

“Counteroffers and Efficiency in Competitive Labor Markets with Asymmetric Information,” Journal of Labor Economics, April 2005 Vol.   29 

"Wage Signaling: A Dynamic Model of Intrafirm Bargaining and Asymmetric Learning," International Economic Review, Aug 2009 Vol. 50

Estimating a Dynamic Adverse Selection Model: Labour Force Experience and the Changing Gender Earnings Gap,” with George-Levi Gayle, Review of Economic Studies,  Vol. 79(1) , January 2012, pp. 227-67

 Online Appendix: Estimating a Dynamic Adverse Selection Model: Labour Force Experience and the Changing Gender Earnings Gap, with George-Levi Gayle

"Experimentation and Job Choice” with Kate Antonovics, Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 30(2), April 2012, pp. 333-66

Gender Differences in Executive Compensation and Job Mobility,” with George-Levi Gayle and Robert A. Miller, Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 30(4), October 2012, pp. 829-71

Online Appendix-Gender Differences in Executive Compensation and Job Mobility, with George-Levi Gayle and Robert A. Miller, Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 30(4), October 2012,

``Competition, Managerial Slack, and Corporate Governance” with Christine Parlour and Uday Rajan, Review of Corporate Finance Studies, Vol 4(1), March 2015, pp 43-68                                                                                                                                 

"Promotion,Turnover and Compensation in the Executive Labor Market, Online Appendix, with George-Levi Gayle and Robert A. Miller, Econometrica, Vol 83(6), November 2015   

``Estimation of Dynastic Life-Cycle Discrete Choice Models” with George-Levi Gayle and Mehmet Soytas,  Quantitative Economics, 9.3 (2018) pp. 1195-1241.

 Online Appendix Estimation of Dynastic Life-Cycle Discrete Choice Models.  with George-Levi Gayle and Mehmet Soytas, Quantitative Economics,  Quantitative Economics, 9.3 (2018)  .

``What is the Source of the Intergenerational Correlation in Earnings " with George-Levi Gayle and Mehmet Soytas, Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 129 (2022) 

Working Papers

``What Accounts for the Racial Gap in Time Allocation and Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital?, with George-Levi Gayle and Mehmet Soytas, October 2014. R&R at the Journal of Political Economy (new version will be posted soon). Slides, revised version

Online Appendix What Accounts for the Racial Gap in Time Allocation and Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital, October 2014. With George-Levi Gayle and Mehmet Soytas

``Interlocked Executives, Inside Directors and Compensation" with  Andrea Flores, George-Levi Gayle and Robert Miller

“Learning, Job Assignment and the Racial Earnings Gap” with Jonathan James Carl Sanders (new version will be postes soon). Slides