Geospatial Air Quality Research

Air pollution poses adverse consequences for human health and the environment in urban areas. Among all types of ecosystems, urban ecosystems manifest the greatest degree of heterogeneity in the spatio-temporal patterns of pollutant concentrations. We are conducing geospatial air quality research in several cities to generate knowledge for air pollution-health outcomes and to improve city-scale pollution prediction capacities through an integrated personal monitoring, regional-scale mapping, and multidisciplinary modeling framework. 

Funding agency: National Science Foundation 

Project: Patterns and Drivers of Intra-Urban Heat and Pollution Island Interactions

PI: Dr. Lu Liang 

CO-PI:  Dr. Alexandra Ponette, Dr. Leiqiu Hu 

Funding agency: National Geographic

PI: Dr. Kelly Albus (Texas A&M)

CO-PI:  Dr. Lu Liang 

Funding agency: TexasView

PI: Dr. Lu Liang

Funding agency: City of Lewisville

PI: Dr. Lauren Fisher

CO-PI:  Dr. Lu Liang