girls who will always be indebted to Lin for the gift of great sleep. Jason and I truly believe it has affected everything, from their moods to how they eat and play. Working with Lin is the best money we have ever spent on the girls and we would recommend Lin to other families without hesitation.

Jane, North London.

"Having Lin on the end of the phone has really helped me enjoy being a mum. She helped build our confidence of what to do with a newborn baby and ensured that we could get our baby off to the right start by eating well, self-settling in his cot and being a good sleeper. After 12 weeks our son was sleeping for at least 12 hours uninterrupted at night and all that sleep means we all enjoy everything so much more."

Best wishes, Cath April 2011

When we decided to call Lin, we had a 9 month old baby who would only sleep on me, or on his father, at a push. His daytime naps were often only half-an-hour long and, although he was a happy boy, it was clear that he was becoming increasingly tired as he became more physically active. We had tried various "no-cry" methods with no success and had come to the realisation that there was no way that we would be able to get him sleeping in a cot, rather than in the comforting arms of a human being, without some tears: there was no magic answer. I realised that it had got to the point where the disturbance that I caused my son during the night and nap-times was of greater impact to him than the comfort that it gave him to be with me. It was that realisation that gave me confidence to know that the time had come to change things. By fortunate coincidence, the day after my husband and I decided to find some help, he read an article in theEvening Standard, talking about the services offered by a lady called Lin Elderkin....

I called Lin on the Monday morning and we began working together the following day. I had never let my son cry and never thought that I would, but something about the way that Lin explained things made me feel comfortable enough to give it a try. The first nap was the worst, but my son fell asleep, in his cot, in his own room, for the first time ever; it took 40 minutes of crying with 2 visits from me during that time and a good deal of hand-holding from Lin over the phone. The second nap of the day, he settled much faster and that night, was asleep within 4 minutes. When the alarm clock went off the next morning, my husband was amazed to hear that I had not had to go to our son during the night at all; I felt exhausted having spent most of the night awake worrying that he hadn't woken! 5 weeks later we have had just 2 nights that we have had to go in to him, due to teething pain. In a way, these 2 nights made me feel better as they offered me the reassurance that our son would let us know if he needed us still. He naps well during the day, too, with a minimum of an hour per nap, generally totalling 3 hours across the 2. It took 9 days for him to settle quickly for his morning nap (afternoon and night-time were much quicker). It sounds like nothing looking back on it now, but it felt like a long time when we were going through it. I know for sure that I would not have been able to stick with it were it not for Lin's explanations of what we were doing, why we were doing it and her reassurances that we were doing no damage and that things would soon be as we hoped.

Lin's approach is perfect; it is so unobtrusive but offers the comfort, reassurance and confidence that I needed to achieve the results that we were aiming for. At the start I was unsure about the service being over the phone, worrying that someone who had never met my son would not be able to help him properly. This could not be further from the truth! Lin is very perceptive and got to know me and my son very quickly, with every prediction that she made about my son's behaviour/sleep pattern for that day being proved correct: a massive confidence boost and something that really made me trust what she was saying in terms of what we would achieve. Lin's involvement doesn't end at the end of the 3 week period, she is always at the end of the phone and willing to help, advise and comfort.

It is very difficult to know how to put in to words what Lin does and how she has helped us and our son. I cannot recommend her highly enough. I miss our daily conversations as I felt like I finished the programme with a new friend.=

Sophie April 2011

I like to call Lin "our angel", as she seems to have divine properties when dealing not just with babies but also with mums. Our little one was 6 weeks old when we started with Lin. For several days he had only cried and cried from 10pm to 4am in the morning. My husband and I were physically and emotionally exhausted, not knowing what to do with an unstoppably crying baby. Lin came to our rescue and actually, opened up a whole new world of baby-care to us. I am not much of a routine person, so I was initially sceptical about working with Lin, as I didn't feel I wanted to push my son into a routine. My god, how wrong I was. I only noticed afterwards how much babies appreciate routines and how they flourish on a regular eating and sleeping pattern. It was a matter of a couple of weeks and Luca slept through the night. Lin deals with the baby in an incredibly sensitive way, always adjusting to the particular baby's needs and never forcing anything on the seems the sleeping through comes so naturally as a result of regular eating patterns and a good routine behaviour which Lin teaches you. But apart from that, Lin is also an amazing support for mum in every moment of the day. The baby cries and you don't know what to do: Lin is there for you on the other side of the phone. Whatever happens, Lin is always ready to pick up the phone and she ALWAYS has an answer. Whatever mum's concerns are, Lin helps you deal with them. This was particularly valuable in our case, as my husband and I are both foreigners and don't have parents or anyone else close whom we could ask for advice. Lin was there for all of us and has made our life so much easier and pleasurable.

Sabine March 2011

My husband and I have the happiest, smiliest 3-month old baby girl (Lyla) who sleeps through the night for 12 hours! It is beyond our wildest imaginations of what we expected from early parenthood, and we are extraordinarily grateful to Lin for her help.

As first-time parents who had no experience with babies, we were very nervous and confused – and obviously tired! My husband and I also had different philosophies on things like how long to let the baby cry. Lin’s calm, confident help saved us from hours of frustrated Googling or polling friends for constant advice and also helped ensure we did not bicker when already exhausted. Instead, Lin was consistently there for us and we put our trust in her. Believe me- when you’re a new first-time parent who is physically and mentally exhausted it is great to go at times on automatic pilot and get direction from such an expert!

Lin seems to truly love what she does. She works tirelessly because she genuinely wants parents to get to a point as quickly as possible where they enjoy their contented little babies instead of being sleep deprived and confused. Lyla is constantly being complimented wherever we go on what a content, happy little baby she is, and of course that makes the parents content and happy. I have just finished working with Lin on a weekly basis which seemed terrifying at first, but Lin has trained us so well that we are now confident, well-rested and continue to be supremely happy. Thank you, Lin!

Lara March 2011

Lin is, without doubt, the best thing that’s ever happened to our family. As new parents to twins we were struggling along but knew that we needed to do something to improve the sleeping of our babies – and us!! Within 3 days our babies were sleeping through the night and by the end of the program our babies were unrecognisable in terms of sleeping, temperament & eating.

Lin is so reassuring throughout the program, constantly available whenever you need her. She gently and calmly guides you & gives you the tools you need to be able to get your babies into a fabulous routine.

If you’re thinking about working with Lin - don’t think, just dial her number and start, it’s the best thing I’ve ever done for my babies and I’m a much better mum as a result. Fairy godmothers really do exist.

Kerry-Ann March2011

I'd like to start by saying that at least once during the day I wish that every child could smile as much as mine does and that every baby could be as content.....

Lin was my husbands find! He worked with someone who was already benefiting from lin's services. He came home one day almost 4 years ago and said 'I have the solution - a baby whisperer!' the rest is history. So I got on the phone the minute I could and felt a wave of relief as she explained she could help. Nothing was really wrong I just wasn't enjoying my first born due to how tired and exhausted I felt and was a bit clueless on how to get my son into a routine. He was 8 weeks old and by 9 weeks he was sleeping through. I got to know him more through Lin after a few weeks than I learned alone. Now nearly 4 years later I've had my second baby and guess what.....yes I called Lin again (as she predicted I would do). Gracie was 4 weeks old and is now 14 weeks and sleeps from 7pm to either 8am or 8.30am. I would have reached for the phone just because I knew of how much easier life would be if Gracie was sleeping through, especially with a energetic 3 year old running about. Gracie was feeding every few hours sometimes every hour from the bottle! I knew it was wrong and blame the rubbish advice from the hospital midwives who told me to look out for the signs she was hungry and feed her before she would cry! For the first few weeks it was hard as with my son and many times just sat and cried along with my babies but after a while you see a change. The cries become less and less, the hours between feeds become longer and at night you get to sleep your normal 8 hours! It's only been a few weeks since the 12week programme 'ended' but not the support from Lin - she is still there with lots of invaluable advice and instant solutions. She will not let you down. Lin loves my babies and all the babies or children she works with. People like her are hard to find and impossible to forget.

Sharon March 2011

Our daughter had resisted two and a half years of effort to get her to sleep. In her first year she only slept through the night on three occasions. Various attempts had been made at controlled crying. By age one she had learnt to make herself physically sick through crying hard, to avoid being left to sleep. With the arrival of a new baby, her sleep patterns became even more erratic resulting in at least six wakings each night and only returning to sleep with a parent sitting with her. My husband or I used to fall asleep on her bed or on the floor next to her. Even then her sleep was fitful. She didn't eat well and was pale with increasingly difficult behaviour.

My husband and I admitted to ourselves that we didn't have the answer. Elderkin was recommended by my sister as a sleep expert. We were attracted to her methods of sleep training for several reasons. There were no sleep and food charts to fill in. No one would come into our home, but we would be supported at every level of the sleep training. We could begin immediately and had a timescale by which we could hope to see improvements.

It wasn't an easy process physically, mentally or emotionally. But Lin was there at the start of every day, throughout the day and at the end of the day. She was reassuring, calm and understanding but also very firm and utterly unflappable. Her guidelines and instructions were clear and easy to follow.

Lin give our daughter and her parents the gift of a good night's sleep. Our daughter's behaviour and looks have dramatically improved. She eats more and of a greater variety of foods. When, for whatever reason, our daughter's sleep starts to suffer, we are able to address the situation calmly and with confidence having learnt how to handle a reluctant sleeper.

At the same time as helping our daughter, Lin took on our baby who had stopped sleeping through. Within two weeks he was back to sleeping through the night and was having longer and more contented naps in the day time. He continues to be a good sleeper.

Our whole family is incredibly grateful to Lin, although only the adults in the family might be aware of that fact! She has given us the family life and balance for which we had always hoped.

Lin, is that too much or too little? I've released I find putting a sentence together hard work so apologies if there are grammatical mistakes.

Hope you are thriving. Many best wishes,

Laura March 2011

'I had been warned that the first three months of having a baby can be a stressful and challenging time - not to mention tiring. Having Lin on board from the start and every step of the way made the first three months with our firstborn as stressfree and enjoyable as having a newborn can be. What's more, by twelve weeks, our little man was going down at 7pm and getting up at 8am the next morning - what more could you ask?! I can't imagine having another baby without Lin's help to get us through those first three months

A. Hickson

' I have a 2 year old little boy who hadn't slept properly for 5 months, when I first contacted Lin I was in desparate need of sleep, at my wits end, he would wake up all night and then want to get up at 4 or 5am!! Even if I slept with him he wouldn't sleep. My whole life was affected, I couldn't function properly and was very short tempered, which is very unlike me, normally I have alot of patience.

Lin assured me that she could help, it was a very hard process as my son was complicated!! However, we got there in the end. He now sleeps from 5.30/6.00pm until about 7am with 2-3 hours nap in the afternoon.

My whole life has changed, I have a happy little boy who has a happy mummy, my husband and I now have time for each other in the evening and we are no longer tired all the time.

I couldn't have done this without Lin, she has been there for 100% and more, she really does care about the children and especially the parents, I cannot thank her enough.

Sue '

I was introduced to Linda Elderkin by a work colleague, who had a number of friends using her to help with their first babies. As an older Mother myself, with little hands-on family to assist the role of being a Mother was something I found pretty daunting. I would say that Lin has been pivotal in helping me cope with the stress, uncertainty and fear of being a new Mum.

With both my children, Lin has worked with me from the day I returned from hospital. She managed to get them both swiftly in to a routine and both were sleeping through the entire night by 10 weeks. Despite all my friends saying that all children are different and I clearly had an easy first child, my second has proved to be exactly the same (as I knew he would be with using Lin).

Lin helps in all aspects of new Motherhood, and is geared towards the absolute best care for your child whilst also taking a caring role to you, as a Mother, reminding you to get enough rest, remember to eat etc. With her system, there are regular routines, which makes it easier to relax knowing that your baby will sleep for a certain time.

With my first child, I believe I questioned some of Lin's system because it was different to all my demand feeding NCT friends (all bleary eyed and exhausted!). However, with my second child, I completely trusted her every word and it made everything so much simpler. Both my children have been a joy right from the start but with my second, I have relaxed and loved pretty much every minute.

I also got Lin to help me get my children eating solids. She quickly got my daughter eating an excellent range of fresh food.

Such good habits that Lin helped me establish have continued to reap benefits. With enough sleep (babies, toddlers need far more than you think and get overtired so easily) and great diet, my daughter is incredibly relaxed, well behaved and fun. As parents we have had enough sleep to stay sane and the sensible routine has enabled us to avoid the guessing game of being a new parent.

My husband and I would whole-heartedly recommend Lin to help with new babies and young children. She understands young children absolutely and we found her help and experience invaluable in the raising our young family.

Jessica and William Inch

After yet another sleepless night and a day of rocking and hugging our three month old twin boys to sleep (only for them to wake up as soon as put them down) my husband and I decided we needed help getting them into some kind of synchronised routine.

After reading the article in the Evening Standard, we decided to contact Lin. I have to admit, we were initially sceptical but having failed dismally at ever getting my three year old daughter into a proper sleep routine, we were willing to give it a shot.

Within a week of working with Lin we started to see a significant improvement in the boys’ sleeping and eating and we now have two happy little chappies who are sleeping through the night – unthinkable just a few weeks ago.

It hasn't been easy but Lin has been there every step of the way - she is so calm and patient and is willing to offer advice on anything baby related. I am so grateful to Lin for her invaluable support and advice and would not hesitate in recommending her to anyone considering working with her.

Saloni xxx June 2011

My daughter was almost 5 months old when I contacted Lin and her sleep patterns were progressively getting worst! I was exhausted and desperate, as my daughter was waking every two hours from midnight onwards and hardly sleeping at all during the day. I had read all the books and dipped into various methods of child rearing, but had never really committed to, or found a strategy that worked for us. I was starting to think that the normal rules didn't apply to my daughter who had seemed more difficult than other babies from birth!

I was sceptical about working with somebody on the phone who had never met either of us ( normals rules didn't apply after all!), but Lin had been recommended to me by two completely unrelated people whose opinions i respected, and this gave me the confidence to try. I can't tell you what a difference Lin has made to our life. We worked intensively together for three weeks - it was almost as though Lin was in the house too! By following Lin's instructions I saw my daughters behaviour literally start to change overnight. By the third night we all slept to 6am. Two months later the whole family is still getting a proper nights sleep and my daughter is a thriving, smiley baby. Lin taught me how to take control and look after my daughter properly. Sometimes this involved being tough but I only have to look at my happy little girl to know that we did the right thing.

Judith May 2011

Lin has changed our lives. I contacted Lin when my daughter was 7 months old; I breastfed her at least twice a night to get her back to sleep and always had to feed her to sleep in the day. It was difficult for anyone else to put her to sleep. Now she sleeps from 6.15pm to 7.30am, rarely waking earlier AND I get nights out as my husband can put her to bed!

You do have to be in 100% and do exactly as Lin says, sleep breeds sleep and that can sometimes seem unnatural .... BUT IT WORKS. Lin is always at the end of the telephone, to help you through it. She really does know her stuff; helping me with weaning, moving from breast to bottle feeding and helping with advice when my daughter was poorly. It is much more than sleep training. Once my daughter was sleeping for much longer periods, her appetite improved and she was the contented little girl I had longer for.

Trouble is now I have evenings to myself, Lin has a lot to answer for ..... my wine consumption has gone up and I have to find something to talk to my husband about!

Best wishes

Vicky x April 2011

Lin helped us with our 6 month old twins to get them into a good sleeping routine. At the time the twins were very dummy and buggy dependent during the day and we were at our wits end through lack of sleep. Within a month, Lin had them sleeping through the night and napping beautifully in their cots during the day without dummies. I was able to let go of my 'mother's helper' such was the difference to my days and can now manage our 81/2 month old twins very well on my own. Not only do they sleep brilliantly, but they are altogether happier - eating and drinking so well and a joy to be around. I credit Lin for all of this although the great thing is because she helps you over the phone you are ultimately in control and feel very confident by the end that you can do it all by yourself. Our boys now actually enjoy being in their cots and I put them to bed every night by 6.30pm at the latest and don't see them again until 8am the following morning. When Lin told me this would happen I did not believe her but it has and I shall be eternally grateful to this kind and compassionate but straight talking no-nonsense fairy godmother who I have never met but has given our family such a great start. It is the best money I have ever spent and would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone.

Ruth June 2011

Lottie & Lin, Our Story

My husband and I started working with Lin when Lottie, our second

baby, was 7 months old. We hadn't encountered sleep problems with our

son and it came as a real shock when we couldn't get any form of

routine working with Lottie. We had tried pretty much everything up to

this point but nothing worked consistently and we were all suffering.

Prior to working with Lin, we were operating a one night on, one night

off, shift pattern in the hope of getting at least a little sleep.

Sadly it was very hit and miss. Some nights you'd only have to get up

twice but on a bad night it could be countless times, offering milk,

cuddles and popping her dummy back in. But within just a few days of

working with Lin we began to see dramatic improvements in Lottie's

milk intake and sleeping pattern and Lottie no longer needed her

dummy. We were totally delighted.

Lin's confidence is inspiring and at our weakest points it was this

that kept us going. Twelve days in to the programme my husband took me

away for a mini-break which had been booked months earlier as an

anniversary present. Lin was only too happy to work with my mother who

came to look after the children whilst we were away. Everything

continued progressing very well, until we got back. Unfortunately us

going away unsettled Lottie, we had a series of very bad nights and

then spent the following 3 nights or so getting back to where we had

left off. Lin kept telling us this was nothing to be concerned about

and not to worry. But the scepticism had started to set in. Despite

this things did pick up again and we started to make much more

progress. And just as we thought we really were getting somewhere and

only a week behind schedule, Lottie caught tonsillitis. This really

did set us back not just in terms of Lottie not sleeping but our

general feeling about ever getting her to sleep through the night.

What I didn't realise at the time was that thankfully we were working

with Lin and everything that Lin had already set in place was helping.

Lottie was much better at self settling by now and although we did

have to go in to her a number of times during the nights that she was

ill, I can't imagine what it would have been like had we not had Lin's

help. This is where Lin's expertise really came into play. We were

definitely ready to give up. Lin convinced us to keep working with her

and assured us that she would not leave us until Lottie was sleeping

through. Within a matter of days, Lottie began to sleep through from 6

/ 6.30pm until 7am. Lin kept to her word and stayed with us every step

of the way. We've had a couple of bad nights with teething since but

just as Lin said Lottie slips straight back in to her routine.

