Personal topic

Outside of research, I am interested in reaching out to others to share the good news of the gospel. I was a part of the International Graduate Student Ministry (IGSM), an official Christian campus group at UC Berkeley. Now, I am a faculty advisor of Koinonia Hsinchu, a registered student group at NYCU/NTHU. Below is an example of what we do. Feel free to check us out! 

I also love running. Below is a picture of Koinonia Hsinchu's half-marathon team in 2023.

In addition, we collaborated with Luke International to mail school supplies to Mzuzu City in Malawi in 2020 and 2021. Here is a news article on this event. If you are interested in this project or have any questions about what we do, please feel free to contact me:

Students in Malawi received school supplies from Berkeley IGSM (December 2020).

Students in Malawi received school supplies from NYCU/NTHU Koinonia Hsinchu (December 2021).

Students in Malawi received school supplies from NYCU/NTHU Koinonia Hsinchu (December 2022).

Students in Malawi received school supplies from NYCU/NTHU Koinonia Hsinchu (December 2023).