Inglés Conversacional


This guide Innovation Workshop is a form of learning according to a constructivist, where students through the active exchange with their environment to achieve unfold according to the context where they are at certain times and spaces of life, supporting model of the social, cultural. Where they can be combined and shaped in many ways "in this case how best to combine the skills of students with their skills and abilities in the management of advanced technological tools that allow you to prepare and be competent in today's society, development is both intellectual and technological domain.


1. Get active learning and a dynamic use of media such as email and linings internal discussion in English.

2. Achieve maximum seizure of vocabulary and their uses in English.

3. Tapping the creativity of the student in the English language.

4. Make presentations on different situations learned in the workshops.

5. Making the most of technological resources of the institution.

6. Promoting active learning where students take risks, be independent, trust yourself and be able to organize with little supervision.


1. Integration of students and in turn technology resources as an integral part of teaching and learning processes.

2. Optimizing the management of vocabulary in English language according to its different uses and contexts.

3. Maximum use of Software that we have in the institution for the interactive teaching of English

4. Conversion of technological resources in innovative tools for teaching English

Time Distribution


Get a Better performance of the teaching hours of our students, as scientific studies show about it, without any doubt that students gain a greater advantage in the continuing journey in the game. And while offering students the opportunity to develop skills and attitudes that foster their comprehensive development, to maximize facilities and resources, materials to the Center, involving the whole school community in school activities and channeling Center all contributions of each to the benefit of further educationof all students.