Lin is an absolutely wonderful person to work with and we couldn't

recommend her highly enough. We have achieved success in terms of

Lottie sleeping through the night and although we are delighted to

have a very content and happy little girl we will miss working with

Lin. If we could have changed one thing, it would have been to start

working with Lin earlier. I want to tell everyone I know about Lin but

at the same time I want to keep her a secret, just in case I need to

call on her again in the future. What Lin doesn’t know about babies,

simply isn’t worth knowing.

Lucinda June 2011

Lin has an exceptional talent... Lin’s guidance was extremely valuable in not only sleep training but also understanding the needs of our child...when to offer more milk, how to get them to burp etc.

We had a rough routine in place but our baby was not pulling the longer hours at night like the rest of the babies we knew that were of the same age. So, in comes Lin and helps us through it all. The first few days weren’t easy but knowing that she has several years of experience with babies, we were assured that our baby was in safe hands. We were so much more comfortable having a knowledgeable person like Lin guide us through sleeping, weaning and all the other random questions that pop up.

Megha July 2011

Alfie Barker Cording – with Lin from six to 12 weeks old

Steve’s story (dad):

When I was first told about Lin by Fulham footballer Dickson Etuhu I thought it was just too good to be true. How could a lady have your child sleeping through the night when she never meets either parents or the baby?

Our parents were also sceptical paying someone to help us to get Alfie to sleep.

But it was worth every penny we spent. Alfie now has a regular nightly sleeping pattern which means that in turn we both know that once we put him down to sleep he will be staying asleep and I don’t think you can put a price on your night’s sleep.

The beauty of Lin is that if you had a query you could call her or send a text and you would always get a response. The advice might not have been what you expected but was always spot on!

It is not just sleep that Lin helps with though. Alfie was a very hungry baby and we moved him on to solids at three months and with Lin’s help had him eating only three times a day by five months.

The effect has been that Alfie is now such a happy baby – everyone comments on it wherever we go.

Eleni’s story (mum):

What can I say about Lin, well for one she’s my sleep guru-not directly of course-she’s my baby’s sleep guru so in turn he sleeps through the night making night feeds ancient history!

Like Steve I was sceptical when told of Lin and her methods, all done over the phone. So, doubts aside we gave Lin a go and haven’t looked back since. I don’t know how she does it but with years of experience she certainly knows her stuff and hasn’t failed I believe.

Lin was at the end of the phone almost 24/7 with advice, instructions and tips on what to do if things weren’t going to plan. She always seemed to have the answer and all her advice worked so as you can imagine I was shocked and delighted at the same time. My son slept through the night for the first time when he was 3 months old and has been doing so ever since-he is nearly 8 months now!

I would highly recommend Lin to anyone struggling with their baby’s sleep patterns. If nothing else, our baby is contented, we are sleeping well and have some normality back in our lives.

We're living proof some might say…

Kindest regards,

Eleni July 2011

''Lin has worked miracles with both our children. Not only did she get them sleeping 14 hours through the night but she has taught them to love their beds! My little girl is now 2 and will ask if she can go to bed! Lin doesn't just instill a routine, she is an incredible support and seems to have a sixth sense about what each child needs. I would definitely use her again if we had another child. And now we have finished with her I actually miss her!''

Tiffany and Jamie Rowlands, Tv reporter and lawyer

''As a grandma I was initially a bit sceptical that a child could be got into a routine so quickly but boy has Lin made the life of a grandmother so much easier! It is now a joy to have my grandchildren overnight when I know not only are they going to have a good nights sleep but so am I. Using Lin is like giving a child a gift for life!''

Grandma Diane, mother of Tiffany and Grandma to Poppy and Benji


Big xxx August 2011

My husband read an article about Lin assisting babies to sleep from 6:30pm to 8:30am and I couldn't believe it. My 16 month old had always been a pretty good sleeper, he slept through the night at 3 months, usually went down easy and rarely woke during the night but had started waking earlier and earlier in the morning since I had returned to work when he was 13 months old and he had started at nursery. He has never been one to sleep in but I had tried all different things to help him sleep in later (putting him to bed later at night, giving him more or then less daytime sleep, offering him more food, trying to comfort him and then leave him to go back to sleep when he wakes, dummies and also a milk feed in the morning to no avail). As I was pregnant with our second child (and was worried about doing night feeds and then having to deal with a toddler waking at 6am) we decided to try Lin.

I was shocked at first that Lin said it would take three weeks to get him into a better sleeping routine (and I would need to take him out of nursery for two weeks). I was a little sceptical as his sleeping patterns wasn't nearly as bad as other children I had read about and I couldn't understand why she just couldn't tell me the magic secret to sort him out! However as soon as we started working with her I realised why we needed the time to readjust him and how Lin tailors her advice to each child. Every morning Lin would call and we'd discuss how he had slept the night before - she would then give me instructions for when to give him his meals and put him back down for a sleep. If he had problems going down she would be on the other end of the phone to check on him (and me) and would give me further advice how to handle the situation. We would then talk again once he had woken up and she would adjust the plan for the day as needed. We proceeded like this throughout the two weeks - with the calls becoming less frequent as he settled into his new routine. By the end of the first week he had started sleeping in and by the end of the second week was having a decent nap during the day and still sleeping in to 8am.

What I couldn't believe was how spot on her advice was - everything she said would happen did happen. She even knew that I wasn't sleeping well so also gave me instructions to take naps too! The other amazing thing we have learned from going through this process with Lin is what a different little boy we have now that he is sleeping properly. He is now a very calm and easy going little boy and I've realise that what I thought was the "terrible two's" starting early was just that he was overtired!

We moved overseas a few weeks after we had worked with Lin and she gave me a plan to readjust him to his new timezone and also made herself available for calls to help get him back into his routine. I didn't even need to call her once and was able to follow her plan without any problems. Within 4 days he was back on track and had got over his jet lag sooner than we had!

I think the most important thing that Lin gives you is confidence. There are so many books, articles on the web and advice from friends and family that you end up trying a mish-mash of ideas to try and get your baby to sleep better. Lin's advice is very simple and straightforward - and because she is just on the other end of the phone you can get reassurance from her whenever you need it. And because someone else it giving you the instructions, it takes the pressure out of trying to work out how to sort out your baby, which can be very stressful and emotional if you haven't been sleeping well. I have planned to use Lin again when number two arrives and would tell any parent wondering whether they really need Lin to do it, I only wish that I had used her earlier!

Kind regards

Shae August 2011

Our baby girl was 12 weeks old and I knew that we couldn't go on as we were. Instinctively I knew that she was a pretty good baby but lack of sleep and a routine were making her grizzly, frustrated and irritable. Everyone I spoke to said 'enjoy this time', I just keep thinking - HOW?! She was practically crying out for a routine but I just didn't know how to go about putting one in place. A friend recommended Lin and it sounded exactly what we were after.

Amazingly, she slept through the night after the first day of Lin's routine. 4 weeks on and she is still sleeping all night, right through until 8am. I still find it all utterly amazing and can categorically say that picking up the phone to Lin was one of the best decisions we've ever made. Thanks to Lin, we've been able to recognise that we have a very good, happy and contented baby.

Thea September 2011

We started to work with Lin when our son was about four months old, and she has really saved our entire family! We initially sought her help because our son wasn't sleeping well during the day or the night, but we got so much more than we expected. Lin helped not only with the sleeping issues, but also helped get our breastfeeding back on track, to introduce solid foods and to deal with the usual pains and crankiness of teething. Its been such a relief to stop spending hours searching the internet and books for answers, but to instead put our faith in Lin and know that we will be steered in the right direction. My husband and I were arguing every single night about what "might" be our son`s problem how how we "might" be able to fix it.... now we know the answers for certain and can just enjoy being parents again.

Lin is not an invisible miracle worker or fairy godmother - her methods are strict and require a great deal of work from the parents. You don't just hand over your child to a nanny and walk away - you do all the work yourself with her guidance. In our mind, this is even better than having a full-time nanny because it gives parents the confidence they need to take care of their little ones long into the future. That has been the greatest benefit of all in working with Lin, we hired her to help our son but in reality we all benefited!

Per & Marguerite September 2011

"Too good to be true" - that was my first thought when a friend recommended Lin to me. My newborn son was never a great sleeper but managed to get through the night with 2-3 feeds and 1.5 hours nap in the morning. When he reached 3 months something changed, he became grizzly all the time and I mean ALL the time. By the time I contacted Lin he was crying constantly and no matter what I did - I rocked him, I read ALL the books, I had a good routine, I rubbed his chest and hummed to him for hours - he would not nap for more than 30 mins and was up 4 times a night. I was on edge, in tears constantly and my husband and I fought non-stop about how to deal with him. I thought we weren't up to being parents.

Lin told me that he was overtired and all of his grumpiness was due to that. I couldn't believe it. We set straight to work and she was holding my hand the whole way. The beauty of Lin's program is how non-intrusive her service is. Everything is done over the phone. We were attracted to this as we didn't really fancy a stranger staying in our very small apartment.

Lin instructed me on when he should get up and go down and if I had any concerns she was always on the phone. Within the week he was sleeping through the longest he's ever slept through the night.

We had another major hurdle as we were traveling to Australia and had to settle him into another time zone. Lin was right there and constructed a schedule for me to work with when we landed. My son was sleeping through the night within a week - a miracle.

I'm not going to lie and say its been an easy route because it hasn't. There were tears (mine and his), doubts and frustrations but Lin was always there with her encouragement and I can honestly say she is the only person who has made me feel like I am a good mother. Naps hasn't been as easy as the nights but we're getting there and I hate to think what he would have been like without her help.

My son goes down by 6pm and we have our nights back. Now I know when he wakes something is really wrong.

I can honestly say that Lin is the best money we have spent on our son. Even now in Australia, she has guided me through teething and weaning. I have the beauty of knowing she's only a text away and we speak when I need her. The time difference has turned out be a blessing, if I had any concerns in the middle of the night, Lin is only a phone call away.

So please don't hesitate, Lin will help you. Thanks Lin!

Soi, Richard and Joshua. Australia, September 2011

After yet another evening of crying, feeding and being very grumpy (both me and my 4 month old little boy…!), my sister suggested that I speak to Lin. Little did I know at the time that that was the best advice anyone could have given me.

My sister had Lin’s help for her first daughter, who is now 3 years old and still one of the best sleepers I know. Having been so impressed the first time around she has also enlisted Lin’s help for her second baby. I knew a little bit about Lin and I could see the results for myself, but for some reason it never crossed my mind to pick up the phone – I wish I had thought of it earlier!

Needless to say that in only 3 weeks Lin has given us our lives back. She gave me the guidance and confidence I needed to restructure Alby’s day so that in a matter of weeks I went from having a baby who was really unsettled and out of sorts to a dream baby who sleeps from 6.30pm until 7.30am, and is much happier for it (as am I!).

As most other people have said, Lin is extremely supportive. She is there for you at any time should you be feeling wobbly, and more often than not she will call you before you feel the need to call her. It’s quite uncanny how she just seems to know when you need a friendly voice to tell you what to do next.

Her support is ongoing and unwavering. She breaks it down into small steps, tailoring her approach to your baby so that before you know it you are in control of your baby’s routine rather than it being the other way around!

Speaking to Lin may just be the best thing you do for yourself and for your baby.

Nadine September 2011

After spending long evenings pacing the floor with a crying, unhappy

3-month old baby, I got in touch with Lin on the recommendation of a

friend. After two days of working with Lin I saw a dramatic

improvement in my baby's feeding and sleeping. After two weeks he was

sleeping through the night. Now when my baby's awake he's no longer

crying - it's like having all the best bits of the 'old' baby but none

of the bad bits. Plus having a full night's sleep means that I can

really enjoy him when he's awake. The day is well structured so the

whole family knows what's going to happen when, meaning I can make

plans and people/jobs no longer get neglected.

Lin's telephone service works incredibly well and I felt well

supported at all times. Her advice is sound and, above all, safe - she

constantly checks on the well-being of the baby. It has been my

absolute pleasure to work with Lin - she is caring, sensible, and has

a totally professional approach. I would not hesitate to recommend her

to anybody who feels that they are struggling to cope with their new


Susan October 2011

"working with Lin saved my sanity! Our baby slept through the night at 12 weeks and has been ever since the happiest little person ever. Lin's experience,kindness and patience make her someone truly special"

Elizabeth October 2011

We began working with Lin when our little boy was 6 months old. We had got to a point where he might occasionally sleep through until 3 or 4 am, if we were lucky, but there seemed to be no way of building on this and getting him to sleep longer. More often than not, he would wake again at 5 and then 6. His day time naps were always a struggle, sometimes as short as 20 minutes, with us resorting to taking him for walks to get him to sleep. We were also reliant on a dummy, which invariably fell out, making him wake up shortly after. To be honest, asking for help felt a bit like admitting defeat, but in hindsight, it was the best thing that we could have done.

The situation now could not be more different. He sleeps through every night, from 6.00/6.30pm for 12 hours. His day time naps are like clockwork - we just put him in the cot and within ten minutes he's off, for at least an hour and a half or more (twice a day). No dummy, no rocking, no blackout blinds - it couldn't be easier. It's not just that we've been able to properly catch up on sleep so that we don't spend the day exhausted, it's that our evenings are virtually stress free. Previously, we would anxiously check the monitor whenever he stirred - which was often - now, he sleeps so deeply that we don’t have that fear that he's going to wake up. I honestly feel that we have our lives back - time to enjoy a meal and watch tv and relax while he sleeps. It's also worth mentioning that in the two weeks Lin really sorted out his eating, he dropped a milk feed and I finally dropped the last breast feed (which I wanted to do for weeks but was scared to in case he woke in the night and needed feeding).

Friends have asked me what it's all about. There is no magic system to it, but equally, there doesn't seem to be anything equivalent to it either. A book gives fixed advice, which can't be adapted or tailored to your baby when he doesn't follow the prescribed routine. Working with someone remotely seems strange but we found Lin to be unintrusive, very supportive and easy to deal with. It wasn't easy, but it felt as if Lin genuinely cared about what we were going through and it showed in everything she did. It's also worth noting that when we went on holiday 3 months later and wondered how best to deal with the hassle of flight times and different time zones, Lin was there for us in a shot with great advice which she offered freely.

We always had a very happy baby, but now he has very contented parents too!

Daisy October 2011

Our beautiful baby boy had reflux. He screamed and vomited after feeds. Despite trying every prop we could think of he couldn’t settle to sleep or stay asleep for longer than an hour or so. I was staying up all night holding him upright so that feeds would stay down. I felt completely unsupported by health professionals. Eventually the vomiting was so severe that he was admitted to hospital and put on a drip.

I had heard of Lin but hadn’t contacted her for 2 reasons. Firstly I thought that she wouldn’t take on a baby with reflux and secondly I thought that cruel sleep training was inappropriate for a baby who had been through so much. I couldn’t have been more wrong. In desperation I contacted Lin and our lives changed overnight. She understood babies with reflux and she had lots of very sensible advice that no other health professionals had given us. She was also kind and sensitive – there was nothing cruel about the sleep training. If she felt that our baby was crying because he was hungry or upset rather than winding down she was quick to ask us to go in to him.

At the start of sleep training out baby was 16 weeks old and waking 1-2 hourly through the night. Within 24 hours he was self settling and the next night he slept through. Lin helped us to understand our baby (even though he wasn’t our first) and what he needed. He is so much happier and healthier because of her advice. In fact the whole family has benefited and I now have time for the rest of the family.

Lin is a very special lady. Her intuition and experience come across very quickly. If you are wondering whether to phone her stop wondering and just do it. We are forever indebted to her and so grateful that she came into her lives.

Christina October 2011

I met Lin seven years ago, when I was working as an au pair to a six week old baby who was also benefitting from Lin’s experience

I was amazed how such a young baby could sleep so well through the whole night. He never cried, and was happy all the time; the best temperament of any baby I had worked with!

My husband and I knew we would ask Lin to help us raise our own child when our time came. We are now proud parents of a delightful 12 week old daughter, having had Lin’s help from day one. She has no trouble sleeping through the night, takes her feed well and has settled into an easy to manage routine

Having Lin’s advice and experience has helped enormously as first time parents; getting our daughter to feed well and sleep without issues have been just two of the many areas where Lin’s help has been invaluable

Guidance on bottles, types of steriliser and bedding to buy before our daughter was even born helped us to be less anxious, and our confidence grew as new parents from the contact throughout each day with Lin

We cannot recommend Lin highly enough, and feel extremely fortunate to have had Lin’s support during this crucial stage in our baby’s development. A settled baby means we have a lot less stress and are able to thoroughly enjoy every moment of being new parents

Only the parents (and children) helped by Lin will truly know the value of Lin’s mentoring skills, we would recommend you to be the next ones!

Ina & Phil October 2011

We have worked with Lin twice now from birth and I am still amazed at how she manages to connect with the babies! People asked why did you use her for both children since you knew what the programme was after number one? The whole point of Lin's programme is that it is tailored to the individual baby. That's what differentiates Lin from any other standard sleep service.

I have many memories of holding the phone to the baby intercom and asking Lin what kind of cry it was tired, hungry, windy... - she was never wrong! Our son calls her the Magic Baby Lady!

We started at a few days old with both children. Lin plans your days and nights with you, guiding you through how best to settle the baby with a sleeping and feeding routine. It involves teaching baby to settle herself. Both babies were remarkably well settled and cheerful and from 11 weeks sleeping 7 to 7. We rarely had a grissly moment since baby was not over tired or over stimulated and knew what was coming next.

Her expertise of 20 years means you can call her with any health niggles in baby or mum have - eg. Nappy rash, heat rash etc. Her advice meant I avoided mastitis! She also helped guide us through weaning, dealing with toddlers, many times changing timezones!!

And finally the great thing about a baby in a routine, you can leave them with a babysitter and they are very predictable and so v easy to look after. So you can enjoy being a parent but also enjoy an occasional night out! Totally and utterly the best thing we did after having the baby!

