About Lindsey

Lindsey Blass is the Executive Director of Digital Learning for San Francisco Unified School District. Serving the largest, public, urban school district in the Bay Area, Lindsey develops systems and processes to leverage technology and learning environment design to promote academic and socio-emotional growth for all students, with an emphasis in leveraging technology and learning environment design to create personalized and inclusive learning environments. She designs for scale and sustainability, moving innovation beyond pockets to create systemic change.

As Adjunct Faculty for Krause Center for Innovation at Foothill College and a Google Certified Innovator, she is a leader in the field of educational technology. Lindsey is co-author of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) publication, Power Up Your Classroom: Reimagine Learning Through Gameplay. She is a sought after speaker on the topics of Personalized Learning, Mindset Shifts, and Gamification/Game-Based Learning and is the cofounder of #PlayPD, an unconference movement designed to leverage the power of gameplay to engage educators in designing innovative learning experiences.

Lindsey is the recipient of the 2020 CUE Technology Innovator of the Year Award, 2019 CoSN Next Generation Emerging Ed Tech Leader Award, and the 2018 ISTE Online Learning Award

She believes that learning should be FUN for both adult and student learners and strives to create dynamic and engaging experiences that inspire all students to be lifelong learners.

Lindsey is the recipient of the 2020 CUE Technology Innovator of the Year Award, 2019 CoSN Next Generation Emerging Ed Tech Leader Award, and the 2018 ISTE Online Learning Award

Contact Lindsey at lindseyblass@gmail.com or find her on Twitter or Linkedin.