
Research Interest

I am interested in designing effective machine learning models and computationally efficient algorithms to address the challenge of analyzing large volume of data and solve complex systems with limited computational resources. 


Students at Lehman College

I am a mentor in the LSAMP program. In particular, I am looking for mentoring students who plan to apply for graduate schools after receiving bachelor's degree.

Ph.D. students

Haripriya Chakraborty (Fall 2017 - Spring 2021

Heng Li (Fall 2023 - now)


PSC CUNY Award Cycle 50: Randomized Wavelet-Hadamard Transform as a Dimensionality Reduction Tool

PSC CUNY Award Cycle 51: Efficient CUR Matrix Decomposition via Relative-Error Double-Sided Least Squares Solving

NYC Tech 2x Course Innovation Grant 2022: Trustworthy Machine Learing

NYC Tech 2x Experiential Learning Grant 2023

NYC Tech 2x Course Innovation Grant 2022: Big Data Analytics in Cloud Computing