Emma and David October 2011

We started working with Lin when our baby daughter was 6 weeks old and it has been the best investment we could have made. We had just moved house which, aside from having a new born, can be stressful enough. In the midst of it all we were desperate to learn more about our baby but welcomed help in understanding how to get her to sleep better for longer and how to ensure she was getting enough from her feeds. Working with Lin meant no more feeding with one hand and consulting books in the other or frantically searching for answers online. Instead we had Lin's support everyday, the second you needed it, and we could enjoy just being with our baby.

Lin's success in getting our daughter sleeping and into a good routine speaks for itself as she now sleeps from 7:30pm to 8am and has been from 10 weeks old. That in itself is testament to Lin's amazing ability to steer parents to help their babies feed and sleep well. Lin slowly and gradually helps you build a routine with clear and helpful advice every step of the way. I found it invaluable to have Lin to answer the insane amount of questions you have in the early days and to be on hand throughout our day. With bags of sleep and a settled routine our baby is amazingly contented and developing so fast.

But I have to say it is the other part of the service which I will be so grateful for; in that Lin looks after both mum and baby. She helps you, as a parent, be the best you can be. Lin is extremely intuitive and nothing phases her. With Lin's knowledge and guidance I became happier and even more confident with breastfeeding. I am so very glad that we made a decision early on to work with Lin - a happy baby and even happier parents.

Fleur October 2011

Here's our story:

Our little girl, Esme, was born 10 weeks premature and maybe it was because of that and how precious she was to us, that we had never been able to leave her to cry. I knew that it wouldn't help her sleep but I had no idea how bad things would get. In her baby routine, things weren't too bad. She'd wake twice a night for a feed. But by the time she was 18 months, she was not sleeping through. We kept thinking she'd grow out of it, but we used to regularly end up with one of us having her in the bed with them. By the time she was 2 and a half she had regressed to waking up at anywhere between 9pm and midnight and would spend the rest of the night in with us. None of us were getting more than 5 hours sleep a night.

We were at our lowest point. All of us exhausted and it was then that my sister recommended Lin after a friend of hers had worked with her. She did tell us that it would be hard but that she knew she could help us. The first night wasn't too bad. We were so tired we just lay in bed and let her cry, but she took herself back off to sleep. The second night was pretty awful. She was awake from midnight to 4am just screaming. That was the night I would have given up if my husband hadn't stopped me. The 3rd night she slept through until 6am!! The first time since she was born. And since then, things have just got better and better. She now sleeps from 6.15pm through until 8.15am every night. AND we even went on holiday to centre parcs in the middle of the training! We were terrified we keep everyone in our party awake, but she slept beautifully. Our friends are all so jealous because she goes to sleep every night without crying, and doesn't wake till late. They can't believe it and neither can we some days. We're like a different family. Esme also has a good 1 and a half hours sleep every afternoon.

Lin was just amazing. She is so kind and calm and really helps you understand why you do things a certain way. And she's always available, even for the smallest question. We couldn't have done it without and will remember it forever. It's changed our lives and I've already recommended her on to friends of mine.

Thanks again Lin.

Alison November 2011

Having read numerous books on sleep and tried hard to get my son into a good routine, I had to admit defeat and get help. My friend had heard of Lin and with my date for going back to work looming, my husband and I decided to give it a go. It seemed hard to believe that our 9 month old would sleep anything like the hours Lin promised, but within a couple of days, he already began to sleep more than he ever had before and we started to have undisturbed nights. This gave us the confidence to know that working with Lin was the right thing for our little boy, however difficult we found the process of getting his day time routine right. Lin was amazingly supportive - there for us round the clock – and always knowing what to do.

Lin's approach is so unique, entirely tailored to your child’s daily pattern and unfailingly supportive whilst being completely unobtrusive. Who knows her secret, but I would never have been able to get the results she got, however many books I read!

Lisa, January 2012

Being second-time parents, we thought we knew it all. After all, we already had a toddler who slept from 7pm-7am each night and had done since he was four months old, something we'd achieved ourselves using methods we'd got from books. Our second son Joe seemed like an even easier first.

Five months in and we realised that instead of sleeping through the night as our first son had done, we were still feeding him 2-3 times a night, then after a holiday abroad and a family break over Christmas things went totally haywire and we had a week of him waking every 15 minutes all night and needing to be patted, rocked or fed back to sleep every time. We were breaking all the rules but didn't know what else to do! We felt like zombies. I scoured my books and tried everything that had worked with his brother. In the mean time, our bouncing, happy go lucky baby turned grumpy and grizzly. The final straw came when our baby stopped taking any milk during the day, and I started dreading the nights because I knew what was coming. My husband had had to move to another bedroom during the week so that he could get through his working day. I couldn't catch up on sleep durng the day because I had the toddler to look after. I was due to return to work in a few weeks time and knew it would be impossible. After procrastinating yet another week in the belief that we could turn things around ourselves, we finally called Lin at the point when my husband and I could barely speak to eachother, we were so exhausted.

How we wish we had called her months earlier!

Right away, just by giving regular instructions over the phone, Lin got baby Joe to drink gallons of milk during the day - something which my books told us he needed but didn't explain HOW on earth to get this to happen. She got him napping brilliantly during the day too, with a minimal amount of crying. Even though we were still the ones physically caring for Joe, just knowing that Lin was there to support us took a huge weight off our shoulders. Then, on the sixth night of working with Lin, Baby Joe slept from 6.30pm until 08.30am the following morning. Just like that. I leapt out of bed that morning feeling like a new woman. My husband and I smiled at eachother for what felt like the first time in weeks. Baby Joe got his cheeky grin back. The next few weeks cemented Joe's new good eating and sleeping habits, and Lin has got him on solids now too. When Joe started nursery in preparation for me going back to work, he of course picked up a nasty virus which meant a very sick baby for five days. Lin was there on the end of the phone the whole way, helping us to care for him without slipping back into bad habits which would have been so easy to do!

We don't know how Lin does it, but she is either working from some crazy mathematical formula or (more likely) is just very experienced and incredibly intuitive about babies. Every baby is different, and you can drive yourself crazy looking for solutions in books which by their nature can't tailor advice to every child's needs. Lin knows both what babies need in general, and what your baby needs in particular, and our only regret (and it's a big one) is that we waited until we were all so wrung out before we called her. Joe could have been sleeping through months earlier if we had nipped our problems in the bud and called Lin right at the start. We'll never get those months of sleepless nights back but thanks to Lin we can now look forward to months and years of great experiences with our brilliant boys, and quality time together as a couple too. I'm sure there will be challenging times ahead, but we feel we can overcome almost anything if we just have had a decent night's sleep - this is what Lin has given back to us.

Alice & Ed, January 2012

On 7 Feb 2012, at 20:57, ANGHARAD RAYNER wrote:

> What are you doing reading this testimonial? Just pick up the phone and call Lin. It will honestly be the best phone call you ever make. You're probably thinking that this all sounds too good to be true, these were exactly my thoughts. I was at the point of desperation and would have tried anything. Most of my family thought that I was mad, they were convinced that I had post natal depression and couldn't cope, I knew that I wasn't coping because of the lack of sleep. I finally decided to call Lin and after a short conversation I knew she could help me. My next challenge was to convince my VERY sceptical husband, after all I needed his support to work with Lin. After pleading with my husband we both decided to start working with Lin.


> We were apprehensive about working with Lin because our son was born 6 weeks early, spent 2 weeks in special care and had been diagnosed as having reflux by a paediatrician and was prescribed gavisgon and renitadine.He was waking every 2-4hours day and night and had done for 12weeks. Having worked with Lin for 5days, our son was sleeping from 7pm-4am but more importantly I had started to wean him off his medication after Lin suspected that he never had reflux. Within 4 weeks, he was completely of his medication and was sleeping through.


> To this day I don't know what sort of mess I would have been in without Lin. My husband and I were totally demented, we had looked forward so much to having a baby and weren't able to enjoy him because of the sleep depravation. It had got to the point where we were terrified of him, he was like a bomb waiting to go off. We would argue who was doing the next feed or would alternate night shifts. Lin has given us our life back, our son now goes to bed at 6pm and we don't get him up until around 8am. We have not only had our life back but we now have a contented happy baby. He was sleep deprived all along and didn't know how to self settle. I could never have taught him the skill to self settle without Lin there to guide me.


> I would be lying if I said that this was an easy journey, the first week involves a lot of hard work and commitment but its undoubtedly easier than having an unhappy, unsettled baby. Lin is always at the end of the phone to support you. Lin isn't a miracle worker, she has a vast amount of knowledge and experience and is gifted with intuition, this is why she is able to achieve what she does over the phone.


> I shall now echo what all other testimonials say, Lin is there for YOU as well as your baby. She has such a big heart and genuinely cares about her mum's, babies and in our case the dad. My sceptical husband is now Lin's biggest fan and I hope she doesn't mind me saying hat they have become good friends. I feel like I've known Lin forever, she has been an amazing support to me and I feel as though I've made a true friend.


> I can honestly say that working with Lin is the best money we've ever spent.


Why We Needed Help.

When we had our second son Rafi we assumed that we would find having another child easier, we were experienced parents after all. All my friends told me that the second child just fits in with your lifestyle. I soon realised this was a very sweeping statement and one that did not mirror our experience. As a newborn Rafi slept for hours on end and feeding him was easy but very quickly things changed. By week 3 Rafi was not sleeping in the evening or day, anytime we put him in his cot he would cry. Feeding became exhausting as he was hungry all the time, so in essence if he wasn't sleeping or feeding he was crying, I was becoming exhausted. One day Dom (my husband) came home with a story from his friend about a women who could help as a maternity nurse, but she was only on the phone and would cost several hundred of pounds - I decided to persevere alone. After 5 weeks of little sleep and a crying baby I was begging for her number!

Taking the First Steps

When we spoke to Lin she was so confident about what she was able to achieve for us. "By week 3 I will have Rafi going from 9pm to 3 am" she said. Well if that was as good as it got I would be happy but Lin's main objective was to get Rafi going from 6.30pm to 8am with 2 daytime naps by 12 weeks - something I never thought we could achieve! I have to say I had read so many books and googled so many things that I did not believe there was someone who had an unequivocal answer. Lin picked up on my doubt and quite clearly told me that I had to be 100% committed and I needed to trust her. I agreed.

The Process

It's really hard to explain to people how Lin got Rafi settled because she does not operate a "one size fits all" strategy, it is very tailor made based around mum and baby and revised hourly in the beginning. There was a lot of crying, both me and Rafi but he was going to cry anyway so better that it be in a controlled environment. As for me I just learned to toughen up a bit and realise that this was for the greater good. For 7 weeks Lin and I would speak at least 10-15 times a day via phone or text she would advise me on feed times, expressing, diet, sleep times and small little things like winding ( all things I thought I knew). Lin created a structure with which I could work with. So by 3 weeks as Lin said Rafi was sleeping through to gone 3am! Lin was my new best friend.


Lin has helped us as a family, my husband relies on Lin when I am not around, she has helped with advice for our daughter to help her sleep better and for me she has been amazing. Not only does Lin support baby but also mum, she genuinely cares. There have been times when she has sensed that I have been stressed and will call me just to chat to help me put things into perspective. Needless to say Rafi sleeps really well and the night time routine is just amazing!!!!! We have also decided to do a retainer with Lin, the thought of not having Lin on the end of the phone now just seems crazy!

Alex Mansour

7th Feb 2012


>> My wife and I had a little boy who arrived six weeks early and spent a stressful 2 weeks in special care.

>> Neither of us had much contact with babies before this and we were very inexperienced. A combination of our inexperience and our son arriving early ended up in being a total nightmare.

>> We had a baby that slept 2.5 hours max day or night.

>> He was diagnosed with reflux as he screamed while drinking his bottle and brought some of it up.

>> He had to sleep in a pram, on an incline in our room. (this is the only place he would sleep)

>> From 5 pm onwards he would scream non stop, my wife and I used to play pass the parcel with him as we could only bare a few minutes of his screaming at a time.

>> I feel terrible saying this but I didn't enjoy his company very much because he was so unhappy.

>> My wife discovered some 'Lin Elderkin'. She gave me a brief description of the service of which I laughed and told her how gullible she was.

>> After reading some testimonials i started to think "either this woman is very good at making up stories, or, "she actually works?"

>> The following day my wife disturbed my morning break at work (again) phoning up crying down the phone with my son crying in the background (again).

>> She begged me to give Lin a ring, I had no choice, we had tried everything else, and our marriage was beginning to suffer because of it.

>> I rang Lin, and my first impression was "wow" she sounded so confident in what she would do to our boy. I was quite rude with her to be honest and questioned her over and over. She gave me some numbers of her current mothers she was working with so I could further discuss Lin and her service with them. I rang 2 or 3 different mothers and by then I was nearly convinced. I agreed to give it a go for a couple of weeks.

>> After a couple of days, Ioan was clearly a much happier baby.

>> After a week he was in his own room, in his own cot and sleeping for 9 hrs at night.

>> After a month he was sleeping over 12 hours!

>> We haven't had a disturbed night sleep for 4 months!

>> Its the best thing we have ever done, our son is now almost 7 months and is fantastic. We put him in bed between 6-6:30 and he puts himself to sleep quietly, if anything happens to wake him up in the night, he will just stay completely quiet and go back to sleep. He will wake in the morning and happily play and talk in his cot while we make his breakfast. When we go up to get him we get the biggest smile and cuddle, he is fantastic.

>> Lin has changed our lives and she has given our boy a gift for life, thank you so much Lin.


CHRIS RAYNER AKA= Mr Grumpy. February 2012

"We contacted Lin in desperation after our little boy (age 3 - at the upper end of Lin's age range) had been waking several times a night for over 2 weeks following a nightmare. Having always been a good sleeper, we didn't know what to do, we were exhausted and keen to help him before the wakings became an established habit. She reassured me that he was just overtired and unable to get into a deep sleep, and that she could help in just a couple of weeks - we were delighted!

She was good to her word, and within a week he was back to sleeping soundly all night, napping happily in his bed during the day and even staying in his bed in the mornings and playing with his toys if he woke early. We feel reassured now that Lin is always on hand, at the end of the phone with kind words, if things were to go awry again - and after all, children are never predictable!"

Thank you for all your support. Now I know Alfie can sleep in, I'm determined for him to do it again - the last three mornings he's woken early there has been nothing to wake him (no heating coming on, blackout blind up etc) so I think he is still tired - but Tuesday was a stressful day as I was ill in bed and my Mum was looking after him so I think that had an impact. I will be speeding away from work at 5pm tonight to get him bathed, read to and bed as soon as possible!

Charlotte March 2012

My son had never been good at sleeping since he was born. Nights were just about manageable but days were impossible. Once he was awake in the morning he could go from 7am to 6pm with only 40 minutes or so of sleep. He just didn't know how to nap. I used all manner of noise machines, rocking, patting and the like to get him for what was usually all of half an hour, after which he would wake and not go off again. Most days were filled with much crying because he was just so tired but I just couldn't get him to sleep for anything close to a decent amount of time. It got to the stage where I stopped going out with him because all he did was scream - at a group, in the supermarket, everywhere. He did snooze in the car but when I stopped at a set of traffic lights or when we got home the crying would start immediately. When I was in the car with him I dreaded seeing a set of red lights as I knew he would wake within moments of the car being stationary and then he'd be off. Some nights he might go 4 hours without waking and others it was every 90 minutes. It was very unpredictable. But it was the long, screaming filled days that were unsustainable - for both of us.

A friend of mine had a friend who had used Lin for similar difficulties. It took me a good few weeks to make the decision to do something. I had read all the sleeps books and tried all the techniques but with no real success. My son was getting bigger (he's a big baby) and my back was simply groaning at all the carrying I was doing to stop him crying. Not only was this unsustainable, it didn't ultimately do what was needed - get him to sleep!

I started work with Lin just before my son was 5 months old. There are no 'quick fixes' and it's hard. But it does work. I don't know why, I don't know how, but it works. Lin was in contact all the time, offering reassurance and encouragement. There were times when I nearly threw the towel in as I felt I couldn't continue but then the thought of going back to how things were just wasn't an option. Slowly but surely he learnt the ability to self-settle, to go off to sleep, to stay asleep, to go back to sleep once he had woken and to self-soothe. Lin continued supporting me beyond our agreed time as he was struggling with teething and a virus and I really appreciated her ongoing care and concern. She is full of tips and advice about all manner of things and it's all incredibly useful.

When my son has slept and is well-rested he is an absolute joy. I have to run quite a tight ship and he doesn't cope well if I vary the routine, but I accept that's just who he is. He will never be a 'go with the flow baby' that sleeps any place anywhere. He is however a marvellous baby who sleeps when I put him down and generally wakes when he's had a good sleep. And that is absolutely priceless. I couldn't have done it without Lin.

Joanna xx April 2012

I heard about Lin through a friend who had come to the end of her tether after 9 months of her darling daughter not sleeping very well at all, she had then worked with Lin and after only a few weeks her daughter was sleeping through the night and she couldnt recommend her highly enough.

I was about to have my first child and was very keen to get the sleeping thing licked as soon as possible so that we could enjoy our baby and get our lives back on track asap!

My daughter Lulu is now 3 months old and sleeping from 8pm to 8am ! we have a lovely routine and as a result my baby is a happy little thing and if she cries I know exactly why she is crying - I totally put my trust in Lin and she has carried us through the minefield of those first few weeks and months. You will often hear the phrase "there isnt a manual for this" but actually there is and its Lin!!

All her methods are tried and tested and I am living proof that they work. I found it really wonderful knowing that Lin was always there for a chat and if anything she was the one chasing me and keeping on top of what we were doing and being slightly scatty is exactly what I needed.

If number two comes along Lin will be the first person I call to book in for round two! I urge anyone who whats to be in control of themselves and their baby to work with Lin - you wont regret it!!

Suzy and Lulu XXX April 2012

If you are reading this the main thing i want to say to you is PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PICK UP THE PHONE AND CALL LIN!!!

I was at the end of my tether when i finally called her.Lots of people around me were very cynical about how it could work all over the phone,but trust me IT REALLY DOES!!!.It was the best decision i ever made to work with her,and i have not looked back since.

I have twins,a boy and a girl who were eleven weeks when i started with her.My boy Miller was sleeping worse and worse, waking every two hours,despite being in a solid routine.Miller really suffered from bad wind,and both babies cried a lot throughout the day.Every 24 hours felt like climbing Everest!

After only a week huge improvements had been made,both in the day and with their sleep.Millers wind had gone thanks to all Lins help

After 10 days we had dropped two night feeds,and constant wakes,and both babies were sleeping through from six thirty til eight!!!.... Unbelievable i know!!! .....My husband and i were pinching ourselves every morning!....We really couldn't believe it!

They are now very happy babies when awake,napping well in the day,and sleeping through every night

!It has gone from counting the minutes until i could put them to bed to counting the minutes until i can get them up!!!!

We even had a commercial shooting in our home with over 80 people working here until eleven at night,and still they slept!!!!

We will be forever grateful to Lin for what she has done for us.It really has changed our lives,and it was the best money we have ever spent!

Kate April 2012

My son was a dream when first born until he took bronchiolitis at 5 weeks. Suddenly he would waken 6/7 times a night every night and wouldn't settle without a feed. He was a nitemare during the day, constantly crying and if he did eventually nap it would only last 30/40 mins and he would waken screaming again! Nights couldn't continue like this as my husband works away a lot and I have a toddler who wanted lots of attention. I heard about Lin through an online forum and started with her when Ryan was 11 weeks old. To be honest it was hard work but we followed Lin's advice to a "t" and saw major changes almost immediately. Ryan, however, took bronchiolitis again which set us back quite a bit but we placed our trust in Lin and eventually his health improved and we had a happy, content baby who was sleeping from 6-6 with two good naps during the day. We still struggle somewhat with bedtime and he wakes after 30mins of being put down and likes to get up too early (unlike his mum and dad) but Hopefully we'll get that stretched to 7/8 every morning sometime soon. Lin was a great help when Ryan was ill and also offered advice when my daughter was ill. She also helped with weaning and is always there to answer my questions no matter how silly they are. I hate to think the state I would be in now if I hadn't used Lin and I have raved about her to friends and family and recommended her to some friends with new babies.

Best money I've ever spent! It's given me my happy family life back and for that I'll be forever grateful x

kaira & Simon May 2012

I started working with Lin when our daughter, Tabitha, was 6 weeks old. Although she was a very good baby from the beginning, she was also 4 weeks premature and I really struggled to find information on feeding and sleeping routines for premature babies. As a result, despite feeling that some form of routine would be better for Tabitha and for me, I ended up following advice from my Health Visitor to feed on demand. Everything was going ok for the first few weeks – I wasn’t expecting to get much sleep at that point and because Tabitha was so tiny, I expected to have to feed her much more frequently than a full term newborn.

Then we hit the first major growth spurt! I went from breastfeeding every 2 to 3 hours to feeding 17 times in one 24 hour period at its peak. That was when a friend gently told me about Lin.

I mulled it over for a while – despite the feeding issues, Tabitha was such a contented little thing and I genuinely wasn’t experiencing issues with prolonged crying or being unsettled. Then the penny dropped – I realised I didn’t have to be on my knees to get some help – and getting support from an expert wasn’t ‘cheating’! In fact, having Lin at the end of the phone rather than in person was a real plus – whilst Lin provided expert help and support and was in contact several times a day, my husband and I were taking care of Tabitha’s needs ourselves.

Within a week of working with Lin, Tabitha was down to 6 feeds a day – what I hadn’t realised was that by feeding on demand I was just not giving my body the chance to recover between feeds. That, in addition to lack of sleep, meant that I was just not producing good quality milk. Ironically, in trying to make sure Tabitha wasn’t hungry I was actually failing to provide her with the quality nutrition she needed. Lin gently explained this and encouraged me to top up each feed with formula – I was resistant at first, because I had wanted to breast feed as much as I could for the first few months at least but Lin assured me that this would be short term until I improved my milk production.

My husband worked with Lin for 6 weeks initially by which time Tabitha was sleeping around 11 or 12 hours a night as well as taking her regular naps throughout the day which is pretty amazing considering her ‘real’ age was 7 to 8 weeks. We then went to Australia for 2 weeks and Lin was on hand with detailed, day by day advice on how to manage the time difference and the flight. As a result, Tabitha was back sleeping through the night within 3 days of landing in Australia (she did better than my husband and I with the jet lag!).

As well as helping establish a routine, guiding babies to sleep through the night and teaching little ones how to settle themselves, Lin has a wealth of knowledge and amazing tips on everything you could possible imagine e.g. how to get rid of wind (methods I’ve never seen in any book!), how to soothe babies when they’re teething, the best remedy for cradle cap, which nappy sizes to use and when, what to expect after immunisations, how many layers of bedding to use etc.

In short, Lin has been absolutely invaluable to me on many levels. More recently, I have worked with her again on transitioning Tabitha to solids which has removed any stress for me and made weaning a really pleasurable experience for both of us.

On the personal front, Lin is a joy to work with and is extremely intuitive. She has a really big heart and clearly adores her job, her mums and the babies she works with. At the same time Lin is firm when she needs to be – there’s no doubt that establishing a routine takes a lot of effort and is fairly restrictive in the early weeks. However, I can say from personal experience that putting the time and effort in up front pays huge dividends – Tabitha sleeps at least 12 hours every night and is happy being taken anywhere e.g. when going to a friend’s for dinner she will happily sleep in a spare room and then hardly stirs when taken home and put into bed.

I honestly cannot recommend Lin strongly enough and my best advice would be ‘don’t wait, just do it!’ One of my friends began working with Lin recently and, ten days in, has her little one sleeping through and she is absolutely thrilled. The time we have with our babies is so short, I’m all for anything which limits stress, tiredness and anxiety and maximises the joy.

Natasha June 2012

What can I say other than Lin Elderkin is truly the Baby Whisperer.

We started working with Lin when our son was 4 weeks old, he is our first baby and so we were totally new to parenthood, as we all know there is no book that can truly prepare for the experience of a new baby in your lives. The first week we brought our son home, he was the perfect baby, sleeping all day and most of the night, never crying, we wondered what everyone was complaining about sleepless nights, what were they?? We had to wake him to feed him lol. However as many of you I am sure know, this all changed and our son became an insomniac, whatever we did we couldn’t get him to sleep, other than when he was totally exhausted and would fall asleep on my breast. A newborn is only supposed to stay awake for 1-1.5hrs, our son was still awake after 5 hours at a time. My mum was drafted into help, there were 3 of us in the house doing shifts to try and look after my son, I would go to sleep at 7.30pm, set my alarm for 11pm, take over from either my mum or partner and then be awake most of the night either feeding or trying to settle my son. Everyone would say sleep when your baby sleeps but when you are so overtired, emotional and anxious, sleeping during the day becomes impossible. After 3 weeks I was a zombie, a friend of ours had worked with Lin with their son and so I spoke to them to get some more background info. I felt like a bad mum asking for help so soon, but I knew whatever we were doing wasn’t helping our son or the family as we were all so stressed out and at our wits end as to what to do. My friend explained Lin’s process she had nothing but praise for her and directed me to her website. I read the testimonials and hoped with all my heart that what everyone was saying was true. I spoke to Lin and immediately she filled me with confidence and referred me to other mothers I could speak to who had recently worked with her and could give me their experiences. I spoke to them and felt even more confident but still I was so wary, my little boy was so young, how would we cope with the controlled crying (hard to be honest but so worth it in the end), what if this didn’t work? I asked Lin whether it hadn’t worked for anyone and she told me ‘No’ she also explained that you didn’t just leave your baby to cry but you would regularly check on them, check their nappy, make sure they didn’t need anything, give them a cuddle and then put them back down to sleep. Even with this I was still worried that it may not work for us, what if I put everyone through the process and it didn’t work, how would I feel? I then reflected on my current situation and how nothing really could get any worse, the thought of having my little boy being settled, eating and sleeping regularly, for the family to be in a routine, to be able to have time with my partner in the evenings was a wonderful prospect. So we started with Lin in January of this year (2012) and can I tell you we haven’t looked back. Lin worked with us from my son being 4 weeks to 11 weeks, by 11 weeks he was sleeping through the night from 6.30/7pm-7am. We could not believe it, Lin guided us through the process with such patience, care and love. We really felt that even though she had not met our son, she had a connection with him, something you will only really understand if you embark on a journey with Lin. At many times as a new mum, I struggled with the overwhelming nature of my role, even though Lin is guiding you through feeding, sleeping, any issues you may have through her wealth of experience, you are still your baby’s mum and so the hard work is down to you, you just have a guardian angel watching over you to show you what to do. Many a time I would feel like crying and even did to Lin and she would be so kind and patient with me, totally understanding and empathising with how I was feeling. She was even supportive at times when I felt frustrated and unsure if I wanted to go on. There was never any pressure she simply re-assured me that we would get there, all her babies reach their final goal of sleeping through the night but if at any time I felt it wasn’t for us, it was not a problem. And we did reach our goal and a week early at 11 weeks J.

After finishing the sleeping programme with Lin, we continued for another 6 weeks on our own, then our little boy started waking in the nights and I knew it was time for solids. Thank god we went back to Lin and we are still with her now as with the weaning came the teething and his first cold etc, all throwing obstacles in our little mans way and all threatening to disrupt his routine. Through out all of this Lin has been a wonderful support helping us through these different stages, from the daily 6 week weaning programme, to advice on how to help with teething, what to give my son to help him through his cold, any problems any issues Lin is there ready to help, day or night.

I really feel that without us working with Lin, I would definitely not be the confident first time mum that I am now and that our little boy wouldn’t be as happy and contented as he is which is something that everyone that meets him comments on.

Clair, June 2012

“We have a 2,5 years old daughter who hardly slept a night through and kept all family up every night.

After couple of particularly bad nights we said enough is enough and we need help.

Luckily our friends highly recommended Lin who sleep trained their children.

We are so grateful to them and to Lin!

I was sceptical at first because I just couldn’t understand how making my daughter sleep more would make her sleep better?? Everything I thought wouldn’t work actually worked??

I don’t know how she does it but who cares when you get the results?

When we did try first 4 days really was the hardest but our first full night sleep was only after day 3!!

Lin is so good that she was not only helping us with our 2year old but also giving advice about our 4year old and how to handle if he had a bad night etc. She is just full of good advice!

My daughter now hops to bedJ))

I’m so going to recommend her to all our friends!!!

Thank you very much Lin!

Juta and Charlie “ July 2012


Why we decided to use Lin...

We needed sleep desperately!! We would put Daniel to bed at 9pm hoping that tonight would be different and he would sleep though...right on cue he would wake up at 2am, and 4am and again at 6am crying and hungry.....I had tried everything to get him to break this pattern...a dummy, rocking, bouncing, cluster feeding in the evening, saying sssshhhhh till I was blue in the face, playing gentle music, getting a more structured routine during the day, more sleeps during the day, less sleeps during the day, no sleeps during the day .....nothing worked and I was exhausted! So we contacted Lin.

We had heard about Lin 3 weeks earlier from two sets of friends who couldnt have praised her more....and looking back now we should have contacted her sooner.

Daniel was born 3 weeks early, weighing 2.5kg...he took in lots of wind when eating (breast or bottle) and would vomit (projectile) after every feed. We were giving him Gaviscon in all his bottles which did help keep some of the milk down but I didnt like giving it to such a small baby.

I had great confidence in Lin, you only have to read the testimonials on her website to see your baby will be in good hands and she will find the right combination to get you the results you want. The first few days are the hardest (obviously) but Lin gives you the strength and understanding you need to push through.

After 2 weeks Daniel was sleeping through the night, he is happy to sleep anywhere and we have his vomiting under control....overall he is a much happier baby.

We are so pleased with ourselves for using Lin and next time I will call her alot earlier ;)

S and G Cloete September 2012

Lin has been fantastic. We have a really happy baby who sleeps through the night and who is in a great routine in the day (that works around sibling nursery drop offs and dog walks!). Lin is very understanding, hugely caring and reassuringly firm! She always knows what to do and will work with you to work around any tricky situation. It was tough at times as we introduced 'new ways' but we were never alone and always confident that it was the right thing to do. We would recommend Lin to anyone."

Love Jude xx February 2013

2 years and we thought this would be our way of life but we somehow managed to break out and accept there was still a hope…

Since the birth of our 2 year old daughter (first child) life has been challenging to say the least. Colic / silent re-flux to begin with – suffered for about 6 months. She never slept in her moses basket (in hindsight we probably gave up too easily) and always had to be breast fed to sleep, in our bed. This would only last for half an hour or so before she’d start crying again …I’m sure you know where I’m going, this basically became the routine.

We followed advice of health visitors, GP’s, private consultants, hospital doctors to no avail …in fact it really complicated things as they all said different things. We got so desperate with the sudden (daily) screaming, usually in the evening, which lasted for up to an hour that we decided to go to A&E – something just wasn’t right. They kept her under observation for 3 nights and diagnosed her with silent reflux. We were giving her 3 or 4 different types of medications – I remember thinking that these were senior paediatricians and so we probably finally cracked it – unfortunately not. After 3 months, we chucked all that away, and thought things would get better once she started on solids – unfortunately not.

Then thought when she started to walk, she’ll get more tired and sleep – unfortunately not.

I won’t bore you with the details, but up until 2 years old, she was still sleeping in our bed and still waking up anywhere from 5 to 20 times a night (I’m not joking). We tried absolutely everything we could think of, took advise of everyone we spoke to, gave things time to settle but nothing worked.

We were absolutely exhausted …no sleep for 2 years …the most we got at any one time would have been 3 hours.

Honestly thought we’d have to live like this until she was 3, 4 or may be 5? I don’t we would have survived – literally – as we were also working full time.

A colleague at work gave me Lin’s number (friend of a friend). I held on to that for a year.

I’m the type of person that would research, research, research and I just thought what could Lin do that would be any different to everyone else (the senior paediatricians, health visitors etc.).

I was crying every day, our relationship was weak, mentally and physically tired.

I gave myself one last push and decided to phone.

All I can say is it’s NOT EASY but, it DOES WORK. Requires a lot of trust and confidence.

3 weeks and our daughter was sleeping through from 6 till 8.

We finished with Lin after 4 weeks and we had to pinch ourselves every night!

Such an amazing feeling. I was kicking myself for not having made contact as soon as I received her number a year ago.

Lin’s methods are very simple but tailored to your circumstances.

Anyone reading this, I urge to call her. I simply can’t recommend her enough.

I would have paid any sum on money if someone guaranteed that after a month things would be normal.

What we actually paid was peanuts considering the results.

Lin’s a good friend as even now, 3 months on, we do occasionally have the odd question when she’s poorly and get really good advice.

Romi February 2013

We are not exaggerating when we say that working with Lin saved our son's life.

Evan is our second child. He arrived at 38 weeks after a difficult pregnancy and only 17 months after his elder sister, Lyra, was born. Katie found it quite easy to get Lyra into a good routine early on but it's a different kettle of fish when you have two under two and we found ourselves struggling. Evan was fed on demand at first and some nights he slept only 45 minutes at a time. Without realising it, we had developed all the wrong habits by rocking him, having him sleep on us or feeding constantly. When he wasn't feeding or catnapping he seemed to be screaming. We were exhausted and finding it hard to cope. We don't have family support locally or the benefit of our Mums' help and advice as they have both passed away. Lin had worked with Katie's step-sister in the past so we knew that Lin could be relied on to help us settle Evan into a routine.

After 3 weeks working with Lin our little boy is so much happier. He is a contented baby who naps and feeds well and the whole family is benefitting from getting more sleep. Evan normally takes 3 naps and sleeps from 7pm until 7:30/8:00AM. More sleep means that we're not so frazzled and we can enjoy being parents much more (and David can concentrate at work!).

With regard to saving Evan's life; one Sunday, a few weeks after we had finished working with Lin, Evan woke in the middle of his morning nap and began to scream. We knew immediately that something was very wrong. He was taken by ambulance to St Thomas's hospital and diagnosed with sepsis. It was initially suspected that he had meningitis. He was very ill indeed. It transpired he had a secondary bacterial infection following a virus. Our promptly taking him to hospital saved his life. We genuinely believe that as things were before working with Lin - Evan was often unsettled and unhappy- his illness may not have been immediately apparent. Once he was in a good routine it became so much easier to read him and to meet his needs. Thankfully he's much better now and is back to being his usual happy self.

We will never regret working with Lin. It really is the best money we have ever spent.

Katie and David April 2013

We contacted Lin as our 5.5 month twin boys were really struggling to sleep during the day. My days involved pushing pram or rocking the boys for hours on end. My back was killing me and I was physically exhausted. If I did not get them to sleep via rocking or the pram, they would sleep 20-40 mins and would wake crying. I was not sure how to handle controlled crying and was even more clueless on how to handle it with twins!

We were doing well at nights as the boys slept 7pm to 6am, but wanted that improved and also wanted them to stop being swaddled as well as get rid of the dummies.

During the time that we were working together, my twins had a terrible D & V bug which I would not have known how to handle. Lin helped me every day on how what to do and how to take care of the boys as well as tackle the sleep issues at the same time.

Lin has helped us establish more of routine and now the boys have a 1h30 sleep in the morning (which I actually have to wake them up from!), a 2h30 sleep in the afternoon and then the good old cat nap before the bath/bottle/bed routine. It was not easy, but it has been SO worth it. You might think that a routine will mean that you are fixed to the house, but it is quite the opposite. We can now plan our outings and having friends over. Things are SO much better.

Our nights were good, but they are even better as the boys now sleep in gro bags and do not have dummies which I am so proud of. They have extended their sleep from 6am to 7.30am which has worked so well for me going back to work. We have even worked it that they sleep to 8am on week-ends which is just fabulous as we have that nice little lie in.

We found Lin to be so caring and kind. She really took our sleep problems to heart and instilled such confidence in us. We do have days when the boys do not sleep as much as we want, but now we know how to handle those days with confidence.

Our boys are positively thriving and I am sure that this is down to them being more settled as they now know how to get themselves back to sleep. When they wake from their naps or wake in the morning we do not wake to crying, we wake to little boys chatting to themselves which is just the most heart-warming sound in the world. When I walk in their room, I am met with gorgeous gummy smiles.

Thank you so much for helping us to make such positive changes in our lives. We miss your caring calls a few times per day! We are also certain that if we need any help in the future, we know exactly where to go.

Emma and Henk. April 2013

'Lin Elderkin is FANTASTIC! We started working with her when our baby was four days old. At nine weeks old, she was sleeping through the night. None of our friends could believe it. We were a little uncertain at first as to how the process would work, being advised on our baby by telephone. However, we quickly settled into a routine with Lin and our baby took to her suggestions with ease. Lin advised us on how to prepare for our new baby; what to buy; what to do as soon as we got home; what to feed our baby and when; how to covercome tricky periods when her wind was uncomfortable; how to settle her at night; how to approach the baby immunisations; how to deal with colds; anything at all that came up - Lin had excellent advice for us. It was amazing that Lin seemed to know what our baby would do next before we did! At 12 weeks old our daughter is healthy, happy, calm and both sleeps and travels well.

During our daily calls to Lin, she made plenty of time for us and made us feel as if we were the only ones she was working with. It really was a very personal service and Lin got to know our daughter's character well through this regular contact. Lin's advice relies on you as the parents to feed back to her how your baby is responding. Once this routine is established, the team works well. Our flat is too small to accommodate a maternity nurse but in retrospect, working with Lin was a lot better. She helped us through the first three months as a family, and enabled us to have dinner together as a couple most nights. She gave us confidence and support when we needed it most. And most importantly, I really believe that Lin has helped us to give our daughter the best start in life. I cannot recommend her highly enough'. Gemma, London.

Love Gemma, Beach and Viola x x x x April 2013

Lin has been absolutely fantastic. She has moved us on even more than I imagined. Not only has she helped with easing our daughter into a full nights sleep and regular naps, she has also smoothed the transition to solids. It's a joy to have a 5 month old daughter who looks forward to going to sleep and snuggles into her cot, then wakes with an enormous smile. We have had excellent parent training so now we know what we should be doing to help our daughter, we have so much more confidence.

Lin is calm and reassuring, and always there during your time with her and beyond!

Thanks again for your help.

Dr Emma L Sellar May 2013

My Twins George and Kate at 6 months, Kate generally not sleeping through and waking several times during the night and not doing well at her naps as well. After a long chat with Lin, she agreed to start sleeping training on Saturday ahead of the Monday official start. This is just because she could save our sanity for 2 days earlier. Lin had us move the twins into their own room on Saturday early morning and the training started from the twins morning nap at 9:30. By the Sunday night, they slept through and have slept through ever since. My husband and I couldn’t believe and how quickly she turned things around and gave us our lives back. Honestly I didn’t know what to do with my time for the evening.

The above statement says it all but there is more to it. Lin is an amazing support to the mother, as this is by no means an easy exercise but my twins responded well and seemed ever happier and content. When times in a day were tough Lin has an ability to know and calls at just the right point to provide further encouragement.

Lyn is infinitely professional, caring and sincere. First early morning chat through to evening and weekends whenever needed. Even after three weeks training she stayed in touch to support us.

Like all other mothers suggested on her website Lin gave us our life back and our twins now are very happy babies. Though this at no point felt like a commercial transaction this is by far the best investment to date for our twins. Thank you so much Lin.

I will add I am looking forward to working further with Lin to help manage planned long haul flights to help manage time zone changes.

Kind regards,

Jessie & Stuart. June 2013

When Lin in her loving, calm voice told us that she would have Sean sleeping through the night within a few weeks, i admit that i made acknowledging noises, but i really wasn't convinced!

We thought Sean would fit into the previous good sleep pattern of his brother and sister. But a difficult period of illness left him dependant on both his dummy and his several wakings in the night for a comfort feed. Fast forward 20 months and the pattern was firmly stuck and we were all exhausted. He would start his day between 5 and 6, have a daytinme sleep for 40 minutes or less, but only whilst being pushed in his pram. He did go down well at 7 but only with his dummy and 10pm marked the first of his several night time wakings. He was also very grizzly in the day and a very picky eater. So, all in all, not a happy bunny!

Lin came to us through personal recommendation and as soon as i spoke to her i felt both soothed and supported, though i was still concerned that her methods woud actually work with someone as old as Sean.

The first few days were quite difficult but not nearly as much as i had been dreading because of Lin's regular reassurance and guidance, For us no book in the world can replicate what Lin can do by phone. She tuned into Sean so quickly, adapting her recommendations according to his personality and behaviour. She also undestood how our family life ran and ensured that his new way of sleeping would fit in with the needs of two other children. With Lin you experience such a personal, one to one experience. That for us is the key. I really cannot see how anyone could fail provided they stick to her advice.

And Sean today? He sleeps 2 hours at lunctime and right through the night without a peep. No bottles and no hunting the house for mislaid dummies! His appetite has improved enormously and he is just such a sunny little boy to be with now. Clearly he was so very sleep deprived.

I remember Lin telling me in the early days that he would grow to enjoy getting into his cot and just being in there. I don't think i'll ever take for granted the sight of Sean pointing to get into his cot at bedtime and hearing him chattering away happily to himself in the morning.

Lin, thank you so much for being a wonderful teacher, for caring for Sean - and for all of us. And most importantly for helping our family to become even happier. I feel blessed to know you.

Sharon and Eugene

June 2013

As first time parents and with no grandmothers around to give us a helping hand or advice, I wanted to have some form of support to give us a good start with our first baby. Lin was recommended to us by a very close friend who has the sweetest, happiest, most well behaved little girls and on that basis we were sold! But Lin turned out to be so much more than what we’d expected or hoped for. A lot of friends suggested a maternity nurse, but our house is small and I wanted to empowered by doing all of the baby care myself from day one, not have someone take over while I slept only to ‘wake up’ 2 weeks later and feel at a loss. Three months is a perfect period of time to gain the confidence you need to maintain the results the ‘Lin Technique’ brings. She prepared us from 6 months pregnancy with advice on what to buy and generally how to get ready for the big day. Lin was then with us from the moment we left the hospital and was communicating with my husband mainly during his paternity leave, so that he could be the best support for us possible and also understand the method himself. From 2 to 12 weeks it was then just Lin and me and I have to say that there were some days when I’m sure I would have felt like giving up, if Lin hadn't been there with a soothing word or some brilliant bit of advice. Frankly as any new mother will recognize, there are just some times when you need someone to speak to just to comfort and reassure you that you are doing an OK job, Lin was that person for me. The results speak for themselves; our little girl hardly ever cries, she always wakes from her naps with a huge grin on her face and she feeds well and sleeps 7pm to 8am and did so from about 9 weeks. The structure meant that we knew what we were doing and were able to go back to a normal life as a couple as soon as week two and our baby is content knowing what is coming next and is thriving as a result. It’s not easy don’t get me wrong, you have to be committed and trust Lin absolutely to follow her ever instruction, even when you don’t quite understand what the aim is, in order to reap the benefits. It can feel very restrictive at times, especially when all your new mum friends are running about with their babies. But it’s 100% worth it if you want an easy baby in the long term. Put simply, Lin does all the thinking for you, at a time when you need to focus all your energy on your baby, and does so using her wealth of experience and unparalleled know how. Leaving Lin after three months was quite a wrench!

Henrietta , London September 2013

When our son was born in November 2012 we were all ready for hard work, enthusiastic parents who had read a bunch of textbooks, highlighter in hand! Within days it became obvious the textbooks were not all they were cracked up to be and became obvious we did not know what we were doing…no child care experience and in London, no family close by.

After 4 months and no more than 3 hours sleep at a time for any of us a good friend provided Lin’s details and recommended her…calling Lin that week was life changing, truly, and we have never looked back.

The first 4 days were quite tough and Lin was incredibly supportive…she held my hand over the phone and reassured me that getting good sleep was the best thing for my son, talking me through and explaining why we were taking each step….he is now a consistently well slept, smiley, chilled little soul…and his mother is much better slept and more confident about being a mummy too!

My husband calls Lin “The Best Mother in Law he never had”…for me she very quickly became and has remained a key support…Lin is right about everything we ask her, whether it is sleep, teething, weaning, temperature control (stick an ice bucket in front of the fan in the summer…of course!). She is never patronising, always gently encouraging and very obviously deeply experienced and passionate about the babies she helps.

Our lawyer is drafting up a contract for Lin to sign to ensure that if I am lucky enough to have another baby then Lin must be available :) (please, please Lin)

Happy to speak to anyone about the experience.

Sam November 2013

We have used Lin twice ,with both our babies, which is testament to how much we value her and what she offers. Her skills in getting both of our children sleeping through the night, and in a very settled routine during the day, are second to none. Having our first full night's sleep by the time both kids were 12 weeks old was amazing. Both children are excellent sleepers and with our elder one (now almost 3) she has continued to sleep 12/13 hours a night so what Lin instills stays with them.

But this is just half the story. As important, or even more so, has been Lin's support in helping our babies in other ways. She detected a severe tongue tie in our 13 week old baby boy which had gone undetected by all other health care professionals. The fact she read between the lines (all over the phone) and gently suggested that he may have a tongue tie meant we got it checked out. She also helped him through another minor medical procedure and the fact he was in a routine and sleeping well meant he recovered much more quickly. She got both kids taking a bottle as well as breast and is a fountain of knowledge for everything baby and toddler related.

I have no hesitation in recommending Lin, she not only looks after babies, but is a constant support to parents.

Fleur, mother to Belle 3 years, Ario 13 weeks.

xxx June 2014

" This was our second time using Lin. First she sleep trained our 2,5 year old daughter who had terrible sleeping issues (we never looked back since) shes is now 4,5 years old and brilliant sleeper!

The second one was our newborn baby. She gave us an option to start when we feel we are ready and we thought maybe from week 2? The day we got home and spent our first night at home was a brutal reminder what sleep deprivation can be like. This was when I picked up the phone and said : lets start!

My baby was 4days old when we started. By week 8 we all had peacefull nights sleep that continues.

We have 3 kids and I know I can face anything during the day as long as I get a good sleep. Thanks to Lin we do. When I tell people that my baby goes to bed 6 pm for the night and next wakes up 8 am in the morning they naturally want to know my secret.. its Lin Elderkin!!!

We will be grateful forever for harmony and piece in our lives:)) "

Juta June 2014

We started working with Lin when our baby was 5 weeks old. He was hyper due to over-stimulation and we struggled to get him to sleep. Within days Lin had helped us to ease our little boy back to being the happy smiley baby we knew he was. We worked intensely with Lin for several weeks to help our baby sleep through the night, and it worked! It took some time, determination and patience but it was totally worth it. He sleeps peacefully all night and wakes with smiles in the morning (as do we due to a full nights sleep!). Lin has been with us every step of the way, providing guidance and wise words of advice. She counseled us through the tough times and has been incredibly supportive throughout. She really cares about "her babies" and has been invaluable to us as we eased our baby in to his routine. She has helped us in dealing with his first cold and the start of teething, advocating natural remedies and cuddles. Lin has been so patient and reassuring. Our little boy is a very determined character, so it took a little longer to get him settled, but it was only a matter of weeks before we had him sleeping very well.

Thank you Lin. We owe you our sanity!

Trudi and Gareth July 2014

"We reached out to Lin based on recommendations from some friends, at a time when we were pretty much at wits end trying to get our daughter to sleep and eat well. What Lin achieved was nothing short of remarkable, and our little one went from 2/3 hours sleep at night (and very little sleep during the day), to 10/11 hours a night of wonderful sleep within a few weeks. She's now an incredibly happy baby at 4 months old, and we could have had that without Lin

Paul July 2014

Our daughter was initially a good sleeper but that all changed when she hit the 5 month mark. This was a bit of a puzzle to us given that she was our second child and we had managed to successfully sleep train our son without any problems. It had got to the point where she wouldn’t even look at the cot - in her mind our bed was her place to sleep. I was nursing her too as she had refused to take the bottle in all this time.

As time went by, the nights gradually got worse. She would wake up every hour needing me to nurse her back to sleep. After numerous trips of going in and out of her bedroom by 9pm I would end up falling asleep next to her. By the time she turned 7 months we were surviving on 3-4 hours broken sleep a night! On numerous occasions it would take two hours to settle my daughter back to sleep only for her to wake up again two hours later. Once she was settled, which would normally be around 5am, my eldest would wake up ready to start his day. It really felt like we were living a nightmare!

My social life by this time was none existent. How could I go out when my daughter needed to be nursed back to sleep? On the odd occasion where I did go out, after lots of persuasion from my husband, I would come home to a very sleepy baby who had been waiting up for me to settle her! For daytime naps I would have to sit and continuously pat her – somehow managing with a toddler running around for attention!

After 6 months of sleepless night we decided a change was needed. Books, tips from friends, techniques we had used with the eldest were just not working with our stubborn little girl. A friend of mine had used a sleep trainer and recommended us to give one a call. However, my husband was not so keen on the idea of having somebody come around to the house and instead championed Lin, whom he had read about in an article 4 years ago! We didn’t have children when he stumbled across the article but something had told him to save Lin’s details.

I was still unsure - I was so tired I felt I needed someone to physically help with sleep training. Both my husband and I agreed that we would talk to Lin first before making a decision on which sleep trainer to use. I made the call and within minutes I knew Lin was the miracle worker we were looking for. I remember asking Lin about her success rate and thinking to myself ‘Lin probably hasn’t worked with a child as stubborn as mine!’.

My husband and I were all geared up for day 1 of sleep training. He had even stayed home that day for moral support in preparation for a tough day. Lin was absolutely amazing. She tailored her techniques to work with my daughter – unlike the books. It felt like Lin was at home with me. She was fantastic at reassuring me that my daughter was fine and that what we were doing was in the best interests for all of us. I remember speaking to Lin in the evening feeling really anxious about the night ahead but she reassured me that everything would be fine and prepared us on how to deal with the nighttime wake ups. What we hadn’t prepared for was our daughter sleeping through the whole night! She went down at 6pm and woke up at 7.30am! In fact, my husband and I lay awake during the night wondering whether our daughter was ok!

Lin called me first thing in the morning and I remember telling her that she was a miracle worker! My daughter had never slept for that long! After day 1 of the sleep training programme it was clear Lin’s intuition and technique was spot on. By working with children during the day, the nights did fall into place. As the days went by my daughter got better, stopped fighting her naps and would fall asleep within minutes of me putting her down. She was sleeping in her own room in her cot – that was amazing!

We hit teething during the training programme which was a blessing in disguise as Lin was there to support me through one of the toughest milestones for babies.

Since my daughter has started sleeping better, her eating has improved and she is a much happier child. She also seems much healthier too as, prior to Lin’s intervention, she seemed to be ill every other week! Lin even helped to regulate my son’s sleep routine - we had no idea how sleep deprived he was too!

We are so happy we chose Lin as I feel empowered in dealing with nights where my daughter is unsettled (she isn’t a robot!). Lin has helped us through one of the most difficult periods of our lives for which we will forever be grateful. She seems to have a 6th sense with babies we truly believe she is a miracle worker. We are a much happier family too which is all thanks to Lin!

Tahira x July 2014

Lin is simply an amazing lady who has and continues to help our family beyond any of our expectations.

We hired Lin, upon a recommendation, in February this year, to work with our daughter, then around 12 weeks old. At the time she was having small naps of no longer than 30 minutes during the day, having many small feeds during the day and being fed twice in the night. We were all running out of steam. Lin was a godsend. Within a week our daughter was drinking twice as much milk and having a good long nap at lunchtime. Even before Lin's estimate of 3 weeks she was sleeping right the way through the night as we had been able to drop the dream feed, much to my husband's relief!

I found Lin's help invaluable. She is a warm and generous lady who is always willing to listen, say just the right thing and is a valuable support to me. One of the most important things to remember is that if Lin says "trust me it will work”, then it will! Just do as she says!

In fact, when our 3 weeks were complete, we agreed to keep Lin on as a retainer, to continue all her good work. Lin has also helped us with our elder son, to try to train him to sleep better and with a couple of other issues. Again, this has been a great support. As I don't have any family or a nanny at the moment, it is so reassuring to know that Lin is on the other end of the phone when I need her. If it was up to me, I would still be using Lin when my children are teenagers!

Emma July 2014

Sometimes the most important events at life depend on very random other events. A dinner which I attended at last minute changed my life 5 months ago. A pregnant couple at the dinner mentioned a Baby Whisperer whom one of their friends had been working with for few years and that their friend's two babies slept from 7 pm to 7 am since they were 11 weeks old. It sounded impossible to me then as my son, Aslan who was 4 months old, was not sleeping properly either at night or during the day and I felt like a failure about that fact. Worst of all, I was not enjoying my life with my precious son and this fact was breaking my heart. I could hardly wait until I got the name and contact details of Lin and one of the best experiences in my life started very soon.

When I had my first conversation with Lin, she was so confident that Aslan would sleep through the night in 2 weeks. Despite being so excited, I was very nervous and worried about controlled crying that I had to do during the sleep training. However, to my surprise, Aslan cried much less during the sleep training than how much he used to. After the first week, things improved incredibly fast and he stopped waking up at night and started to nap very easily during the day! Aslan transformed from being a cranky baby to a happy baby in a very short time. There is no need to say how my life changed after this.

I have to mention that my life could have been a disaster by now had I not started working with Lin 5 months ago. A summary of what happened in the last 5 months is that Aslan had allergic flu few times and it took him about 10 days to recover each time. He had severe eczema few months ago and it got infected so badly that he had to stay at the hospital for three days, I moved to another house two months ago and I had a long trip to another country where I visited three different cities in 3 weeks. Apart from very minor lapses from his schedule Aslan always slept through the night even when he was unwell. My husband says Lin should be included in the United Nations World Heritage list because she contributes to the humanity significantly! No need to mention, I am still working with Lin and I can’t imagine not having her in our lives.

Evrim August 2014

Finding Lin was my ticket out of depression. There is no preparation for the shock of sleepless nights, the relentlessness of it especially at a time when all you want to do is recover from giving birth. When I gave birth to my first child three years ago I embraced the first three months of tiredness. From talking to other parents they all said it was hard and that it doesn't last long, eventually my baby would sleep through he night. I was breastfeeding and did my best to follow a three hourly routine, also my little girl had what seemed like colic every evening up until she was 3 months. From 5pm till 9/10pm she would scream non stop! It was horrible. At six months she was still waking up every two hours every night and only napped when I walked her in her pram. I was getting no rest, thought that this was normal as every parent told me that this is the way it is. I persevered, being scared of going to bed every night as I knew I wouldn't sleep and

every day I walked so she would sleep. I felt very sad that I hadn't managed to implement a sleeping routine and I felt helpless because I couldn't get out of the vicious circle, so many people had advice but none of it helpful for it to work. I plodded on, becoming more and more of a horrible person to be around. I went back to work at 6 months and by 13 months I broke down. Still being woken up every two hours I couldn't function, I was not enjoying having my daughter, I wanted someone take the pain away and most of all I felt guilty as it had taken so long to have my baby. I should be happy! So my husband found Lin through a recommendation from a work colleague. I contacted her and we immediately started working with her. I trusted Lin straight away, Lin knows exactly what she is doing and within a few days I had my first night sleep in a year. I'll never forget it, why didn't we find her earlier? The first week was tough to get my daughter to sleep

during the day but little did I know that good napping was the key. Lin is very supportive, reassuring and listens to the baby's needs even though she is on the phone. Her method works, I am so grateful to her as my depression practically lifted as soon as I got my sleep. It wasn't therapy I needed after all! I was so happy that within two weeks my 13 month old finally slept 12 hours a night, unbelievable!

> So when I fell pregnant again last year there was no question. We would have Lin's help from day one. She is well worth the money and after working with her for three months our little newborn slept 12 hours a night. Oh my god! Isn't that brilliant! And with her advice we've had no colic and a happy content baby that naps and sleeps really well. So many people comment how calm he is. Lin is so full of knowledge, is brilliant to have around as well as when we travel so that our little one keeps to his routine. She really does take the thinking away from you so that you don't get lost. She works so hard for her babies. She is such a great support meaning that, thanks to her, I am totally depression free and loving being a mummy. I think that everyone should have a Lin with them especially in this day in age where people have less family support around them. Thank you so much Lin xxxx

Karine November 2014

"Working with Lin has been one of the best decisions we have made as parents - I only wish we'd done it sooner. From 3 months old my little boy's sleep pattern deteriorated. He would wake between 3 - 5 times a night and it was really hard to get him to sleep in the day. He had a poor appetite and wanted to feed frequently in small amounts. By the time he was 10 months old, he seemed to be overtired all the time.. My husband and I were exhausted and frustrated at the difficulties of trying to see family and friends with our baby's behaviour being so erratic. In a state approaching desperation, we did our research and decided to hire Lin. Lin was very good at understanding our difficulties and listening to our needs, for example, that I was hoping to feed my baby in the morning and in the evening once I went back to work, and designing a routine for us accordingly. She was incredibly helpful to work with - through intensive, patient and supportive communication by text and phone, she guided us through, step by step, getting our baby onto a good napping, feeding and sleeping routine over 3 weeks. For months I had been worrying about when he should nap, when he should feed etc. and she just took all this stress away. On the 6th night, he slept through (6:30pm until 7am or thereabouts) and has done since, including through a short relocation to stay with my parents. This was a particularly impressive result as he was teething for the first week we worked together! He also started napping in the day for much longer and, to my delight, eating much better. Lin was always available to talk when I had doubts or queries and to clearly explain the issue - she even helped us get rid of his teething-induced nappy rash. I can honestly say that our life as a family has been transformed since working with Lin and I warmly recommend her to other families with babies or young children with sleep difficulties."

Adela xx January 2015

We were introduced to Lin through a good friend, whose daughter's sleeping patterns we witnessed being transformed when she started working with Lin. With our own daughter, we were working with Lin right from birth and we don't know where we would be without her. From our very first day at the hospital, Lin was with us and setting up the regime for our baby, along with very practical advice on just about all possible baby issues, every day from very early to very late.

Our daughter started sleeping throughout the whole night from 3 months old. And by whole night we mean the whole night, 7 pm to 8 am. Of course every now then she will have some teething pains and wake up once, but this is very very rare. 95% of the time we have the evening to ourselves and we sleep well along with our baby till our normal morning time. What's more, because our baby is rested with full night's sleep and regular naps during the day, she is very energetic and attentive to new experiences, which should help her develop well.

The support from Lin is very personal - it's honestly very hard to believe that she is not doing this just for your baby and that she has other clients, the amount of time and attention that we got was just incredible. And even when going on holidays, Lin is there to adjust the routine along with time difference.

No book can give you even a small percentage of confidence as a parent that Lin weaves into your daily life, without any intrusion into your personal space. A real professional in what she does.

Working with Lin is the best investment that we have ever made, and when No.2 comes along we just hope that Lin still has time for us.

Andrey and Katya, parents to Baby Nina, 7 months old

Ekaterina February 2015

At 6 weeks my daughter was still feeding every three hours, and at least twice in the night. Whatever I did I couldn't break the pattern and none of the books helped - Isla just didn't do what the books said! A friend recommended Lin and I can honestly say that I have not looked back. I remember her telling me that I would see improvements within a couple of days, and by day 2 Isla was more settled, I just couldn't believe it. By 10 weeks, Isla was sleeping through the night and was a much happier and easier baby. I was sceptical about the phone approach but it gave me the independence I wanted with the support I needed as a first time Mum. I just wish I had found Lin from week 1!

I'll be in touch soon.

Thanks Anna May 2015

A friend of mine recommended Lin soon after my daughter Sofia was born. Unfortunately we did not contact Lin straight away. Sofia was born with a tong tie, so initially we thought her tongue tie is a reason for frequent feeds day and night and unsettledness. But even after the tongue tie was adjusted the problems continued. After four months of sleepless nights and days of rocking Sofia to sleep (only to get her to nap for thirty minutes), endless stress, helplessness due to being unable to figure out what’s wrong, and creeping exhaustion we decided it’s time to ask Lin for help.

Originally we somewhat doubted the formal of services offered by Lin, i.e. phone and text only. (How wrong were we!) More accustomed to a traditional consultation based approach we were wondering if Lin will be able to get to the root cause without seeing Sofia. However Lin’s experience as a maternity nurse was very convincing so we decided to give it a try.

Now I can’t imagine my life without Lin. The first 2 weeks on Lin’s programme were tough but things started to improve very quickly. My daughter was able to sleep the whole night from 5 months, only 4 weeks after we started working with Lin. Our stress levels have decreased, we are able to have a full night sleep (even when the baby is sick). Sofia now falls asleep effortlessly, by herself, so we can enjoy our evenings in full. She also loves her naps during the day which are easily up to 2-3 hours long. Sofia’s digestion and skin has improved dramatically (from a baby with eczema to a baby with a healthy skin). Overall Sofia is much happier and calmer baby than before. When Sofia started nursery everyone at the nursery was amazed how easily she managed to switch to the nursery routine napping from day one.

All this is thanks to Lin’s guidance, tips, advice and expertise in so many areas: baby’s diet, weaning, managing baby through sickness and high fever, teething, overall baby and mother’s wellbeing, e.g. breastfeeding issues and stopping breastfeeding gradually.

I was impressed by Lin’s standards of professionalism and commitment. From the very beginning we trusted Lin in every aspect and never looked back. The first thing I will do should we decide to expand our family is to call Lin. Next time we will start with Lin from day one!

J. A. Tamara, a happy father of 7 months old Sofia May 2015

Working with Lin has been brilliant - she really does guarentee that you're baby will sleep through the night from three months old, which really is amazing.

She's also there with you every step of the way, which means you don't have to worry about anything, minimising any anxiety or stress you may have. That in turn means you have a very happy little baby too.

Our son Dylan is the most well behaved chilled little boy who always sleeps through the night and naps at exactly the same time every day thanks to Lin, which means you always know what to expect from you day :-)

We would 110% recommend working with Lin!

Thank you again Lin for all you help!

Love Kate, Richie and Dylan xxx June 2015

Lin was terrific for both our daughter and importantly for us! Thank you for looking after us so beautifully in the last 3 months.

Our daughter slept for 10+ hours before Week 10 - and Lin was invaluable in enabling us to enjoy the first few weeks - holding our hands through all the scary bits and gently making sure we were taking pleasure in it all.

Many thanks are due to Lin - we are the envy of tired and frazzled friends.

Charles & Meg June 2015

Having been travelling for several months with our 3.5 year old, we’d fallen into a desperate cycle of our little boy waking up several times a night and getting up at before 6am every day – followed by an exhausting day for all of us, with Max falling asleep for a couple of hours at lunchtime and then going to bed late. Clearly this was immensely stressful and tiring for everyone and on our return to the UK, we contacted Lin in desperation (a recommendation from a friend) who reassured us that Max would be sleeping through the night within a couple of weeks – three at the most.

Lin initially focused on encouraging Max to catch up on his sleep as he was obviously hugely overtired, before re-establishing the correct routine and bedtime boundaries. It wasn’t easy initially, but we saw results within a couple of nights and Max’s was sleeping through the night (for 11+ hours) most nights within the first week – amazing! It took another week or so to firmly establish this routine, but now, a month or two later he is still sleeping solidly and the knock on effect is that Max is more settled and back to his chirpy self during the day. We cannot begin to thank Lin enough – her help genuinely changed our lives for the better.’

Many thanks once more.

Kind regards, Nick, Maryam & Max July 2015

My second baby, Sebastian was born 6 weeks premature and was of low birth weight for his gestation (3lbs 6 oz). I had worked with Lin before when she helped me get my eldest into a sleeping routine - she was amazing help then. I knew I needed Lin's help again when Seb, at 5 months old, was still waking every 2/3 hours - I was exhausted. Seb also even on his corrected age barely made it onto the weight graph and had fallen off the 0.4 percentile when we were dealing with his reflux - despite feeding every 2/3 hours we didn't make up that weight loss which was really disheartening.

I cannot stress enough how much Lin turned Seb's sleeping and eating around - she was an absolute godsend! She was with me every step of the way for Seb's weaning and in then end we worked together for about 2 months - by the end of our time together Seb's weight had jumped to nearly the 9th percentile and early she had Seb sleeping through the night. At the same time Finn my eldest was also going through early morning wakings and had stopped going to sleep early - I mentioned this to Lin when chatting and she put in place a new routine for Finn which has worked wonders.

Lin was a wonderful support to me and my family and I cannot thank her enough for what she has done for our family and in particular Seb. Lin always makes you feel supported and is so reassuring that working with her (even in the early stages when sleep deprived!) is easy. Quite honestly if I could keep Lin at then end of a phone til the kids leave home I would!

Michelle August 2015

When I first got in contact with Lin I was at my lowest ebb. For the past 18 months, my husband and I could hardly recall a night of uninterrupted sleep. My second daughter (19 months at the time) was a terrible sleeper both during the day and at night and her behaviour was erratic and combative. I was constantly exhausted and frustrated with her and her behaviour exhibited the same traits. A friend recommended I try Lin as she had worked miracles for her daughter. Contacting Lin was one of the BEST decisions I have ever made. It was great to finally have a strategy and a partner who was supporting me in enacting the new sleep discipline whilst giving me the confidence to stick with it, no matter how difficult it seemed at first. Her calm but strict routine was just what both my daughter and I needed and our lives have changed dramatically as a result. Not only has Lin helped me to wean her off her dummy but now my daughter (who used to wake 2-3 times at night for at least an hour each time and then still wake at 6am) sleeps from 6:30pm to 7:30/8am. She sleeps for two-and-a-half hours at lunchtime and her behaviour has improved phenomenally. This amazing transformation even continued beyond the three weeks I worked with Lin when we went to the US on holiday. I was worried that the six hour time change would totally throw us off course but Lin worked with me throughout our time there and helped to ensure that the adjustment to the time change (both on our outward and return journeys) was smooth and free of nightly wakings. I feel like a totally different person now that I have been having a full night’s sleep every night and my daughter and I are both enjoying ourselves so much more. Our entire family has benefitted from Lin’s guidance and I cannot thank her enough. Trust me, Lin is a genius; my only regret is that I did not call her much sooner. Tara xx August 2015

When we first approached Lin to help with our son's sleep problems I was truly desperate. He was 4 months old at the time and had never slept that well since birth. All of his daytime naps were in the pram - even if it meant me rocking his pram backwards & forwards in the house - and I would spend hours walking the streets trying to get him to sleep and then stay asleep, rain or shine. At night he was waking around 4 or 5 times and all I would ever do is feed him back to sleep - I didn't know what else could be done. The night before we started work with Lin he woke 7 times! It felt as though he was also saying "Mummy, we really need help!".

From the beginning Lin's calm but firm approach was exactly what we needed. It felt like someone else was in charge, taking control and taking care of us which was so appreciated at the time. It's very hard to describe exactly how it all worked - many people have asked me! - but Lin certainly knows what she's doing and her process got us to exactly where we wanted to be. Within just 2 weeks our son had slept from 7pm till 5am - we couldn't believe it. And that continued to improve. Plus he was having lovely long naps in his cot at home during the day - I suddenly had *some* spare time! (Although that didn't last for long once expressing and pureeing and cooking and washing took hold).

We decided to stay with Lin beyond the initial 3 weeks and then later she helped us with the early stages of weaning. Her knowledge, support and guidance have been invaluable. She has become a friend of the family and I know she was genuinely fond of our darling boy. It was clear from day one that she only wished for our baby to be settled, which was hugely reassuring. Working with Lin felt like we were in safe hands. Her many years of experience and the numerous families she has helped all contributed to making us feel well supported the whole time. So many people comment on what a happy and content little boy we now have - he's well rested, he likes his food and he is such a joy to be around. Thank you Lin xxx

Gemma xx October 2015

After countless sleepless nights and a terrible, ongoing hangover from a maternity nurse who had left us with awful habits to unpick I remembered a line from one of my favourite children's films ....'...the person you need is Nanny McPhee'! But where was mine?! It continued in my head, much like it does in the film, and I knew we needed to do something -and quickly. In Lin you will find the professionalism of Nanny McPhee with the magic and sparkle of Mary Poppins but all from a distance - she's there when you need her and not when you don't. From the word go she clearly explained how we were going to tackle the challenge ahead, I was at such a low ebb that with my husband's support we gave her our trust and followed each and every instruction by the book. Ironically it was a relief just to let go and be told what to do. By night three we had a 14 week old who was sleeping from 7pm until 8am in her own cot with no dummy. Something that we could have only dreamed of! Lin's expert guidance has meant we've got a little girl who's not only now sleeping brilliantly in the day too but is constantly smiling and is just a joy to have around. What's amazing about Lin is her intuition - she quickly understands how you work and she tailors each plan to ensure she does the best job possible for you and your baby. I feel like we've stumbled across a gem - if we're ever lucky enough to have number 2 Lin Elderkin will be on speed dial!

Henrietta November 2015

As with all new parents my husband and I were struggling to develop any sort of routine with our 6 week old baby. Being a person who craves routine I was finding things particularly tough. Lin had been recommended to us and we decided to give her a call to see how she could help, we have never looked back. Lin has been absolutely amazing at getting Jessica into a routine - she is sleeping in her own room, self settling and sleeping through the night. Not only that, we now have a happy, content baby girl and regularly have people comment on how smiley and happy she is. This has made me realise that babies crave the routine as much as the adults.

Lin's intuition is unbelievable, both with babies and their parents. There would be times when I was sat at home worrying about something and I would get a text from Lin reassuring me everything would be ok. I can honestly say I don't know where we would be without her, probably still rocking our baby to sleep and feeding 3-4 times a night!!

Lin, thank you so much for everything you did for the three of us xx

Kati November 2015

We worked with Lin from when our first child was about 6 weeks old and she was amazing! She very quickly got us on track – we were in a situation where feeding on demand had led to in excess of 15 feeds over a 24 hour period, resulting in an exhausted Mum and baby. Within a week Lin got us down to 6 feeds a day and our daughter was sleeping for 12 hours through the night from when she was 11 weeks old. We couldn’t believe it – we had a very happy little girl and parents who were having a full night’s sleep as well as an evening together, and it all happened so quickly!

When I was pregnant with our second child we knew we wanted to work with Lin from the start. She has been wonderful, getting us into a routine and being an enormous source of support to me personally when I was having a pretty tough time after a difficult pregnancy and birth.

I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Lin to anyone, and a few of my friends have now benefitted from her guidance, warmth and support. Thank you Lin for enabling me to focus on the joy of the children rather than constantly second guessing myself and struggling through the first few months of motherhood! We are so incredibly lucky to have found you. Love Tash xx

Natasha November 2015


I am not afraid to say that when I first heard about Lin from my wife’s friend I was extremely sceptical. I could not understand how it was possible to have a baby progressing as well and as quickly as she advised through text messages and phone calls without an enormous element of luck. Katie (my wife) and I had worked hard with our first to get him in a routine as early as possible, and thought that with the same level of dedication and determination it would be fine. However, it proved very quickly that it was not that easy trying to juggle a 2 ½ year old’s (Felix) and a new born’s (Clara) routine simultaneously. Katie lost a huge amount of confidence with her decisions and began to struggle to cope with both children.

After a conversation with Lin, we discussed how we could juggle to the two. The following morning, with Lin’s constant communication and reassurance, her telephone calls / text messages of advice appeared to have an immediate calming influence on our house. Katie seemed confident in her actions again, and with Lin’s support, she was able to take control of both children’s routines within a week.

As I took the reins for the first time after 2 weeks whilst I sent Katie away for the day, I was amazed about the level of interaction and help Lin provided. Whilst there were definitely similarities to the routine we had used with our first (sleep, feed, wind, at these times…), what was missing was all the additional notes / sub text / tips which Lin gives. After one month of Lin’s help, Clara was sleeping 7pm to 8am without fail and Felix no longer has a dummy (an easy option we took 2 ½ years ago which eventually came round to bite us!). Whilst I am sure a lot of parents will say this about their own babies, but Clara is the happiest baby I have ever seen. Apart from a bout of constipation or wind, there rarely seems a time when she is not smiling which gives Katie and I so much joy.

I would be lying if I said it was not an easy route to get to where we are with our children, or say at no point did we question the logic behind Lin’s methods, but what I can say with total confidence is, Lin’s methods work. There were days when I would come home from work and Katie was in tears after a hard day, but I think it would be nearby impossible for you to show me a mother who does get to that point at times. The tough love and controlled crying approach may not be for everybody and it is heart breaking to hear your children so upset at times, but once you have broken through the barrier, everyone’s life becomes infinitely better when we are all well rested.

I cannot recommend Lin enough. It was not until I was interacting first hand that I could comprehend how Lin’s methods works, and if someone asked me now, my answer would not fully justify them. The only true answer I can give when asked a question about Lin, “In Lin we trust” and that’s all you need to know.

Jonny & Katie February 2016

I first heard of Lin when a friend at work told me how a ‘Sleep Lady’ had saved him and his wife from the nightmare of sleepless nights with their little boy.

His story sounded very similar to the situation my wife and I were in with our little boy, Alby.

Alby was 23 weeks old and for the previous two months Alby had been waking every hour in the night and sporadically sleeping for short periods during the day. Through a combination of our complete inexperience as first time parents and very poor advice from local health workers we found ourselves in a very difficult situation. Alby was waking constantly during the night and the only way we could get him back to sleep was by Rachel breastfeeding until he nodded off in her arms and we could place him back in his cot.

It was beginning to take its toll as Rachel was exhausted and Alby looked very tired too. The few hours sleep also made going to work tough for me. The whole family was suffering.

So, after chatting to my friend who had been ‘saved’ by Lin we arranged to talk to her. I have to admit I was a little sceptical at first but was reassured by the good things I had heard. From our initial chat with Lin I could sense the weight had been lifted from Rachel’s shoulders, just by being able to talk to someone who understood our situation.

Lin seemed very kind and confident in her methods but also very honest by telling us how hard it would be at first, basically we had to ‘reset’ Alby, to teach him a very strict routine which involved letting him ‘cry it out’ and not to feed on demand.

We’re not going to lie, it was really tough at first, hearing your baby cry and not going to them is the hardest thing imaginable but knowing you are doing it for the right reasons gives you the strength to persevere, Lin was on-hand every step of the way and amazingly within a few hours we saw an early sign of her methods actually working.

For the first time Alby had settled himself to sleep, we sat on top of the stairs watching him nod off on his baby monitor, it was a strange feeling of relief and sadness as we realised that by no fault of our own, through inexperience and by being open to poor advice we had been doing things wrong.

Over the next few weeks we saw Alby respond to the training, in her nature Rachel is a very organised person so she did exactly what Lin advised by being very regimented with the routine and followed Lin’s guidance to the letter. Within two weeks Alby went from having zero routine and waking every hour in the night to sleeping through from 7 to 7. I honestly believe it’s the best thing we could have possibly done for not only Alby, but for us too.

By giving Alby a routine he now seems to be thriving, Lin helped us introduce Alby to food and along with a good nights sleep and proper naps during the day he couldn’t seem any happier. Lin has also helped give Rachel her confidence back as a first time Mum, which took a bit of a dent. Being able to watch Netflix uninterrupted in the evenings is also a plus too.

We honestly couldn’t recommend Lin highly enough, we know its early days and there will be many more bumps along the way but I think she may have saved us too.

Rachel, Darren & Alby March 2016

I have worked with Lin twice now - for both my girls. I tend to describe our life 'pre-Lin' and 'post-Lin'. And life post Lin is certainly a good place to be!

My first daughter used to wake every 2 hours in the night as she hit the 4 month regression phase, having previously been a relatively good sleeper (waking at 11pm and 4am). I was at my wits end and totally shattered. Lin helped me to get her into a really good routine and she was sleeping from 6.30-7.30am every night within 10 days. We even went on holidays and ate out at night and my daughter slept through every night happily. Lin also helped me through the introduction of solids at 5 months. She is now 3 1/2 and she still loves a snooze if she can in the day!

My second daughter is now nearly 7 months old and we have just finished working with Lin. I hung in there as long as I could without calling Lin, thinking I could get her to sleep through alone as I knew the routine from my first daughter, but I quickly realised there is a lot more to it than knowing a routine! My daughter refused to sleep in the day (max 2 20 min naps), had never slept in the cot and also wasn't taking enough milk. things were pretty desperate when i started with Lin. The first thing she did was to make sure my the baby was getting enough milk for wet nappies and bit by bit we worked on getting her into a routine over 3 weeks. On the 8th night of working together, my daughter slept 7-7am. It was bliss!

I now feel so much more in control and confident as a mum after working with Lin. And I'm actually really enjoying it as we have a great routine, which works really well with my life and with 2 kids and most importantly, I'm rested and a sense of normality has retuned to our lives. I'm never going to be housebound for naps and am out at play groups and seeing friends most days so I needed a really flexible routine. Most of all, my daughter is so much happier - she actually likes going in the cot at nap time now and doesn't wake up crying as soon as she opens her eyes - just lies there gurgling and chatting to herself.

Lin does seem to have an instinctive understanding of babies - there have been many times when she has called me as she intuitively knew I needed some support. And she really cares about the little ones - Understanding each one individually, despite not meeting them.

I would,not hesitate to recommend Lin and her approach really works. You just have to trust her in the early days and just run with it. Both my husband and I agree that working with Lin is the best thing we ever did and is life changing - both for us and the girls

Gabriella April 2016

I sought Lin's help with my 3rd child, who was then 5 months old, who had been very stubbornly refusing to take a bottle. I'd tried everything from when she was 7 weeks old, different types of bottles, times of day etc, but all she would take was the breast and it was starting to drive me crazy. People kept telling me that maybe she would just never take the bottle - but I refused to give in without trying everything first. A friend of mine had been employing Lin's services with each of her newborns and spending time with them was an eye opener, they were such excellent sleepers and generally so calm and content. I spoke with Lin and she immediately reassured me that the bottle refusal could be solved and that with her help we would also get baby to sleep through the night - both sounded great and I couldn't wait to get started.

Baby responded to Lin's advice and guidance almost immediately and was taking to the bottle by day 2, we had a few steps forward and a few backwards, and it wasn't always easy but Lin was always there on hand to reassure me. I liked the fact that Lin varied her approach depending on how baby was responding, and was on the phone as much or as little as I wanted. I was unsure how it was going to work with Lin being on the phone as opposed to there in person, but for me it was perfect as I had the support without having the intrusion in the house that would have come with a traditional maternity nurse or sleep coach.

While we had employed Lin specifically to fix baby's bottle refusal, we'd also had sleep issues with my 2 year old for some months - he was terrorising us at night waking at 2am screaming for no reason and then waking up for the day at 5am! Between him and the baby we were not getting much sleep and the whole house was suffering. I asked for Lin's advice and much to my relief she helpfully offered to start working with him too - recognising that the household's sleep issues needed resolving as a whole. He was the most challenging one to fix, and we had to go through many stages of tears and tantrums - I would definitely not have been able to do it by myself.

Being a busy mother of 3 we had got into a few bad habits in the name of having an easy life - but in doing so we'd made an even more difficult life for ourselves. Lin got us back on track with very practical and helpful advice, and our household is much happier and more well rested as a result. Listening to Lin's advice gave me back my confidence and meant that I wasn't second guessing myself all the time and wondering if I should do things this way or that - even now if I'm unsure I ask myself "what would Lin say?". You just have to trust her.

Even after our allotted 3 weeks, Lin continued to check in and provide guidance, which was very much appreciated. I would thoroughly recommend her.

Catherine April 2016

When you’re a parent of a newborn that isn’t sleeping, you are bombarded with bucket loads of advice from everyone and everywhere. Every waking moment is devoted to finding a way to sleep and it’s all you ever talk about. We have only one piece of advice: call Lin Elderkin. Lin is wonderful, warm, humorous and amazingly insightful. She turned a house which was in complete disarray and uncertainty into a place of calm and happiness - a genius.

Our second boy reached 16 weeks of not sleeping before I cracked up and were recommended Lin. We were a little sceptical that this would work for us and wondered whether we needed someone actually there with us, or if Lin would simply be reciting Gina Ford or other routine guides. Any scepticism disappeared within 48 hours and we firmly believe that this was by far the best way to get our little one sleeping and content. It is not just the method but more specifically it is having Lin which makes it happen.

Our little one would sleep from 7pm until midnight but then wake up every two hours until I would give in at 5am and just get him up. After the first day of working with Lin, he slept from 7pm to 6am, through the night with just a 10pm top up feed. We are not joking. Within 5 days his day and sleep patterns were completely established. I am not sure if Lin is always this effective, but I wouldn't be surprised from having read other testimonies. We obviously needed to stay on the plan for longer than the week it took to establish sleep in order to evolve the routine a little into something sustainable that worked for us but it is truly unbelievable how quickly we got our sleep and lives back.

It does require commitment and doggedness on the part of the parents, but we have a very happy little boy that sleeps from 6:30pm to past 7am plus 3/4 hrs during the day. Importantly he is clearly very happy - not just getting the sleep he needs but also engaging and content and developing as he should. As parents we are happier, healthier people because we get the sleep we need to look after our children.

In brief, Lin is awesome. She is strangely perceptive, very supportive, full of relevant advice and she really does care. Because of her wealth of experience and uncanny intuition, she can adapt and provide a bespoke solution that works for you. The self help way of doing it is also crucial - we've used maternity nurses before, which is a massive treat, but not a long term solution. We needed to do it ourselves, but we also needed someone skilled in this area to guide and support us, to take away the doubts and give us a plan that works. It did involve some controlled crying, which we were a little nervous about, but only in the day, not at night, and Lin was always there to guide us. You sometimes need that reassurance from an expert that you both trust and like.

We have recommended Lin to lots of friends already through word of mouth. We could not praise her enough; she is a wonderful person and a lifesaver. We will just have to make sure she’s free if we have another child!

Ian, Claire, Theodore, Harrison & Hayley MAY 2016

Lin changed our lives

Ian's Testimonial

"We’ve gone from 3 children waking multiple times throughout the night to all three sleeping through for 12 hours, all in bed by 7pm so we have our evenings back!

The twins are more settled, our toddler is happier and we as parents feel fresh every morning ready to tackle the days activities.

Ellie's Testimonial:

We were breaking....3 children under 18 months, none of whom were sleeping at the same time or particularly happy when awake...

We needed help, we were sleep deprived beyond belief - trying to run a business, my husband was going to work on caffeine and I was at home with 3 young children (4 month old twin girls and 18 month old energetic son) who played tag-team all day/night. We hired an Au Pair to help us in our crisis who was our guardian angel, but Lin changed our lives.

Lin was recommended to us via a friend of a friend. When I read the testimonial this family had written - I cried.... I was jealous of what this family had achieved; children sleeping 12 hours at night and a routine that worked for all of the family during the day.

Lin took us under her wing and changed our lives.

Within 3 days our 18 month old son who had been waking at 5am ready to start his day (all be it, incredibly over-tired) for the previous 6 months, was sleeping to past 7am from 6pm the night before AND was also sleeping IN HIS COT during the day; which was something we had fallen out of habit of doing and he was only napping in his buggy during the day, which was extremely difficult to manage when his twin sisters came along!

Lin advised us EVERY step along the way of what we needed to do to achieve our ultimate goal, which was to have all 3 children sleeping through the night and to have a simultaneous nap time during the day so I could work/have some "me time".

Lin was there to re-assure me of the behaviours we were experiencing were perfectly normal and all small steps to changing of our lives for the long term. Twins was never going to be easy - but Lin ensured that we didn't make it any harder than it needed to be, and worked with us to get them BOTH sleeping and eating at the same time, something we couldn't do by ourselves.

Lin's knowledge is not just about sleep - she is a texting encyclopaedia about nappy rash, introducing solids, teething, expressing, babies struggling with colds, breast-feeding and enhancing milk supply to name a few things and suggested the most natural remedies where possible.

Even after we had officially stopped working with Lin - we still receive messages asking how the children are and she is spookily intuitive, she will often text when things aren't quite going to plan (mainly because I've failed to follow her words of wisdom) and she will get us back on the straight and narrow.

We now have 3 happy children who know their routine, sleep 12 hours a night whom have 2 happy parents who can plan their days around happy children - Lin changed our lives.

Ian & Ellie May 2016

I was put in touch with Lin through a friend as I was at the end of my tether with lack of sleep. My youngest had been a fantastic sleeper until she was about 10 months and then suddenly woke up to the world. She would be awake for a couple of hours a night and then waking up at 5am. I could not function! Lin came along and thank goodness she did. Within four weeks she was sleeping through the night again and staying in bed until 8am, yes you did read that right, 8am. Life changing and I will be forever grateful to Lin for everything. Nothing is too much trouble and we are still in touch now.

Lucy July 2016

I was recommended Lin by a friend of mine when I was starting to loose hope of a full night's sleep.

My daughter was approaching her first firstly and had been sleeping 2-3h stretches at night and next to nothing during the day, she wasn't taking the bottle and wasn't responding to any of my weaning attempts. Our family was fragmented and exhausted as a result.

and then I spoke to Lin. Her kind, soothing almost manner immediately made me feel that I was in good hands. She assured me that we will be able to get through this if we follow her plan. And I trusted myself fully into her hands at that point. It felt great to have the decision making removed from you, to follow someone's lead and be supported along the way. Lin guided me through days sometimes minute by minute! she was extremely supportive and it felt like she was always two steps ahead and knew exactly what to do next - so my confidence grew every day!

In a couple of days I saw the result, then in a couple of weeks my husband moved back in to the bedroom from the spare room, then a little later - my daughter took the bottle and had her first solid meal with gusto! Now my daughter sleeps through the night, has a good daytime nap, eats three meals a day and most important of all - she is a happy, content, well rested and just full of joy baby. And I am no longer exhausted and am finally enjoying being a mother! I can not thank Lin enough for what she had done for our family and I would thoroughly recommend her amazing service to any parent out there who wants to establish solid sleeping habits for their children. After all, sleep is crucial to children's development!

Karina October 2016

We were literally at breaking point with our 6 month old - day time sleeps were either short cat naps of 40mins or less and night times consisted of a minimum of 6 wake ups per night, sometimes as bad as 12. Then we found Lin, not only is she the most lovely, calm, caring person I have ever met but she transformed our 6 month old within days of working with her.

Our 6 month began sleeping through the night and his 2 daytime naps made him well rested and happy during the day. He now smiles all the time, loves playing and is so much fun to be around.

It was really hard work, particularly the first 5 days but Lin's constant support, encouragement and advice ensured I got though it.

Lin really has transformed our lives, something we shall forever be so grateful for. We are even considering a third child, Lin is that good!!

Lucy November 2016

“Being a new mum is hard. I knew that before we started. This being our first, I have no reference point to compare to which initially makes me reluctant to say it was all down to Lin but the sheer volume of people who seem genuinely amazed (and not a little envious) at what a good sleeper Gil is leaves me in no doubt that she worked her magic on us alright. She comes with huge experience, that much is clear when you first speak to her and an intuition that frankly seems downright spooky at times.

There are so many ways to tackle the first few months of a baby’s life and as a new mum you’ll hear contrasting advice and opinions from everywhere you turn so it was amazing to have such a skilled operator that you can trust on the end of the phone pretty much whenever you need her guiding you gently through it. Gil is now a happy little 4 month old who sleeps from 8pm - 8am (almost) every night. My boyfriend and I get to see each other every evening for dinner and, most importantly of all, a good night’s sleep. Put your trust in her and you won’t go wrong. It makes for a happy home and you can’t put a price on that. Thank you, Lin."

Clare December 2016

Working with Lin was fantastic. She gave us the confidence to cut out our 9 month old baby's dream feed and other night feeds, and was always on hand for reassurance and troubleshooting when we needed her. She is very intuitive and seemed to just know what our baby needed- a true baby whisperer! We now have a happier baby and a more relaxed home environment. I can't recommend her enough- thanks Lin!

Yasmin x December 2016

Lin was recommended to us by a friend when our daughter was 10 months and we had all hit rock bottom in the sleep stakes. Our baby girl had been waking every 2 hours or less since her early weeks and we were feeding/ walking and rocking her to sleep day and night. We were finding it difficult to function. I immediately warmed to Lin when I spoke to her and she assured me that she would have our daughter sleeping through the night within 3 or 4 weeks. I didn't believe it at the time but sure enough she was true to her word and we are all now enjoying 12 hours of blissful sleep. The process of controlled crying was a very difficult one but Lin's advice, experience and reassurance got us through it. She is extremely knowledgeable and helped me with breastfeeding advice, weaning and teething issues. She seems to have a sixth sense as she always contacted me when I needed her support. We can't thank her enough for all that she has done for us, she is a wonderful, caring lady and I know that I'll be able to turn to her with any baby questions that I have in the future.

Clair, Jerry and Fern xxx March 2017

Will , our third child was born with a leaky gut and had loads of allergies. He reacted to all sorts of food and so for 18months he just didn't sleep. My husband and I both worked and had reached breaking point as Will, was waking up every hour and we had him permanently in our bed just to get some sleep. I also didn't have the confidence to let him cry it out as thought he was in pain. My husband and I never seemed to get our evenings as will was up an hour after we put him down and we were constantly passing ships in the night as the other two children kept coming into our bed. Total hell!

A friend told me about Lin and our lives were totally transformed when Lin started working with us. The one thing that really impressed me about Lin was the fact that she didn't fixate on reflux or drugs etc as most sleep experts do and was all for doing it the natural way. She was with us every step of the way. The first week was tough as will had to learn how to get himself to sleep but after that he started sleeping through the night and we had to actually wake him up at 8am. We have never looked back and will sleeps now from 6pm to 7.30am/8am every night. Lin also sorted out our two children out as well which was amazing. They now never come into our bed. My husband and I have now got our evenings back and finally some sleep! I would highly recommend Lin to anyone with a sleepless child. She is worth every penny.

Becky Xxx April 2017

We had worked with Lin when we had our first baby - and it had been fantastic. With the second child, we contemplated going alone and saving ourselves some expense. We are so glad we did not. Lin was stunningly brilliant again - we have a healthy and happy baby who slept for 12 hours through the night within three months. Lin’s routine is more effective in getting your baby to sleep than anybody else I have come across, but the real value over-and-above implementing a routine is that she gave us confidence and enabled us to enjoy the first few weeks, rather than just get through it. She is constantly on-hand, works unbelievably hard, is incredibly knowledgeable and perceptive about what might be happening to your baby - but most of all it is fun having Lin involved and great to feel that Lin is on one’s team - we knew that she would crack it for us, and we had a lovely time whilst we were at it.

Charles & Meg May 2017

One of the first calls I made, once I found out I was pregnant was to Lin.

Having helped me enormously with my daughter a few years earlier (from about 7 weeks old) I knew that I couldn't do it without her.

I can safely say that as anticipated Lin was everything and more and we cannot thank her enough.

Lin was on call daily guiding us through changing routines, questions, doubts and the never ending unforseens that come with newborn babies. Ludo was quite a sicky baby- something that I was not used to and it could be quite alarming. Lin was always on the other end of the phone with advice and soothing words. She has an innate understanding of what Ludo needed, when I needed a confidence boost or just a friendly chat. With Lin's routine you always feel like you are going forwards and before you know it you have a happy little baby, who sleeps well and enjoys his food.

The most important thing for me, that I take away from working with Lin is how many lovely memories I have from the newborn baby stage. Lin took away all the anxious 'what happens next, what if this happens, what if he doesn't do this?' questions which left my husband and I to enjoy our little bundle.

Thank you Lin. We have two content children who sleep well and laugh a lot all thanks to you! Please do call me if you have any questions or queries.

Martina May 2017

All I can say is thank god I found Lin Elderkin! My husband and I were starting to give up hope of ever having a good night's sleep again. At almost 10 months, our son Joshua was sleeping in our bed and waking for two feeds every night without fail.

After reading Lin's reviews I just had to call her. She was so calm, confident and reassuring that I immediately called my husband and told him we had to try this. Convincing him that Lin would manage to get our baby to sleep through the night without her even meeting him proved very difficult. After two more sleepless nights however, he admitted defeat and agreed.

We started the programme with Lin on a Monday morning. She was so friendly and knowledgable throughout the day that I already had a good feeling. By the next morning, Joshua had spent his first full night in his cot, and we had all had the best night sleep we had had in months. We couldn't believe the improvement was so immediate.

As the days went on, Joshua's routine went from strength to strength as did my relationship with Lin. I looked forward to her calls and words of advice and encouragement each day. Now that we are at the end of the three week programme, our lives have completely changed. The three of us are getting a solid night's sleep every night, Joshua is so much happier throughout the day and my husband and I have got our evenings back. We can even go out for an evening meal with Joshua sleeping through it in his buggy!

Needless to say, my husband is now Lin's biggest fan! Thanks to her we have our lives and our sanity back!

Rachel + Dan May 2017

I wish I had got in touch with Lin sooner as

working with her has honestly transformed my life! When I

got in touch with her I was completely exhausted and not

sure how many more sleepless nights I could take. I have 3

boys and my younger two were born very close together and

both were terrible sleepers. It was my own fault, going in

at every noise terrified they would wake each other up. The

result was two boys age 16 months and 2 1/2 that woke 2-3

times a night and woke up for the day at 5am. This had been

the case for as long as I could remember.

I was was given Lin's number by a

friend who had used her before and knew of other families

Lin had helped with toddlers rather than babies. I called

Lin after an awful night when I was up about 5 times and she

told me that within 3 weeks she would have them sleeping

well and I could start getting my life back. I was excited

at the prospect but also worried as we were going on holiday

10 days later so I suggested we start when we got back a few

weeks later. Lin's response was 'Do you actually want a

holiday? If we start now the boys will be sleeping by the

time you go away and you can actually enjoy your

holiday'. I loved this response and we started a

couple of days later and she was absolutely right by the

time we went away they are sleeping beautifully!

The first week was pretty intense as

the boys caught up on sleep they had been missing out on for

months, but after about 4 or 5 days they were both sleeping

through the night, as well as having good long naps during

the day.

In addition to this they were and are

both much happier in themselves which means I am much

happier too. After a few weeks I too started sleeping

through the night!

Lin is really great to work with. She

clearly knows what she's doing and is there 100% to support

you as you work together. Lin We can't thank you enough, you

truly are amazing!

Kim 30th August 2017

To us Lin is amazing and we wouldn't hesitate recommending her to anyone. However we would also say that you have to work with Lin and follow her guidance if you want to make progress. Lin is very experienced and completely genuine. Within 4 weeks our son was consistently sleeping through the night. He is now almost 5 months old and still continues to sleep 12 hours every night without waking. We are also of the view that he is a much happier and content baby, ever since he moved to a structured routine. To this day Lin still checks in on our progress and is now giving us advice on weaning our son.

Warm regards

Ian 25th November 2017

It’s difficult to know what life would be like without Lin’s help with my babies as, frankly, I wouldn’t be so foolish as to try it! Lin has just finished working her magic on my second son. She had him sleeping through the night by 9.5 weeks and yet again has more than proved her worth. From day one, she is amazingly supportive and reassuring especially in those fretful early days of no sleep and abject tiredness all round. I now have two babies under 15 months who sleep beautifully together in the same room. She affectionately refers to her charges as 'Lin Babies’ and I can tell you that you can spot a 'Lin Baby', and a 'Lin Parent' for that matter, a mile off. They’re the ones smiling and well slept. We already miss you, Lin and THANK YOU for everything. xx

Clare 29th November 2017

Sleep deprived? Got a child sleeping in your

> bed who should be sleeping in their bed and wakes up earlier

> than the “early-worm”


> We were in that state for 6months+.....

> We thought we could fix it ourselves, we tried but we

> failed.


> We knew we needed Lin’s help

> again.... Lin is ingenious....within 2 weeks we had everyone

> sleeping in their own beds all night and staying there until

> 7.15am from 6/6.15pm the night prior.


> Lin is there every step of the way -

> when the going gets tough and you want to cave in to your

> old “not so good” habits Lin won’t let this

> happen....


> It’s the best Christmas present Ian

> & I have ever bought each other - Lin’s time and

> advice, but ultimately SLEEP and happier children.

Ian & Ellie December 2017

Having worked with Lin first in 2011 for our eldest son, it made perfect sense to go back to our wonderful ‘sleep nanny’ when we were blessed with the arrival of Sophia last summer. Lin worked her magic with Alfie who has been a regular 7pm-7am sleeper from the age of four months. Lin does a super job and knows babies inside out. She’s very approachable and puts you at ease even when you think there’s no hope or when you think ‘this surely is not going to work’ but it does you just have to persevere and be patient and good things will come. Even after we finished working with Lin she always makes a conscious effort to check on you to see how things are going so her service doesn’t just stop when your week comes to an end.

Sophia has posed a different set of challenges from Alfie – all babies are different after all – and Lin is just the person that you want at the end of the phone. Yes, she does all her work over the phone, hard to believe that we’ve never met but she feels like part of the family.

Give her a go you won’t regret it...

Eleni & Steve January 2018

Lin is one of the most giving person I know and she has an amazing gift of intuition with babies. She has helped me with mine since they were 8 weeks old and waking at least twice overnight. By 12 weeks, they were in bed from 7pm-7am, and I had my nights back to myself. Happy mum, happy babies! I'll have to admit, those 4 weeks of sleep training wasn't easy, but Lin was always on hand, guiding and supporting lovingly every step of the way. Looking back, I don't think I could have coped as well as I did without Lin on the other end of the phone. Lin's support goes beyond that of a sleep trainer - the number of times she's reached out to me, knowing exactly when I needed help without me asking, was uncanny! She was there for me through sleep training, weaning and beyond. We are so blessed to have had Lin in our lives, she goes above and beyond to help you when you need it most. Yes, given I have never met Lin, it is quite incredible that she had such a huge impact on our lives, and she feels almost like family to me.

If you are reading this review and considering hiring Lin, do yourself a massive favour and get in touch with her immediately! This lady will give you back your nights and sanity

Beatrice February 2018

Last time i went to work from maternity leave i was a zombie - totally exhausted from my eldest waking up three or four times a night and at 5:30 every morning. Thanks to Lin this time i will be back with my youngest sleeping happily from 6:30 in the evening to 7:30 in the morning and having good naps in the day. Lin gave us support , reassurance and confidence to get Iris in the good routine and sleeping well and our our whole family has benefited. Lin is a lovely lady with a wealth of experience to draw on and i could not recommend her more.

Milly X April 2018

"We worked with Lin when our first son was very small, and at 14 weeks, he slept through the night – a total godsend as I was suffering with a debilitating autoimmune condition at the time. Ever since then (he’s now 6) he has been a brilliant sleeper – to the envy of all our friends, who just branded him ‘a good sleeper’. (He still has occasional naps, never grumbles about going to bed, dozes in the car on long journeys). They all warned us that our next child would be totally different and probably a ‘bad sleeper’. Working with Lin had taught us otherwise.

When we had our second son 5 years later, my health was much better and I was able to cope with the sleepless nights, so we decided not to ‘sleep train’ immediately. He slept through the night from about 4 months for most of the time. But from about 1 year old he began to wake earlier and earlier, have weeks when he would wake 2-3 times a night needing milk, and would shriek and shriek, waking our eldest up – it was totally unpredictable. Our friends looked smug.

So we turned to Lin again (Alexi was 18 months at this point), with the goal of getting him to sleep regularly from 6.30pm-7am with no night wakings. Within 2 days the night waking had stopped, and after 2 weeks he was waking between 7 and 7.30. Total heaven. More than that, he is a much happier little boy, less shriek-y, his communication has come on massively, and he’s eating better too. As ever, Lin’s diagnosis that he was chronically overtired was spot on. She was always on hand to talk through any tricky patches, understood that family life can be unpredictable and worked the routine around our school run and other commitments.

Both my husband and I are adamant that it’s the best investment you can make for your (and your family’s) health & sanity – in a strange way I’m so glad we got to work with her again!"

Jules & Richard x May 2018

I contacted Lin when I was literally on my knees through lack of sleep. My 4 year old had always been a very good sleeper, reliably going from 7pm to 7am every day until she suddenly started waking earlier and earlier. She then refused to go to sleep on her own, came into my bed and woke throughout the night screaming and crying. During the day she was tired, emotional and not eating properly (as was I!). Within a few days Lin had her sleeping from 6pm until 7am in her own bed. I have my evenings and sanity back and my daughter is happy, confident, enthusiastic and energetic.

Lin has gone above and beyond. I really can't thank her enough for all she has done. Nothing is too much trouble and she has offered a wealth of advice on a variety of different subjects. She doesn't judge and totally understands the complexities of family life. Lin has now taken on the challenge of my 2 year old who has decided to get up at 5.30am every day and empty all her cupboards. I have every confidence that Lin will work her magic within a few days.

Although I haven't met Lin I feel as though she is almost a member of the family and my daughter refers to her as 'mummy's friend Lin' and is so pleased when Lin tells her how well she is doing. I would highly recommend Lin to anyone who values their child's and their own sleep.

Faye June 2018

Having worked with Lin first in 2011 for our eldest son, it made perfect sense to go back to our wonderful ‘sleep nanny’ when we were blessed with the arrival of Sophia last summer. Lin worked her magic with Alfie who has been a regular 7pm-7am sleeper from the age of four months. Lin does a super job and knows babies inside out. She’s very approachable and puts you at ease even when you think there’s no hope or when you think ‘this surely is not going to work’ but it does you just have to persevere and be patient and good things will come. Even after we finished working with Lin she always makes a conscious effort to check on you to see how things are going so her service doesn’t just stop when your week comes to an end.

Sophia has posed a different set of challenges from Alfie – all babies are different after all – and Lin is just the person that you want at the end of the phone. Yes, she does all her work over the phone, hard to believe that we’ve never met but she feels like part of the family.

Give her a go you won’t regret it...

Steve January 2019

Last time I went back to work from maternity leave I was a zombie - totally exhausted from my eldest waking up three or four times a night and at 5.30 every morning. Thanks to Lin this time I will be going back with my youngest sleeping happily from 6.30 in the evening to 7.30 in the morning and having good naps in the day. Lin gave us the support, reassurance and confidence to get Iris in the good routine and sleeping well, and our whole family has benefited. She is a lovely lady with with a wealth of experience to draw on and I could not recommend her more.

Love from Milly x September 2019

Lin came as a recommendation from a friend. Being a single parent, having very premature twins and going through a divorce, the last thing I needed was my two year old twins waking earlier and earlier. I had always had a pretty good routine with them, but when 4.30/5am starts were becoming the norm, I knew I had to do something. I called Lin. Right from the start Lin was very honest with me that I needed to work with her to make it work, so I did. Lin gave me clear step by step instructions throughout the day, this in itself was quite comforting for me, because I didn’t have to think too much. Before long, the twins were sleeping from 6-7 regularly, and still are! Some mornings it can be 8am, which just makes the world of difference to your sanity. I have also noticed the twins are eating really well, and friends have commented that they don’t seem so wound up, or probably as I know now, overtired. Just as I came to the end of my sleep training with Lin, one of the twins decided to climb out of his cot, so I decided to re-instate Lin to guide me through this. Again, a very calm, practical approach and a very happy little boy who now sleeps in his cot bed or “big boys bed” as we call it. Lin was extremely supportive and kind to me, and very intuitive, I really wish I had called her earlier. I most definitely won’t hesitate to call her in the future should the need arise. It is literally the best money I have ever spent. Thank you Lin.

Hannah March 2020

I was recommended Lin by a friend of mine when I was starting to loose hope of a full night's sleep.

My daughter was approaching her first firstly and had been sleeping 2-3h stretches at night and next to nothing during the day, she wasn't taking the bottle and wasn't responding to any of my weaning attempts. Our family was fragmented and exhausted as a result.

and then I spoke to Lin. Her kind, soothing almost manner immediately made me feel that I was in good hands. She assured me that we will be able to get through this if we follow her plan. And I trusted myself fully into her hands at that point. It felt great to have the decision making removed from you, to follow someone's lead and be supported along the way. Lin guided me through days sometimes minute by minute! she was extremely supportive and it felt like she was always two steps ahead and knew exactly what to do next - so my confidence grew every day!

In a couple of days I saw the result, then in a couple of weeks my husband moved back in to the bedroom from the spare room, then a little later - my daughter took the bottle and had her first solid meal with gusto! Now my daughter sleeps through the night, has a good daytime nap, eats three meals a day and most important of all - she is a happy, content, well rested and just full of joy baby. And I am no longer exhausted and am finally enjoying being a mother! I can not thank Lin enough for what she had done for our family and I would thoroughly recommend her amazing service to any parent out there who wants to establish solid sleeping habits for their children. After all, sleep is crucial to children's development!

Karina August 2020

When we first started with Lin, our daughter was 9 months old and although she was sleeping fairly well at night, she was waking up for the day very early (5am) and we had no proper routine for naps or meal times. She was also using a dummy and we were in and out to her replacing it when she couldn't. We had gotten into a routine of putting her down for a nap and if she wasn't falling asleep, we'd end up getting her up for an hour and trying again. This sometimes worked and sometimes didn't but it usually meant that most of the day was spent trying to get her to nap. We couldn't make any plans and found it pretty stressful when we did try to. She was being breastfed (although not for long each time) and was also eating four meals a day as she always seemed hungry. Having moved from Ireland to the UK and away from family and friends we were all at sea about how to best manage things. Enter Lin!

With Lin you immediately feel at ease as she exudes confidence which ends up being infectious. I have that same confidence now myself in the decisions I make for my daughter which is probably the best gift Lin has given me. She really is an expert in her field and having the knowledge to hand made everything seem so much more manageable.

On day one we gave up the dummy and while she cried, with Lin on hand to reassure us, it went fine, she even managed to sleep. We knew we were in safe hands. After just one week she was sleeping through the night until 6.30/7am and she was in a proper routine for meals and breastfeeds. As we were now breastfeeding and eating solids at the right times, she was breastfeeding much better too where previously she wasn't taking much. The process was hard at times but we felt we were seeing such great progress that kept us on track and we kept our faith in Lin. After 3 weeks her nighttime sleeping was great and she wasn't waking until 7.30am. Her naps were in a transition stage and so Lin stayed on with us for an additional 3 weeks to help us over that transition. I should also mention that she was teething a lot during this time which slowed progress a little but we were still delighted with where we were and the confidence we were feeling with the routine ourselves.

Soon she will be transitioning down to just one nap and I will be back in touch with Lin as I know she will help us through that stage with her usual reassuring ease and confidence. Since using Lins services, we've been able to relax ourselves in the evenings, knowing she'll sleep through until morning. Finding Lin has been such a blessing for us. I cannot recommend her services enough.

Kate, Richard and Sadie September 2020

I strongly recommend Lin’s amazing sleep training program.

Committing to sleep training for our son, who was 15 months during the training, has been by far the most significant decision that we have made for him and for ourselves ever since we became new parents. Good things don’t come easy, and a lot of hard work was required but it was truly worth it. Lin was there to guide us every step of the way to minutes. She is very professional and knowledgeable, yet very caring and reassuring when things get challenging. Our son, starting from 4-5 times of waking up each night with lots of difficulties to put him back to sleep to now a very good sleeper (13 hours at least every day!). He is also a lot more independent, confident and happy through out the day, also with much better appetite! We cannot thank Lin enough. This truly changed our lives. Thank you so much Lin!!

Lin was still giving out very useful tips after our son started to go back to nursery. And we are still using the tips and advises which Lin advised during and after the training!

Emily and Leo April 2021

Lin is the baby whisperer. She knows everything about babies and obviously takes great pride in her work and forms a bond with all her babies, even if she never gets to meet them. Her help has taken much of the stress out of having our first baby and saved us a lot of time trawling through google for answers. Its been a real luxury having someone to take us by the hand and guide us through the first few months of parenting. We wish we could keep her on the payroll permanently but sadly now the furious googling must begin.

Thanks for all your help, it really has saved us a lot of heartache and even if the little man isn't fully compliant on the 8am wakeup yet, he is infinitely more contented than he would have been otherwise.

All the very best,

Emily, Jens & Enzo May 2021


Lin has been absolutely amazing helping us with our 1 year and 3 year old’s sleep. We never thought we’d get back to normal nights but Lin did it! She was so supportive, understanding and intuitive and we couldn’t have asked for anyone better. She went above and beyond to make sure we could get the boys sleep sorted in time for a much-needed holiday, including helping through a period of sickness. We trusted her completely and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to anyone. She’s brilliant!

Emily July 2021